Inserts an awl made from fragments of Ascalon into the narrow gap of wrath.

– Graaa! Ascalonr That damn sword!

However, the length was too short to reach the boy’s heart.

However, artifacts in this world are one of the materials that have excellent mana and aura conductivity.

“right. Right now it’s just a skewer, but in the end you’ll be stabbed to death by these chopstick-like sticks.”

As it is, the length is explosively increased by concentrating the aura using the skewer as a medium.

What he aims for is the deepest part of his chest where his heart is.

The technology that I conjure up in my head is one of the pinnacles of Aura technology.

It was Dokya Cheongcheong (獨也靑靑), one of Kwak Chun-sik’s original techniques.

-Krrra! stop! stop!

The aura that surged from the awl that had dug into the guy’s body began to mercilessly hack his insides.

Where is the Dragon Heart? How many times have I stabbed his heart, but I don’t know where.


You feel something breaking on your fingertips.



Unlike the peers I’ve heard so far, it’s a scream that sounds like it’s really suffering.

The sky as well as the ground begin to tremble at that gigantic sound. Then, a huge body that slowly loses strength and collapses.

-dauðlegur. Ég skal bölva þér.

The guy who quietly recited that before he died.

At the same time, the purple magic that protrudes from his wounds rushes towards me.

[‘Aegis Clock’ activates.]

[Successfully blocks the attack.]

Immediately, a new blue shield is formed, and at the same time, the attack aimed at me disappears.

“Curse it.”

Took. and kick the guy’s corpse.

“If you’re going to search, search carefully.”

A raid boss mob that has terrorized Jeju Island for decades. It was the end of Fafnir.

“Bishop… … Could it be that we really killed Fafnir—”

“Father John. don’t say a word Because I think I will be resurrected because of you.”

“… … Yes?”

John looked on with an expression of incomprehension, but Fafnir really died, despite the bishop’s concerns.

To the mortals he had so neglected.

And this fact was proved by the system window that popped up in front of me.

【Hidden quest complete!】

[You have succeeded in clearing the hidden quest 「Salvation of Jeju Island」.

[A nightmare in Jeju Island. You have succeeded in defeating the evil dragon Fafnir.]

[Compensation is paid according to the contribution.]

[A new narrative imprint is formed.]

[(N) narrative imprint]

[Achievement: Obtain 「Dragon Slayer」!]

[Special rewards are given!]

[Attribute: Obtain 「Dragon Slayer」!]

【Dragon Slayer】

[One. Dragon Slayer – Deals 3x damage to dragons only.]

[2. Death Terror – You have succeeded in killing an immortal. Those who do not know the concept of death feel fear from you.]

[3. The hero of the myth – the one who defeated the dragon. You are writing a new myth. Greatly raises rank and gains strong resistance from status ailments.]

“Hasn’t anything changed much?”

Confirming that the Dragon Slayer effects I remembered were written down, I nodded and looked at Fafnir, now a corpse.

“Well, if this is a reward, it will be a reward.”

The dragon’s corpse.

It could be seen as the world’s best materials that had never been released in the world yet.

“you. It’s Saber Cloud, right?”

Hearing a voice coming from behind, he turned his head and saw the bishop’s face with surprised eyes.

“yes? what is that… … ah.”

When I touch my face inadvertently, an aura that I can no longer feel.

It seemed that even the [clown-style makeup] that had been put on her face during the brawl had disappeared.

“… … I wrote your name for now.”

“That face… … And just to that non-violent aura. hopefully you Are you Carlione’s child?”

Was my face that much like my father’s?

A bishop who infers my identity at once with little information.

After concluding that I don’t need to hide it any longer, considering my relationship with her and my current situation, I thoughtlessly nodded my head.

“right. Eugene Han Callione. That’s my real name.”

“And our aura master. You are the disciple of Master Kwak Chun-shik!”

The man who was receiving treatment from behind jumped up and shouted, as if hiding my identity had been so frustrating.

Only then did the bishop nod as if he understood everything.

“Aha? So ‘that’ Cheongya Tea Workshop came to help us? That’s because their hierarchy is higher than ours.”

As a Catholic, she also nods with an expression of understanding.

Well, I think it’s unconventional to see that she, who was originally a nun, was designated as a bishop because she had a good rapport with holy relics, but… … .

When I recall the time I played ‘The Immortal Panty Paladins’, there was definitely a lot of hierarchy.

“Now, then, I was thinking of setting up a compensation plan based on the contribution to the raid. Anyone with an objection?”

While talking like that, I looked at the two representatives of each faction.

“It wouldn’t be bad if it was sorted out later… … Because I want to quickly organize and rest. I do not care.”

“I don’t care either. Sasuk.”

“Then let’s talk right here.”

Here’s what I suggested to them.

The dragon’s corpse is me.

In the Cheongya Tea Workshop, an exclusive contract with Carlione will be awarded in the future.

In Halla Cathedral… … .

“Catholic primacy over all of Jeju Island?”

“right. Now that Fafnir, the troublemaker of Jeju Island, is gone, the Korean government will do all sorts of dirty tricks to take over Jeju Island. But I have no intention of handing it over to them.”

“You have no intention of passing over Jeju Island?”

Showing her a briefcase inside the cube, she was puzzled.

“I bought most of the land in Jeju Island, which was cheap. Originally, the land should not have been traded as a national territory, but it was sold all thanks to Fafnir? Baeknokdam, where we stand now, is also my land.”

Since I was talking calmly, the bishop looked at me with his mouth wide open.

“You were sure that you could kill Fafnir unconditionally.”

“yes? of course.”

If I thought I couldn’t do it in the first place, I would have tried after I got stronger.

It was a decision made because I judged that it was possible enough with my current specs and abilities.

“But I think that alone is too salty… … It’s about dealing with Fafnir, nothing else. that you used… … You haven’t forgotten that even weapons like chopsticks are made of Ascalon, right?”

“I think the story ended with strengthening Ascalon. Still, there’s some truth in what you’re saying. Surely this alone seems a little lacking, doesn’t it?”

So, I showed her the compensation plan I prepared last night.

“Carlione will support the children at Halla Cathedral until they reach adulthood. Of course, I will not use the name Carlione and apply under the name of another company, but… … Still, we help children learn in the best facilities in the world.”

To be clear, this was not a bad condition for the church.

In the first place, isn’t it the children of Halla Catholic Church who value children the most?

It was because most of the discomfort of children who had grown up having to come and go hard for school and endured discrimination disappeared.

Even these are children who grew up in Jeju Island, full of magic thanks to Fafnir’s creation of Rare.

Ever since Fafnir created Rare, Jeju Island, which has always been full of magic, was the best environment for awakening just by living there.

‘Such children become Awoken, and it would be beneficial if they had a stake in it.’

Even in the cathedral, it was clear that it was an offer that could not be refused considering the astronomical amount required to foster an awakened person.

“Besides… … Haven’t you forgotten where this place is?”

I stretched out my arms and looked around.

“You haven’t even checked his rarity yet, have you? Wouldn’t it be great to share what’s there?”

Cheongyacha Workshop is a chance to challenge new heights by making equipment with overflowing dragon byproducts.

The cathedral has a stable future for children and influence throughout Jeju Island.

And for me the dragon’s corpse.

“You think this is a good deal for all of us?”

And I was sure everyone would agree to my proposal.

* * *

“Bishop! Oh… … Seed?”

After the Fafnir Raid.

When we headed to the lava cave where the children and apprentices were, we could see the children already outside and waiting for us.

“what? The clothes are obviously from an uncle… … Yes?”

“brother! Uncle, where did you go?”

“Are you dead?”

Seeing the children panicking without adapting to my face made me laugh without even realizing it.

“If you are uncle. this person?”

Saying that with a playful expression and changing her face with [clown-style makeup], the children shouted ‘Tteak!’ scream and scream

“The handsome older brother has become an uncle!”


“Your uncle isn’t dead?!”

Only then did the children run up to me with happy expressions on their faces.

“How come the kids seem to like you more than me, the bishop?”

Seeing that, the bishop grumbled with his protruding mouth.

“Well, it’s me, because I have a face that kids like.”

In fact, all the kids who have seen me up until now have liked me.

“Oh, Jeanne. I’ll return this here.”

I carefully take out the rosary from my pocket and give it back to Jeanne, who is clinging to my right leg.

“I was able to win thanks to Jeanne’s rosary. thanks.”

Jeanne calmly stroked my hair after receiving the rosary I handed over.

“lol. What a relief. mister. No, should I call you brother?”

He continues to stroke Jeanne’s head, who is confused, and observes the condition of the children and apprentices.

They look fine without any scars.

“Didn’t another group come and play a game or something?”

“Yes? Ah yes!”

An apprentice who took a question from me and took a dressing up posture.

“In the middle, a group of raiders who seemed to be defeated passed near the cave, but it was no big deal! Daesuk!”

… … It’s an ambassador’s residence.

It’s an unfamiliar title no matter how many times I hear it, but well, it feels good.

At that time, Sister Maria and the other party who had been scouting the surroundings returned.

“Mr. Cloud. As expected, the other factions seem to have mostly disintegrated after the battle with the monsters. It seems that they are going back to their respective bases, leaving some parts behind, perhaps to reorganize.”

“Then you don’t have to worry. As I said, the others can just die and get some rest.”

Dealing with the remnants wasn’t too difficult.

After processing Fafnir, I was able to use satellite phone again in Jeju Island. It was because I had contacted Carlione and asked Jeju Island to follow up.

Perhaps, when the main unit arrives, won’t it be sorted out within one day?

“Sister Maria! Please talk about Hallasan!”

“Did you really kill a dragon with chopsticks?”

“Are you very strong with dragons?”

“Did Sister Maria fight a dragon too?”

Even though there was such a big deal, the children were not afraid at all and smiled innocently.

Sister Maria grinned, held the children’s hands, and slowly walked towards the bus.

“Come on, let’s go to the bus and talk about the details. chopsticks? of course. Cloud was amazing! So what happened up there… … .”

… … Well, I’ve proven that I’m not a liar, so if it’s a good thing, it’s a good thing.

While thinking about that, I was slowly walking towards the bus.


As if the radio waves had finally started to work, texts and messages that had been pushed in front of my eyes began to emerge.

and among them. There was something that caught my attention the most… … .

[Calendar Alarm]

[Midterm D-day 3]


exam. I forgot.

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