[Hidden achievement achieved!]

[Achievement: Obtain 「With overwhelming power!」

[Successfully surpassed 10,000 points on the power machine in the fitness test!]

[The instructor is amazed at your power!]

[Special rewards are given!]

[Physical strength increases!]

The power that seems to fill the whole body… … I didn’t even have to say that. Although I was satisfied.

Instead, I feel the gaze of the instructor and the children around me, who seem to be astonished.

Although you can enjoy it a little more.

“thank you for your effort. Then I will go.”

“uh… … yes.”

I moved right away. The sooner you finish, the more you can rest.

I need to finish it soon. Do I need to waste my time?

There is only one thing left, a speed test.

And the instructor in charge… … .

“ha ha ha!”

Ji Soo-hyun is making unpredictable attacks in a small field.

For some reason, the expression on his face was very happy.

The speed test focuses on reflexes and evasion, so it’s not a bad edge… … .

“yes? what. Why did you come here without doing anything else?”

Ji Soo-hyun asked with a surprised expression on her face, wondering if she hadn’t thought that I’d been to another place since I was so fine.

“This is the end.”

“Huh? Is this the last one? It looks like it ended really quickly.”

“I am a bit tired. Can I make a quick request?”

At my words, the corners of Ji Soo-hyun’s mouth go up.

“quickly? really?”


At my words, Ji Soo-hyun snapped her fingers and formed a small field.

“You just have to go inside and hold out for 3 minutes, no, 1 minute.”

“… … One minute?”

“then. not really If you hold out for one minute, I’ll give you the highest score. Or do you want me to be normal like the other kids?”

“One minute please.”


Entering the field made by Ji Soo-hyun, I reflect on what she said.

The condition is to hold out for 1 minute.

This meant avoiding or blocking was also included.

then… … Wouldn’t that be much simpler?

-Now, are you ready?

Her voice heard in the field.

Outside of the field, I saw Ji Soo-hyun smiling with great anticipation.

“Yes. Ready.”

-great. then start?

At the same time, goose bumps began to form on the surface of her skin, and the atmosphere around her changed.

The concentration of mana in the field has changed.

-I won’t die, so don’t worry too much.

“Don’t worry.”

At the same time, he took out the key he was holding in his pocket and turned it toward the air.

The appearance of a small warehouse appeared in front of my eyes with a golden effect.

It was the [Different Dimensional Warehouse] obtained in the ‘Half Ranking Match’.

– What?


I kicked in the door, went inside, quickly closed the door, and immediately started counting the time while looking at my wristwatch.

59… … 58… … 57.

A very peaceful scene where you can’t even hear the outside noise.

Just looking at the treasures and objects that filled the surroundings seemed to bring peace of mind and body.

28… … 27… … 26.

Read at readwn.com

Kill time by rolling gold coins on the palm of your hand.

4… … 3… … 2… … One.

Can I go out soon?

When I went outside with that mindset, an amazing sight unfolded.

“… … Didn’t you say you wouldn’t die?”

The ground that belonged to the field had completely disappeared.

Even the exterior of the [Different Dimensional Warehouse], an item with the highest durability, had flaws.

Looking at the bluish expressions of the children outside the field, I guessed roughly what was going on.

-you you! Han Yujin You!

“A minute has passed.”

-That’s cheating, you bastard! Where is the use of such an item!

“Isn’t it the instructor who told me to hold on? So I just endured.”

I’m not saying to hold on, but ‘try to avoid it. If it was something like this, I wouldn’t have used it.

I could have heard that I easily passed the measurement with only the items.

However, it was Ji Su-hyeon who said that she would give her a perfect score if she endured without putting any conditions first.

“Will you give me a perfect score?”

As she walks out of the field and asks playfully, she sighs.

“Ha, really. A nerd-like guy. I keep my promise, so quickly go somewhere else.”

And another unexpected message comes to mind.

[Hidden achievement achieved!]

[Achievement: 「About or rat? Can’t you catch a mouse?” to obtain!]

[Succeeded in fooling the instructor in speed measurement!]

[Ji Soo-hyun is shocked by your trick]

[Special rewards are given!]

[Dynamic vision increases!]

achievement for the first time.

As expected, the achievements I didn’t know were newly updated as I moved over to this world? That was the moment when the speculation turned into certainty.

“Aren’t you going?!”

“Yep. I’m rooting for you.”

As a result, I am the only one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one.

I decided to leave quickly before unnecessary sparks flew.

* * *

after school.

After all classes were over today, I was standing in front of Class C, waiting for someone.

‘Isn’t he from Class A?’

‘Han Yujin? Han Yujin, right?’

‘Why is he in front of my class?’

I’m killing time by looking at my cell phone, but I keep hearing stories about me.

That said, it didn’t seem like there was anything very unpleasant about it, so let’s just look at our phones in silence–

“Why are you here?”

No matter who heard it, a voice of dissatisfaction was heard.

When I look up, I see a frowning face.

“Jeong Eui-hun.”


hit. Wasn’t he also in class C?

“You wouldn’t know.”

“That’s right. Do you know what you would do to our class? As class C class president, can you ask me this much?”

Was he the C class president?

Actually, I didn’t come here to do anything bad, and I didn’t come for an important reason, so it wasn’t too difficult to tell him what he wanted… … .

‘Somehow, I think it would be more fun not to tell you.’

I ignored him and raised my hand toward Choi Yeon, who was just coming out of the classroom.

“It’s here.”

“Oh sorry. I fell asleep at the funeral.”

“Are you going to sleep at the funeral?”

Somehow, one side of the cheek was red, so it looked like he was sleeping on his side.

Choi Yeon looks at me with a fierce expression, perhaps not waking up yet.

Upon hearing this, Chung Eui-hoon confirms that the person I greeted is Choi Yeon, and then suddenly looks at me.

“Why are you with Choi Yeon… … .”

“What do you know? let’s go. Choi Yeon.”


The last thing I checked, Chung Eui-hoon’s expression belonged to the middle boundary between embarrassment and absurdity.

Are you going crazy wondering why Choi Yeon is going with me?

I wanted to get closer, but Choi Yeon, who used to keep her distance, is walking side by side with me.

Is that why? For some reason, I felt a sense of exhilaration in a corner of my chest.

I feel like the word ‘woohyo’ will come out of my mouth without even realizing it.

When I was walking down the hallway, barely swallowing the laughter that kept leaking out.

Choi Yeon looked at me with eyes that were still not awake.

“… … You look good today.”


“yes. how to say Your eyebrows are a little looser than yesterday.”

Eyebrow? I didn’t know that I could determine my mood with something like that.

“So, how are you today?”

“yes? Well… … jealousy.”


“Someone took first place in the power measurement.”

“That will make you sore.”


The answer was yes, but Choi Yeon’s expression was still unknown.

Can you tell by looking at your eyebrows? I looked at my eyebrows eagerly, but I had no way of knowing how they were different from usual.

It’s still hard to read the expression.

“Oh, thank you for picking me up today.”

“yes? Oh, because if you asked me to come alone, I would get lost again.”

“right. maybe… … Wouldn’t it have been wandering around?”

She was one of the representative Gilchi characters in CS.

That’s why I asked to go together before going to the club club with a mindset, but I thought it was a good decision.

“As I said before, if the road to the hall is complicated, you can take the elevator this way. Your student ID is registered in the elevator.”

“yes. I’m sure it’s the place where you go all the way to the right of the club hall, right?”


“Ah, back. yes. I remembered.”

… … why are you anxious

When I put my student ID on the elevator like that, the elevator goes down.

Goo-gu-gung- When the door of the elevator reached the basement with a noise and opened, I saw the children who were already in the room.

“Is the manager here?”

With Youngje sweeping the floor of the insolvent room.

“Choi Yeon! Welcome!”

Sae Ah stopped working on the computer and waved her hand in this direction.

“… … kick kick. yes. I got caught~ I’m a man~”

Even Jinwoo, who is dragging aggro in the community.

Lastly, Choi Yeon joined, and all the members of the club gathered.

“I was thinking about it yesterday too… … It’s huge.”

“In terms of size, it is one of the largest club clubs. How can I properly explain the facilities?”

Choi Yeon nodded at my question.

But her eyes were already on the other side.

over there… … training room?

“Do you want to see the training room?”


As expected, the first thing that caught my eye was the training room full of various equipment.

As I entered the training room with her, a cold wind blew through my body from the air conditioner that had been turned on in advance.

“This is the club training room. It’s full of ‘Another String’ used by the top guilds, and it’s a board with a side, so you can change things like weight and resistance. Would you like to try it?”

Nodding her head again this time, she sits on the balloon without a word and with a sloppy posture.

“Hold there and there. right. Put your back on it and lift it if I want to lift it.”


Curious in her eyes, as if this is the first time she has used such an instrument.

Certainly, considering the training method of the Changchun Swordsman, training using this kind of equipment would be like a novel.

Just what I’ve seen in the game is old stuff like meditating under a waterfall, splitting a rock, or climbing a cliff back and forth.

It seemed to come as a fresh shock to Choi Yeon, who was seeing this for the first time.

Ah Ha-Ha, which is pickled in the old-fashioned way, see, this is a newspaper product.

“With this, you can set the weight of the weight you are holding. Then I’ll set the weight first.”

Since Sae-ah weighed 150kg, would it be 200kg?

Let’s gradually increase the weight ‘Oh. Choi Yeon who makes a sound like ‘oh’.

“This is amazing.”

“Because it’s expensive.”

Finally, after adjusting the weight of the magic weight to 200kg, he said to her who was holding the handle.

“Listen as you slowly stretch your arms upward.”

At my words, Choiyeon slowly raised her arms upwards.

As if the 200kg weight was no big deal, the magic weight started to lift very easily.

“Does it get heavier?”

“Heavier? Somewhat?”

“Twice as much as this.”

“… … double?”

If it is 400kg, it is definitely the weight of the seven laws of the awakening of physical ability.

“Are you okay?”


After asking her doctor again, she gradually increases the weight to 400kg.

Then, Choi Yeon stretches out her arms once more.

She lifted her arms up more slowly than before, but with a little more effort, and after doing that motion about 8 times, she slowly let go of her hands.


She shakes her head at my words.

“… … delicious.”


“Muscle is delicious.”


… … Apparently, one more regular at the training ground appeared.

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