103 – Are you a son-in-law? (1)

The person sent to the academy to escort Ella, a criminal, was a familiar face.

Heidel Heights, which has been busy leading witch hunts these days.

In other words, he was Adele’s father.

“I knew you could do it.”

Heidel, who ordered dozens of knights to rectify the scene, approached with an eerie smile.

Although he still feels uneasy because he seems to have moved according to the guy’s intentions, it is undeniable that his help was very helpful in defeating Ella.

“Yes, what. Thanks to.”

Heidel, who came right next to him, looked down at the frozen Ella and bit her mouth shut.

He seemed to be recalling memories of his past as he looked at his profile in the shadow.

“You look ugly.”

It was as he said.

As her body was assimilated into the spiritual body that maintained her youthful appearance, she was an old man who could not even control her basic physiological phenomena.

It was natural for her considering the years she has lived, but she didn’t fit in because of the prestige she had shown up to this point.

“What will be her punishment?”

“There is nothing to see. It is the death penalty.”

When I thought of Heidel’s grudge, I wondered if it would end more lightly than I thought, but he added an explanation.

“Dividing into five bodies through enumeration. The torn off arms, legs, and torso are thrown into a vat full of insects and animals, and are destroyed without a trace.”

Heidel’s resentful punishment did not end there.

“Of course, it doesn’t end there. Her severed head is placed in public view. Those who lost her family in her witch-hunt will come out on the streets and throw stones at her head, and her crows will eat her flesh so that her head will soon become unrecognizable.”

He was explaining to Adele, but her gaze was on Ella.

This is your future.

Even though you won’t be able to see the end with your own eyes after you die, it’s as if you want to know it in words.

“Is that so?”

Well, despite her cruelty, it was a fitting end for her.

I wouldn’t have expected that the end of the man who joined hands with the leadership of the Holy Kingdom and drove innocents to death would be neat.

“Then I will leave. I am tired.”

“It deserves it. Go back.”

She bowed her head slightly to Heidel and walked to where those who had helped her stand against Ella.

The one that stood out was Tina, but the one sitting on Raviel’s lap had a brighter face than usual, smiling brightly and talking endlessly.

Tina confirmed Adele and shook her hand happily.

“Ah, boy. Are you done with your business?”


Lucy, who was sitting on a bench under the shade of a tree, moved her hips as if to ask her to sit down and vacated the seat next to her, so Adele sat down.

I looked up at the sky while leaning against my backrest, and it was so peaceful and cloudless that I couldn’t believe that something big had happened.

I let out a sigh of relief, as if it seemed that all the crises had passed, and white breath blew out as I hadn’t returned to normal body temperature yet after using Lucy’s traits.


I felt the gaze from the side as I was taking a break like that.

It was none other than Raviel who was staring at Adele.

“Are you the girl Tina likes?”

“…… ?”

“…… ?”

At that sudden statement, Adele and Tina both raised question marks above their heads.

“What, what…… !”

And after a while, Tina reached out her hand to stop Raviel from saying something useless while dyeing her ears red.

“I was able to find out while receiving Tina’s memories. That you took good care of Tina while I was gone. Maybe that’s why Tina really likes you.”

Raviel looked at her Tina and she winked at her as if to trust her.

Only then did Tina, realizing what Raviel was up to, violently struggled on her lap.

“This old woman is getting old, and she’s doing a lot of things…… !”

I don’t know about Tina, but Raviel had an unfulfilled dream in her lifetime.

It is to see Tina marrying her decent person after getting along with her person.

Previously, she had no chance to do so because she refused to integrate into her human society, but now she has a man she likes, and from Tina’s memories, she knows that Adele is a man she can entrust to her. Noticed.

But Tina is trying to control her mind because her Adele already has her owner.

So, even if Tina reprimanded her, Raviel did not hesitate to step in and try to connect the two.

“It must have been nice that she was willing to step out and help her even when her life could be in danger.”

“Raviel…… !”

However, Raviel’s efforts only brought a great deal of shame to Tina.

What is the reason for hiding something?

Of course, I don’t want to show it to anyone, and I don’t want to let anyone know, so I hide it.

But without realizing it, Tina felt as if her face would explode as the old woman was giving her heart out to her son-in-law.

“Is that so?”

Whether or not she knows that kind of heart.

Or maybe it’s because she’s really tired after a fight with Ella.

Adele was unconcerned when she heard what Tina was trying to hide by making a fuss about her.

“I also like Tina because it’s nice to see her working hard despite her clumsiness.”

“… ….”


This human Raviel’s words were taken in a different way. She

I understand that she doesn’t like her rationally, she likes her humanly.

‘It’s fortunate that the young master is an ignorant fool.’

Usually, it’s frustrating to see him being careless enough to want to do that on purpose, but there are days when he’s so helpful.

Tina let out a sigh of relief at that thought.


It wasn’t easy on this one either.

Ravielle’s eyes twinkled and she cupped Adele’s hand with both hands.

Startled by her sudden skinship, Adele threw her body back, shaking her shoulders, but Lucy was already sitting right next to her.

I was blocked by Lucy’s body and couldn’t retreat any further.

Raviel came close enough to feel the pressure on her.

“Then can I call her prospective son-in-law?”


A bewildered Adele realized something was wrong with her, but it was too late.

Raviel, who had already decided between the two of them alone, raged like a storm.

“Where are you going to eat? From my peeks in your memory, it looks like you haven’t even had a ceremony with a kid named Charlotte yet. Will she have Tina with her when she does? It’s a little bit like I keep interfering, but can you make Tina’s dress white? It was my dream to have this child marry in her white dress.”

At this point, Tina decided that she couldn’t stop Raviel anymore and gave up.

No, to be precise, she didn’t have the energy to say anything because her mental power had already been drained, so she was just making a slumped expression as if she had drained all the energy from her body.

It was the same with Adele.

Through Tina’s memories, her benevolent appearance disappears, and her mother, who is full of marriage, is right next to her daughter, who is about to marry her.

That alone is tough enough.

“Why is the expression like that? Did you ever think of omitting Tina for her ceremony? Or is she going to keep Tina as her concubine? No, that doesn’t work My eyes are wide open, but I can’t see it. If you say yes, I will go around messing around with you, so I know that.”

Going further than that, she uses her power to refuse rejection.

If someone like this is a hero, who would believe it?

It’s hard to believe that Adele is sitting side by side.

“Whoa, whoa…….”

Raviel, who poured out her words, caught her breath.

“In the end, she can’t lie about her age, even if she looks young on the outside. Don’t blame me, Raviel.”

“… ….”

Raviel narrowed her eyes at those words that pierced her to the point and placed honey chestnuts on Tina’s head.

It must have been a night filled with sincerity. Puck! And I have a loud voice.

“He wasn’t like this before, did he come to puberty belatedly?”

Ugh…… Raviel placed her hand on the top of Tina’s head as she let out a small moan.

“Tina. I am doing this because I want to see you live well before I die again.”

Tina raised her head with her dazed expression at the sudden change of mood.

La Viel smiled bitterly and explained kindly for Tina, who didn’t know what she was talking about.

“Did you think I could live like this forever? No. It may be possible to stay like this for a while, but as time passes, it will eventually return to its original place.”

Tina’s face stiffened at those words she spat out.

For a moment, the shock spread across his face, and then immediately followed by the sadness of having to break up with Raviel.

“No…… I hate that…….”

Tina, who had lost all of her harsh attitude from a moment ago, rubbed her face with tears in her eyes into her arms.

Raviel whispered as she ran her hand over Tina’s back as she trembled.

“That’s why…… Will you do my last favor, Tina?”

When Lucy, who had been watching from her side, was sniffing and wiping away her tears with her fingers, as her emotions were high enough.

La Viel looked at Adele with a face that seemed to claim that she was the most pitiful person in the world right now.

Adele wanted to close his eyes and cover his ears.

After listening to the conversation between the two of them and seeing the dim image of them ahead of their breakup, I don’t think I would be able to refuse her request.

“Will you listen?”

And that prediction was correct.

“… ….”


“… ….”

“Will you listen?”

“… ….”

“… ….”

“…… I’ll talk to Charlotte…….”

From noble mtl dot com

Adele couldn’t shake off Raviel’s eyes, which were glistening with her tears.

This was all according to Raviel’s plan, based on Tina’s memory and the precedent of Anastasia.

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