286. Isabelle the Golden Knight – Gaze (6)


“Ugh… … .”

The sudden ringing startled everyone in the infirmary.


One of them, the nearby nature, hurriedly approached Karite, and Karite opened her eyes just in time.


Karite blankly blinked at the sight that could be seen through the blurry vision.

Now, after a full day has passed, I have come to my senses. Even though she was not in the slightest, she could clearly recognize the face of nature.


When I called him so blankly, Chun-seong nodded cautiously.

“Yes, it’s me, Karite. My body is a little… How is it? are you okay?”

Karite, who had been staring blankly at the natural question that followed, put her hand near her chest instead of answering.


When I put my hand on my heart like that, she felt an indescribable feeling.

like a dream

It was like having an unrealistic dream.

It came up vaguely among the blurry memories.

Together with Han Chun-seong, he had been against the apostle. And that he was able to execute the apostle at the end, but he had no memory of what happened after that.

‘How am I… alive?’

The time when I thought everything was over. It was as clear as the eerie feeling that something unknown had pierced my chest.

But now he is alive like this. In addition, I was able to see Hancheonseong again.

“Karite, don’t think about anything else for now, just take your safety… … .”

He kept his eyes on Han Chun-seong, who continued to speak, and nodded blankly.

I couldn’t understand the current reality, but I was just very fortunate.

The reality of living like this… to see him again. I was just grateful for that miraculous reality.


At that time, Karite calmed down and gazed at Han Chun Castle as if it were engraved in her eyes. Adelia, who had approached me, cautiously opened her mouth.

“Cadets of Han Chun-seong. Karite cadets need to settle down right now. Excuse me, could you please step aside for a moment?”

Chunseong looked at Karite, but soon moved away.


Immediately after, Adelia opened the curtains between the beds and began to ask Karite about her current condition.

The car was carefully asking about how it feels now, whether the senses are feeling properly, and other things that need to be checked one by one.

Karite repeated that she was frustrated that she was fine. Then, belatedly, Adelia let out an awkward laugh and caught her breath.

“As soon as I wake up, I will be embarrassed to ask about this and that. I know Cadet Karite is confused, but he still needs to continue his treatment. I’ll explain everything you’re curious about later.”

“…yes. all right.”

Karite accepted Adelia’s words without the slightest disagreement.

Even at that moment, there was no focus in Karite’s gaze.

The feeling of facing an unrealistic reality between floating senses. And after the curtain was drawn, I just kept my eyes on the place where my nature was originally.

Squeak, squeak.

After that, Karite’s clothes were peeled off one by one in Adelia’s hand, and soon her white inner skin was exposed.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

Carefully bringing her hand to her body, Adelia manifested her own power.


As the warm light stayed on her hand, Adelia continued her words more carefully.

“To be honest, if I don’t treat it before I wake up, there can be aftereffects, so I’m going to start getting proper treatment from now on. Even if it is very difficult, please bear with it. You can’t lose consciousness.”

Karite, with a floating spirit, soon… .

I could feel the very real pain.

… … .

A short time passed after Adelia and Karite were hidden behind a curtain in the infirmary.

Immediately after, Karite’s pained moans began to echo.

It was mixed with moaning that made the listeners feel terrified, and the atmosphere in the infirmary immediately calmed down.

They reacted differently to it.

Leonhard stopped meditating and let out a worried sigh, while Isabelle gazed calmly into the curtained interior.

And heaven… .


I couldn’t do anything while staring at the curtains in front of me.

You can’t let out a worried sigh, and you can’t maintain your composure by just looking at it.

Every time he heard Karite groan in pain, his heart continued to feel heavy.

“This… how did it happen?”

Isabel, who had been watching the situation as if watching the situation, cautiously spoke out, and only then was Cheonseong able to turn her head away from the curtain.

“Immediately after meeting the apostle yesterday, the cadet named Karite, who is now inside, was seriously injured. It is said that he has narrowly passed the hurdle, but there is still work to be done.

“You are a victim of yesterday’s accident…”

“yes. You can say yes.”

Nature replied in a subdued voice, and Isabelle gave a slight nod.

And that’s it.

Isabelle didn’t ask or try to find out more.


At that moment, she realized that she was grateful for the small consideration she showed.

—-That he shouldn’t hastily try to accompany someone from now on.


ugh… !

ha… ha… .


The sound of enduring pain and Karite’s rapid breathing echoed throughout the infirmary.

That’s when the atmosphere completely subsided. Isabelle’s mood had to subside as well.

But even so, the situation itself did not seem so strange to her.


Heal wounds and feel pain. It was perfectly natural for me.

It was a situation that was frequently experienced by a golden knight who would be in countless dangers while protecting the imperial family.

In addition, I knew that beings with healing properties or the power of priests were not omnipotent.

ha… .

As if he had passed the hurdle, he calmly accepted the sound of weak breathing coming from beyond.

I just realized it again.

‘It’s not safe.’

The present empire was not safe.

Even in the academy, where there are many talents, disasters like yesterday’s broke out.

Thinking so, I inadvertently looked back at the man in front of me.


Quite a bit of time passed, but nothing was said.

However, that gaze had changed completely in an instant.

Until now, even when he looked at me, there was a cautious and gentle atmosphere.

But now, their eyes are cold enough to see them as completely different beings, and their prayers are steady.

Originally, it was like a change in posture that couldn’t exist at that age.

‘Is this person’s true attitude now?’

People tend to show different appearances depending on the situation. And this personality was often revealed as it was in such unexpected circumstances.

“Are you very worried right now?”

“…Ah, yes.”

When I spoke softly, he nodded in agreement and spoke calmly.

“I can’t hear it because I can’t stand the pain. It sounds tolerable.”

“Is that so…?”

“yes. That’s what I hear.”

Even though he handed over a small consolation, he ended his talk with that.

I only tell you what I felt.

There was no point in saying more than this. It’s a matter that only those who are entangled with the person who is suffering will understand, and I, a third party, will not discuss it.

“…Thank you.”

Then, when he expressed his gratitude, he inadvertently asked the question while shaking his head.

“Are you in love with her?”

Seeing him worry so much, it didn’t feel like he had normal emotions.

It is possible only when there is some personal emotion involved.

But were my words surprising?


Seeing the man staring blankly at me, I belatedly added a comment.

“I apologize if I have asked a question that is difficult to answer.”

Maybe I said something too insensitive in front of someone who cares about someone.

“No, thanks.”

cautious answer. Then, with a light sigh, he nodded slightly.

That was ‘acceptance’.

A woman in pain and the way she reveals that she is a lover. I also calmly nodded my head to him, but I didn’t think the series of relationships was bad.

“Sir Isabelle.”


“…May I ask for some private time later?”

At the words that followed, I looked at this man, putting off an answer for a while.

“I want to ask you to fight after my body returns to normal. If you’d like to spend some time as my escort… I’d like you to be kind to me a little more.”

Only then did I nod my head at the voice that calmly spoke and demanded.

“yes. That much is fine.”

I can feel the emotion in this man’s eyes right now.

…guilt, remorse, anger, enthusiasm, longing.

Emotions that normally couldn’t be mixed were strangely confused in those eyes.

And for whatever reason it is.


A small smile leaked out without my knowledge as I gazed at the space where the curtains were gently drawn.

‘not bad.’

The look in the eyes of a man who wants to become stronger for the sake of the person he likes and wants to protect someone… … .

There was something about him that made him look a little better.

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