164 – East (4)

Eon (彦).

A family that has been a coroner for generations and may be prestigious in its own right.

The truth within the family was quite different.

This is a fact known to everyone who deserves to know.

-Those who use the surname Eon are all monsters who are trained in necromancy, insult the deceased, and have a s*xual desire for corpses.

Although there were exaggerated rumors and stories aimed at slandering them from time to time, there was no doubt that most of them were masters of magic.

At one time, there may have been a time when such strong magic became an axis of protecting the East.

But time passes and the truth is forgotten. There were no detailed records of the absolutely sinister family that handled corpses.

In modern times, the family has become nothing more than a family that practices strange tricks with corpses.

‘It’s not entirely wrong.’


Even within that family, she was a girl with exceptional talent.

There were times when she thought that way when she was a young girl with a promising future.

I think there are a lot of ignorant people in this world who are afraid of the power of their families and the possibility of magic.

That’s why they are ostracized because they were born with the last name Eon, and in the end, they are the ones who are foolish.

So to speak, it was a time when Kangsik was worshiped.

Her parents taught her that way, her teacher taught her that way, and the young people in her family did not disagree with her.

How could you have doubts?

There is no room. There was no reason.

Gangsik is great.

A technique of counter-heaven that goes against the will of heaven, bringing the dead back to life and making them move.

The power of God was truly here.

-Why, why can’t you distinguish between what you can touch and what you shouldn’t!


That day was the moment when the girl’s fantasy and unwavering faith were cruelly shattered.

She was slapped by her parents.

She couldn’t help but feel pain, but the pain she felt in her cheek wasn’t really that important.

At that moment, Eonhwaryeong just caressed my cheek with a confused expression.

-They are an honorable family recognized throughout the East, different from ours…… !

In the end, I did not understand what her parents said.

What did the girl do wrong?

This was something I couldn’t ask.

It was something I couldn’t say.

Before she could answer her questions, before she had a chance to realize what her mistake was.

Her family was extinct.

The manor is constantly burning, the mansion is collapsing, and the screams of people echo horribly.

The girl didn’t know until then.

-What did I do wrong?

Was she trying to rob the body of Sentai Kenjon (劍尊)?

Was trespassing and damage to private land a problem?

Of course she knew it was something to be upset about. She did it even though she knew.

What one cannot help but wonder is whether it was a mortal sin that would lead to extinction.

I thought at best I would be fined or caned.

Even if it were to go beyond that, she would be imprisoned or receive personal retribution.

When Eon Hwa-ryeong was young, he repeated the same words endlessly as he ran away from the burning mansion. She had no choice but to return.

What the girl did was wrong.

Isn’t it a crime I committed?

Did the guilt-by-association system really have to be applied?

It’s just a corpse.

There is some meaning to the body after the soul has left.

My father also said that to me.

I have always been educated with such words…….

‘I did not know sin.’

Yes, there was a natural logic that I realized now, decades later, when I look back.

The young girl at the time did not know, but because she was so ignorant, she had no choice but to become a sin.

The corpse of the deceased did not simply mean the body.

It is a symbol of sadness for the bereaved family.

It is a symbol of ancestral rites for descendants.

It was a source of pride for the family.

I didn’t know that. The girl did not know common sense that was simple and clear, and it was impossible to not know it without knowing it.

‘… ….’

I was a foolish sinner.

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Eonhwaryeong was foolish.

A high treasonous criminal who caused the family’s extinction. A foolish woman who pushed her family, who were her blood, over a cliff.

That was Unhwalyeong.

She was that, she was herself.

…… She didn’t know that fact. She never forgot.

-Are you interested in the dragon’s corpse?

It was while she was wandering within the realm of her empire that her dragon lord Karisillion approached her.

A goal was given to the aimless journey.

The woman who ruined her family because of her obsession with spiritual medicine repeats the same sin.

A soul that has already been buried once will not be able to return to its original state.

‘How foolish.’

Criticize yourself. Rebuke I hated it.

Nothing changed.

Gangmanship has been fascinating for eternity, so perhaps this crazy scholar’s words will not make a difference.

The intuition that suddenly came to me was shockingly accurate.

Making the sea dragon was fun. I felt a thrill as I explored new knowledge every day, reached higher levels, and created unique techniques.

So the result was absolutely perfect.


The dragon emperor, whose emotional changes were very rare, even gave a rave review himself.

Even now, Eonhwaryeong cannot forget that day.

When she was almost completing the completion of her sea dragon army, her dragon lord Carsilion came to visit her.

-She has traveled around many worlds and met many geniuses. There weren’t many people as talented as you. Moreover, if we limit it to the field of Gangseoul, it is truly unrivaled.

Understanding those words was more difficult than I thought.

Wandered around countless worlds?

Does this mean that he explored various parts of the continent for a long time? It was a tone that gave me a strange feeling, but…….

Anyway, it wasn’t an issue worth considering deeply.

She and the Dragon Emperor have a cooperative relationship.

But it is really sloppy.

If you can’t know when and how something will collapse, shouldn’t you at least put in place safety measures yourself?

‘As we are already approaching the pinnacle of Gangseojutsu, there would be no reason to feel regretful about facing death.’

There was no point in thinking like that.

Inner thoughts and actions are separate.

Eon Hwaryeong showed a detached attitude toward death, and although she, or she thought she showed such an attitude herself, played a trick in the manufacturing process of the sea dragon.

Siryong’s owner was Eon Hwaryeong, she was herself.

Even if she offered the authority to handle such a legion to the Dragon Emperor, she did not want to end it with words that were discarded because they had outlived their usefulness…….

-When the Eonhwaryeong’s life activity is halted, the 300-strong Shiryong Corps begins to run away, and ultimately receives a command to self-destruct.

It was the result of such agony.



It was Tsumei who dismissed Eonhwaryeong’s long and rambling story with just one word.

She looked down at her frozen Hwaryeong with a look of contempt.

“Anyway, since Carsilion has caused this mess, the Shirong Army will move to destroy the continent. One is to be consumed as troops for that purpose, and the other is to run away and self-destruct upon receiving orders. What on earth is the difference between those two? “Did you think such a weak threat could protect you?”

The dragon’s magic has not yet dissipated. If Tsumei had her way, she would burn Eunhwaryeong’s entire body right now.


“That assertion is absurd.”

There was no sign of tension on Eon Hwaryeong’s face.

She looked up at Tsumei with her foggy eyes.

“Golden hair, blue eyes… …. I think I know you. Isn’t this the Dragon Emperor’s long-time Bungwoo, Tsumei, the slayer dragon who settled in the empire? I don’t know how you were able to reach the East so quietly…….”

She trailed off for once and then changed the topic as if it would be a good idea.

“Anyway, it’s amazing. “I heard that you’ve known each other for quite a long time, but I guess you don’t know much about dragons?”

“… ….”

The following words contained content that could not help but get on Tsumei’s nerves a little.

She had a cool expression on her face, as if she was quite displeased, but she didn’t say anything.

Is he not denying it?

Could I not deny it?

The latter is probably more likely.

“The purpose of the Dragon Emperor is not the collapse or destruction of the continent.”

At that point, Eonhwaryeong brought out a new story as if letting go.

Tsumei had no choice but to listen to her words.

“On the contrary, he has a really good view of this world. Because I am satisfied, I am trying not to lose. “Trying to eliminate you, including the dragon clan, is part of that.”

If that means, now I know and Tsumei also knows.

Purpose of solvent.

I don’t know the details. However, according to the evil dragon’s comment, the reason he drove out the dragons was fundamentally because their status was higher.

Because the soul is strong, the body is powerful.

Malignant tumors that shorten the lifespan of a dimension just by being in this world.

Whether it was truly true or not was not immediately important.

To borrow the expression of Yongje, this fight is ultimately ‘the process of emptying out a full backpack of useless things.’

That’s the only thing that matters.

“Corpses don’t eat away at the world’s health.”

Hwaryeong was as calm as the moment she first met. The person itself felt very quiet.

Should I say that the embarrassed look that I only saw once feels very rare?

At that moment, she felt lively in her own way.

What I find in her now is that she is naughty.

“It’s an ironic story. Literally, because jiangshi have no soul. This is also the reason why the Dragon Emperor does not bother to capture and kill the Arch Liches of the Northern Snowfield…….”

“… ….”

“…… At the same time, it can also be said that this is the reason why Yongje extended a helping hand to me.”

Although she had a cold expression, the woman who was trying to kindly explain how to deal with Hanzil was not here.

The heterogeneous transformation made me feel a sense of discomfort, but-.

‘But what can we do?’

There is nothing I can do.

There is nothing to know.

Even if you want to hear a story, if you don’t tell it, everything is useless.

Eon Hwaryeong seems to be telling his story, but ultimately does not reveal anything about what he is thinking ‘now.’

At this moment, the woman in front of her was empty, and although she seemed resigned, she was such a strange person that she was somehow obsessed with life.

Now it doesn’t matter whether I can kill or not.

Unfortunately, a situation has arisen in which killing Eonhwaryeong right now has no choice but to shake hands.

‘Should I call this fortunate or unfortunate…….’

A voice comes out of nowhere. I sighed inwardly and looked at Eonhwaryeong with complicated eyes.

First of all, what she said was not a lie.

I might not have noticed it before, but I can see it now that my sense of acceptance has been activated.

Her words are the little poison she keeps hidden inside her mouth.

What can I say? The purpose was obvious.


When times were tough, she even thought about chewing that poison and dying.

Because they are so obsessed with life, they even try to threaten them with their own lives.

I can’t help but respect that will.

“Mr. Eon Hwaryeong.”

So, at this point, there was only one thing I could do.

Threats were impossible in the first place.

But it is also unreasonable to kill him.

In such a situation, how many methods are there to choose from?

“Is it okay if I ask you one thing?”

I gave her her words in a voice that did not really contain any other intentions.

“Why are you treating the local people here?”

No answer came back.

It was exactly what I expected.

He continued speaking. Calmly and without interruption.

“It seems like you are investing quite a long time in this congressman, from morning to evening.”

“… ….”

“Aren’t there two human bodies? “Unless the manufacturing of the sea dragon is completely finished, there won’t be enough time to keep doing this.”

“…… “What do you want to say?”

“No, whatever. “I’m just curious.”

Unlike before, a very sharp response came back.

In other words, good news.

I clenched her fist tightly, but didn’t show it on my face, and looked around her doctor’s office.

“Are you feeling guilty? “That said, there wasn’t much of a connection between your family and this area.”

Cracked walls here and there, creaky windows, and furniture arrangement that can hardly be called neat, even in good words. Even though it is so crowded, it is an incredibly narrow space.

In a place like that, I felt a sincerity that could not be lied to.

You can tell just by looking at the way she treated Tsumei a little while ago that she is sincere about treating the sick.

In a world without a mass production system, a treatment in the form of a pill is probably not something that can be easily obtained.

These things were being handed out carelessly to people who had no ability to pay.

It is difficult to express even with the word deficit, and to put it simply, it is a real loss.

It suddenly occurred to me that she was a good person, or that there was something about her that forced her to cooperate with her dragon emperor.

She didn’t mean to pose that question.

As far as I know, and as long as what she said herself is true, a woman named Eon Hwa-ryeong was voluntarily cooperating with the Yongje.

The purpose is probably to manufacture the sea dragon itself.

So, so to speak, what I wanted to know was the current true feelings of the woman in front of me.

Just like I said. A curiosity that isn’t particularly great.

“Is there any need to hand over the city dragons to the Dragon Emperor?”

I spoke, and Eonhwaryeong was silent.

The corners of her eyes narrow considerably.

“I’m not sure what level your Kangshijutsu is now, but anyway, don’t you just need to complete Shiryong? “Do I really need to hand over such powerful power to a dragon emperor who has no idea what he will do with that army of sea dragons?”

The meaning of those words was clear.

Betray the Dragon Emperor.

Anyway, if she was just focusing on creating a sea dragon and not actively trying to participate in the dragon emperor’s will and plan, there was a good chance.

Even though she is not, she is an Eon Hwaryeong who originally commanded the dragons, but did not try to directly participate in the destruction of the academy.

He showed signs of following the Yongje’s instructions, but was not proactive.

That alone was worth trying to appease.

‘If we can attract Eonhwaryeong, everything will be fine. She will f*ck up the Dragon Emperor, and if she does well, she may even be able to use her army of sea dragons to deal with the Three Kings.’

I swallowed dryly while thinking that. This is because I once again realized the importance of this negotiation.


“…… “I know what you’re saying, but a contract is a contract.”

If there’s one thing I didn’t expect, it’s probably that this woman, Eon Hwaryeong, is more stubborn than I thought.

She bit her lip with a complicated expression.

“I promised that to the Dragon Emperor. Wasn’t he the one who provided the dragons’ corpses in the first place…? ….”

I could see a hint of conflict as she spoke, but in the end, she looked straight at me and spoke in a subdued voice, as if she had made up her mind.

“Obviously, I opened a clinic here and have been treating people for free. “Even if it wasn’t a great talent, I often felt satisfied that I could one day do them some good.”

“…… Then.”


He immediately cuts off my hesitant words.

Eon Hwaryeong shook her head as if bitter.

“I am not fundamentally a good person. It cannot be done. If there is someone suffering in front of me, I will try to help in any way possible, but if leaving him alone will help me improve my spiritual skills……. “Probably a person who won’t hesitate just once.”

That is who he is, that he is that kind of person.

Eon Hwaryeong raised her body as she said that.

It was a look of conflict. Nevertheless, it is a look in his eyes that has made a decision.

There is no way to persuade that.

I realized this half-intuitively. As she said, she is not a good person, and she will not hesitate to choose the path that benefits her.

There must have been room for appeasement.

The current situation was simply that my appeasement did not work on Eonhwaryeong.

…… It’s just that kind of situation.

‘…… ?’

It was around that time that something strange occurred to me.

I unconsciously swallowed dry saliva and rolled my eyes.

“The Yongje made a pact with me. I will not commit indiscriminate acts of destruction. As long as that promise is kept, I will not abandon my contract with him like that.”

Because Eonhwaryeong’s tone was so firm?

So, I don’t think I can persuade you anymore?

‘What is that?’

No, no. That wasn’t the reason.

“Go back. “I won’t let the Dragon Emperor know that you came for me, but if you want to cause me any more trouble, I have no choice but to do something.”

So, is it because Eun Hwaryeong slightly opened her light red lips and tried to gently roll the poison inside with her tongue?

No, this isn’t like that… ….

‘…… Sister? ‘What are you doing there?’

In my field of vision, that is. At the edge of the field of view, so to speak, in a truly corner of Eonhwaryeong’s medical office.

Sneaking, making no sound, suppressing presence, moving forward while lowering one’s posture and shrugging one’s shoulders.

-Oh, hello.

And yet, when our eyes met, he muttered a greeting with his mouth.

Because Eve Romanea El Pale was there.

I just couldn’t help but shudder…….

“You fight your own way…… ?”

…… Eon Hwaryeong was not a tactless woman either. Although she may have low military power, she is a person who is classified as a warrior in name and appearance.

Realizing that her gaze was not directed at me, she turned her head with an expression of confusion.

“… ….”


And then their eyes meet.

Silence, and silence.

“… ….”

“… ….”

“… ….”

“Eh, eh…… !”

Continuing, Eve Romanea El Pale’s agile cat-like leap!

She jumped up and clung to her frozen Hwaryeong’s shoulder!


“…… Hiit?!”

Tsumei and I had to flinch without realizing it. A goosebump-inducing sound, Eonhwaryeong’s moaning caused by the sensation of a foreign body penetrating her body.

That’s right.

Eve’s fangs pierced the nape of Eunhwaryeong’s neck.

“…… ?!! Hee hee! “What, what is this, hiya!!”

A truly pitiful and pitiful moaning sound that was embarrassing to hear kept echoing through the treatment room.

As a bonus, the irritating sound of the extracted blood being swallowed by saying ‘chwaap’ is also followed.

“…… Phew.”

Eon Hwaryeong falls down on the desk, saying, ‘Thump!’

Eve wipes the corners of her mouth as if she is satisfied.

Soon, Eve, who was relatively fine, looked back at me and Tsumei and scratched her cheek awkwardly.

And shyly lifting the index and middle fingers.


Did I do well?

It was as if he was saying that.

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‘No, what…’ … ?’

Of course, at first, I was very embarrassed by the sudden appearance and the extremely bizarre and meaningless act of bloodsucking.

Soon, I was able to naturally understand Eve’s intentions.

“Hi, hi, hee…” ….”

The eyes of Eon Hwa-ryeong, who was flopping down on the desk and constantly trembling, came into my field of vision.

Her eyes began to discolor to blood red.

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