151 – The Dragon Emperor’s Servant (2)

There was no feeling of life in Tsumei’s expression, gestures, or eyes.

Do I have to say that I don’t seem to have the will to completely let these two intruders go?

If I had to guess, wouldn’t it be because there were more than one or two intruders in the 100-year history of the Academy?

I feel like this happens occasionally so there is no need to get excited.

‘Looking at things like that, it looks like they don’t know their true identity.’

There was only one conclusion.

Tsumei doesn’t know their identities.

I didn’t seem to notice that he was a dragon, let alone a subordinate of the dragon emperor, but let alone the former, in the case of the latter, there was a possibility that my prediction was wrong.

For example, although he imitated the dragon’s eye, he did not directly receive a dragon’s body.

I don’t know the answer either, so what happened?

Anyway, there was something else that was important.

I naturally walked up to Tsumei’s side and pointed to brothers Shen and Jake with her eyes.

“They have very unique eyes. There’s a flashing blue thing, and it looks somewhat like the dean…….”

And that left me speechless.

First of all, it was important to make her aware of the existence of her blue eyes.

But I recognized those eyes as soon as I saw them, so why didn’t Tsumei notice that?

Anyway, isn’t she more familiar with those slit eyes than me?

For a moment, such a question came to mind, but I was able to hear the answer right away.

“Yes…… ? “What makes you similar to me?”

A little bit, in the form of having to hold back the laughter that is about to escape.

Tsumei tilted her head.

Then, he suddenly turns his gaze as if he wants to take a good look at Shen and Jake.

The three people’s gazes met, and at the same time, the audience fell silent.

I flinch.

The first to react strongly was Tsumei.

“No, what is that?”

She was moving her body uncharacteristically and frowning, and was checking Shen’s eyes, which appeared a little more intensely.

Shen, who was also shocked by her body, belatedly tried to cover his eyes, but-.

“Yongan…… ?”

Tsumei has already realized its identity. Quite simply.

If this is going to happen, why didn’t I know about it until now?

Similarly, I soon found out the reason.


After some time, I looked at Jake’s condition again, and there was something I could finally see.

It was definitely dark blue eyes, so to speak, blue eyes, but they could not be called dragon eyes.

So, to summarize briefly.

‘Did you get beaten up without even trying it?’

Jake was unable to use the Long Eye. Since the eye wasn’t torn straight, it must be true.

What this means is that Tsumei sensed her presence right after she entered the basement.

Could it be that he just got hit once and was thrown out?

From underground to above ground, right here?

“… ….”

It was a new experience, but it was the moment when I realized the power of Tsumei.

Even if she is not good, she is one of the candidates with the strongest view of the world.

I felt a strange chill and trembled.

And I thought back to myself.

I will never confront you.

Let’s just bow down.


Anyway, it was a little late, but somehow Tsumei realized their identity.

Blue Eye or Dragon Eye, the vaguely felt energy of a dragon and its intrusion into the academy.

After a short silence, Tsumei’s spirit began to burn like a fierce fire once again.

“What are they doing? Yours.”

A little while ago, I was alive but not angry, but not anymore.

A clear hostility radiated from all over her small frame.

Of course, I was not the target of that hostility, but it was inevitable that I would feel quite a bit of pressure.

If I, just standing on the sidelines, are like this, what do the people involved feel?

At that point, Shen and Jake would have had to make a decision.

Fight or flight.

Neither of these options will be easy to implement, but what can you do? If you stay still, you really won’t be able to eat or porridge.

“… ….”

So, it was Shen who made the first move.

At least he was finer than Jake.


The moment he raised both arms and struck the ground, a dizzying cloud of dust rose up along with a vibration that rang in his ears.

Still, it seems like he didn’t think about walking in front of the dragon’s peak. Of course it was wise.

‘I wasn’t defeated weakly either.’

I narrowed my eyes slightly and thought of that.

I drove in a thunderbolt with the intention of completely suppressing it.

If, by chance, he was a dragon, he would be able to regenerate those internal injuries or wounds quickly, but the cause and effect could be inferred from the fact that he moved first, not my younger brother.

I don’t think Jake’s condition is real.

‘Well, when I saw him earlier, there was a lot of blood on his hands…’ … ?’

I inadvertently turned my gaze to glance at Tsumei’s pale hands.

But not anymore. Stained red.


Just then, Tsumei turned his head. It seems like he noticed my gaze, and his eyes sparkled in a mysterious color.

However, the gaze was soon withdrawn.

Perhaps considering his priorities, Tsumei lifted his foot and lightly tapped the ground after a moment of silence. Tuk-tuk.

And then crush it. This time, Kwaang!


“…… !”

Perhaps they thought it was just dust blocking their view, but in any case, Shen and Jake took advantage of the opportunity to quickly get away from Tsumei.

Considering how confident they were and how they boasted that their plan was perfect, it was a very shabby ending. Getaway.


The ground turns over. It was the result of Tsumei inadvertently ‘stepping on’ the ground just moments before.

“Pfft…” … !”

Shen and Jake’s escape was interrupted by such a small earthquake.

While running hard, the road itself collapsed.

And at that very moment, all the dragon energy in the place begins to converge.

“…… Uh.”

Only then did my vision return to its original state. The dragon eye that was activated for the first time has been deactivated.

The strangeness on the forehead, probably a horn, soon dissipates depending on the energy.

All the energy scattered and spread in the air like that, of course, is bound to be passed over to the dragon, which has stronger control.

It goes without saying.

The strongest dragon here was definitely Tsumei, the Slayer Dragon.

Wow, wow!

At that moment, there was a vibration. This time, it’s not an earthquake.

I turned my head in surprise.


A dark red oval-shaped sphere had appeared there, and I thought I knew its identity. I didn’t know what the technology was.

I don’t know, but my expression probably became awkwardly stiff at this time.

That’s because it was the dragon’s breath.

In other words, breath.

One each on the right and left hands. It was not difficult to read the future that the moment it was liberated, a grand phenomenon would be witnessed.

Tsumei did not hesitate.


I stretched out my hand without spacing out and aimed at the two poor men who were running away.


What follows is an explosion of energy.

It is a dark red ray of destruction.

Of course it didn’t take long for Shen and Jake to get caught up in it.

It was an attack that I thought there was no way to stop, and the difference in power was truly unreasonable.


A huge explosion and its aftermath, a mass of black and red smoke soon dispersed into the air.

The scene revealed like that could be said to be full of unexpectedness.

Shen and Jake are missing.

Literally, there was none.

This does not mean that he disappeared without leaving behind a body.

Rather, I should say that it seems like he did something to avoid the situation right before the breath hit him.

‘They say something can be done to avoid it.’

It was such an incredible achievement that I was filled with pure admiration.

At that point, it wouldn’t be surprising if I received the title [He who escaped the dragon’s breath].

“Ah, Dean. “Over there.”

Of course, there was no need to just let them go.

I was rolling my eyes a long time ago, so I succeeded in following the traces.


“Why, inside the lake over there… ….”

Even if it wasn’t a very noble escape method.

I pointed with my fingertip to the exact center of the lake with a strange expression.

Because Shen and Jake were right there.

Splash splash splash-


“… ….”

“… ….”

Actually, aren’t they really comedians in the true sense of the word? A thought suddenly occurred to me.

“…… Well, they are fun guys. “It’s also novel.”

Tsumei’s expression as she looked at that scene was not that different from mine.

Tsumei looks at their diving activities with worldly eyes.

After a moment of hesitation, she nodded and spoke.

“I guess they seem like people who have no respect for themselves, hmm.”

I don’t think there’s much need to say.

Anyway, since she stayed quiet, I decided to get her to talk first.

“How about I try to catch it? “I feel like there’s nothing I can’t do.”

In any case, shouldn’t we catch those two intruders who are trying to escape with all their might?

Tsumei also has no intention of just letting them go.

It looks like he was trying to pretend to be a mole by pointing to the bottom of the lake, but there was no need to take too long, let alone the possibility of success of that plan.

I casually stroked one side of my forehead and created a small spear of lightning.

I didn’t know anything about spear techniques, but if I was told to throw, there was no reason I couldn’t do it.

It was around the time when I was tilting the tip of the spear and looking into a throwing stance.

──Tsumei’s actions were much quicker.


The sudden heat and burning sensation made me flinch reflexively and take a half step back.

Nothing else, the destruction ray that I saw for the second time today was there.

This time, it was fundamentally a direct breath through the neck.

What was the purpose? It was really simple to figure it out.


A culmination of pure heat that starts with the first roar and continues continuously.

A violent flame that makes you think that once you’ve been burned, you won’t be fine.

The breath was, of course, directed towards the lake.

If there is one thing that is slightly different from what I thought.

‘Is this real?’

This is probably the part where the breath is not directly targeting Shen and Jake, but is simply burning the lake.

‘Burning the lake’.

That wasn’t a mistake in expression. It was literally just right.

At this moment, the lake was evaporating without a single drop remaining.

…… That is, until the lake water that filled the ground disappears and two moles with devastated expressions remain on the bottom.

The breath did not stop.


And Tsumei, who had created such an amazing spectacle, finally took the breath she had been holding.

I was gently touching the area around my neck as if it was tingling a little.

Her gesture itself was really cute.

The results were simply outrageous.

‘It’s not cute. I’m just scared…….’

I carefully wrapped my arms around her shoulders, which were shaking for some reason.

Is it true that I saw Tsumei like that as a woman?

I also realized that I had some very dangerous thoughts. I won’t withdraw it, though.

“Isn’t it time to give up?”

It was a time when I was constantly having such meaningless thoughts rolling around in my head.

Tsumei parted her lips.

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Her eyes finally looked directly at Shen and Jake.

Even though they were submerged in the lake, their clothes looked clean, which of course was probably thanks to Tsumei’s breath kindly blowing away all the moisture from her.

I took advantage of that opportunity and approached Tsumei’s side.

“Yes, Dean.”

And I speak out carefully, very cautiously.

“…… “Earlier, one of those two mentioned the word ‘king.'”


“I think it refers to their superiors.”

A word that Shen mixed in several times, a nickname that appears to refer to someone.

Of course, I know that it is an honorific title referring to the Dragon Emperor.

And maybe.

“… ….”

Tsumei would have known that too.

She suddenly closed her mouth.

This time, after quite a long silence, he turned his head and looked straight at Shen and Jake.

The dragon eye is activated with full power.

Keee…… !

A straight slit pupil, and an ominous dark red energy rotating around it.

It was all aimed at Shen and Jake.

It’s as if I can see through everything. Perhaps the people involved are feeling that feeling even more intensely.

There was a chance that they would resist, but the two guys didn’t.

He made an expression of resignation, as if he had realized that it was all meaningless now.

I gave up quite quickly.

‘No, is it actually too late in this case?’

That’s because he almost got hit with a total of three breaths, but barely escaped with his life.

It wasn’t that strange to lose the will to resist.

“…… Tsk.”

That was right around that point. Tsumei, who had been examining the Dragon Emperor’s two minions with his dragon eye on, suddenly stumbled and touched the corner of his eye.


I quickly walked over to her and supported her back, but in that brief moment, her expression became filled with fatigue.

What happened?

What did you see with your eyes?

“…… “You were alive?”

Tsumei’s subsequent muttering became the answer.

Her expression was filled with quite a bit of shock.

According to widely known facts, the dragon emperor should have died.

To be exact, he was missing, but-.

As he had not been seen for a hundred years, his death was almost a foregone conclusion.

Because it was no different from Tsumei, a member of the same race.

You could say that’s why she’s in such deep confusion right now.

I silently supported her and immersed myself in her little worries.

First of all, Tsumei was very embarrassed right now.

She was embarrassed, but even more indignant.

The existence of a compatriot who could not even be known to be alive. Of course, I couldn’t help but be surprised if I found out about it so suddenly…….

It felt different from that.

Isn’t there a situation where an intruder has entered the academy?

Just such an intruder was connected to Yongje.

Anyone can tell that the blue eye was an ability given directly by the Dragon Emperor, and one of the two even attempted to infiltrate underground.

What was the purpose?

You probably don’t want to think about it. Still, it was rather strange not to notice.

‘That’s right, because the circumstances are so clear.’

There was definitely only one thing that Tsumei hid in her basement, and it was something that was nothing short of disgusting because it was more precious to her than anything else.

If I were to guess, I think there must have been a feeling of anger that was so refreshing to feel.

It will feel different in many ways from the light anger that you usually feel, or the anger that has a relatively clear target and reason.

You won’t even have time to think about the joy you have for your compatriots.


So I opened my mouth.

Because my worries are finally over.

Tsumei, who was still leaning her body against me, slowly turned her head and looked at me.

I wonder what she was thinking during that short time, her complexion looking very tired.

So I smiled brightly, even if only on purpose, and immediately spoke.

“Do you want to talk to the evil dragon?”

A concise word.

It won’t be difficult to understand.

But Tsumei did not answer right away. No, I couldn’t.

She just looked up at me with a strange expression on her face.

“…… What? Who?”

And when he asked that question, I kindly answered it again.

“Mr. Bahamut.”

This time, the real name of Evil Dragon (邪龍) was mentioned.

Tsumei began to make a more interesting expression.

But I was sincere. I had no intention of making a joke in the first place, and this wasn’t a joke.

Actually, I was thinking about having a conversation with Bahamut.

Yes, even if this incident had not occurred.

What kind of being is the evil dragon Bahamut?

He is the original owner of the heart inside me, and at the same time, he was the unfortunate black dragon who lost in the ranking of tenants with Dante.

However, there are bound to be other things that are more important than such small things.

First of all, the dragon was the horse.

‘Because he was the closest loyalist to the Dragon Emperor Carsilion.’

So to speak, it is like that.

At this moment, the valuable source of information that we can probably hear the most about is Bahamut.

I thought again with a serious expression on my face.

I also don’t know the purpose of the Dragon Emperor.

Why did he try to exterminate his own people, and why did he need to join hands with the devil to do that?

Purpose and intention, there was nothing I could know.

Not only that, I didn’t know much about the other final boss, the Demon of the Three Kings.

Those were now issues I had to find out for myself.

In a world that is no longer a game, the secrets of the beings that were originally there -.

I, not anyone else, must discover them one by one.

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