135 – Holy Grail (3)

Sanctuary. Located in the basement of the church’s headquarters, it is a space where sacred relics found on earth over hundreds or thousands of years are stored.

Perhaps naturally, it was not a place where ordinary people could freely enter.

Generally, in order to enter, you must obtain permission from the Pope or three cardinals and be accompanied by a priest belonging to the religious order.

And of course, I couldn’t touch the Holy Grail.


Stepping on the wet dirt floor, I carefully walked around the wall. First of all, I somehow succeeded in entering the sanctuary.

“…… “It’s cool.”

Is it because I’m nervous that my body is shaking for no reason, or is it because the air itself is cold?

Maybe it’s both.


Underneath the temple, the sanctuary. This damp ground could hardly be called an ordinary ‘underground’. It felt like I had descended hundreds of stairs.

In addition, although the security was very strict…….

‘Should I call this luck or good timing?’

You could say that I am more specialized in this type of infiltration now than when I was able to freely use Thunderbolt.

It was thanks to the twin swords still remaining by my side.

Is it like not only being given a weapon, but also being able to temporarily draw out the abilities of the character I developed?

As long as I had this power, most Holy Knights would not be able to recognize my presence even if I was standing right in front of them.

So we reached the sanctuary much faster than expected. Originally, it would have taken two hours just to break through that security.

Well, anyway, if it went well, it was a good thing.

“…… It seems like there are no more guards anymore. “It’ll be okay soon.”

After confirming that there was no sign of the Paladins, I lifted the stealth state.

Soon, my body, which had been blurry like a shadow, regained its original light.


I gently wiped away the cold sweat that had come down due to tension and slowly let out the breath I had been holding.

Even though I could hide my presence, I had to control my breathing and footsteps.

But it won’t matter anymore. There were no more guards to be seen, and there was a high probability that there would be no guard in front of this place.

That’s right. No matter how high a paladin he was, he couldn’t stay inside the sanctuary.

‘Instead, there must be a barrier guarding it. ‘He’s also a very powerful guy.’

Of course, the denomination did not neglect the sanctuary without any thought. In addition to what I originally knew, according to what I heard from Beatrice, there is a sacred barrier in front of us.

Not the type of shield that Beatrice often uses, but a truly proper barrier.


“Oh… ….”

At that moment, such a barrier appeared before my eyes.

The moment you take just one more step, voila.

If I had reacted late, I would have just crashed into him.

And if that were the case, I would have been kicked out right away, right?

“I don’t think there’s anything that can’t be broken through.”

Anyway, I looked up at that barrier and muttered. It is a huge barrier blocking the middle of an underground passage that feels a bit like a limestone cave.

I looked at that barrier and vainly stretched out my hand.


“Bitter, stinging.”

Then, out of curiosity, I tried to light up a thunderbolt, but I quickly gave up the idea due to the mild pain that came before the thunderbolt could take shape.

As expected, without Flügel, I am still just a body of water.

“…… So, come to your senses quickly.”

The moment that thought occurred to me, I felt a bit empty, so I tapped the sheath of the sword on my waist.

Originally, if I did it this way, I would have gotten a reaction no matter what.

[…] ….]

It’s just quiet now. This is because Flügel entered a state of light sleep due to Beatrice’s divine power.

“I’m going to make you better, but two people are working hard this early in the morning with their tired bodies…” ….”

Letting out a bitter sigh, I approached the sacred barrier. Anyway, the situation wasn’t relaxed enough for me to just zone out.

Did he notice my approach at that point?

Kugugu Palace…… !

The barrier vibrated, making a rather bloody noise. It may seem like a warning, or it may seem like a threat. It may mean the same thing.


I stood right in front of the barrier without hesitation.

And then, he takes something out of his pocket.


What appeared with a small clanging sound was none other than the platinum-colored Rosario. A string made of beautiful beads and a cross hanging at the end knock my hand.

Of course, this was something prepared by Beatrice.

-Remember, Dante. When you stand in front of the sacred barrier, do not try to break through it by force, but be sure to receive the help of this holy object. If you bring this to the barrier, you will be able to get inside even if there is some resistance.

I received it while heading to the church headquarters. It was definitely something that could be helpful, so I didn’t refuse it unnecessarily…….

-What happens if you try to break it through force?

For some reason, I was curious and asked that question. No, I’m curious.

Of course, after hearing Beatrice’s answer, I quickly decided to give up.


-You will die just like that by being burned by holy fire.


-Well, if you’re curious, try it.

No matter how much of a burning pain expert(?) I am, I have never experienced being hit by a sacred flame. I didn’t even want to try a new experience.

In the end, I calmly accepted Rosario.

‘Still, this is a very precious looking item.’

I briefly looked at the cross in the torches hanging all over the walls of the cave, then quickly hung the rosary around my neck and tucked it into my jacket.

It’s just a feeling, though. This is probably a sacred object that Beatrice made herself.

‘Because the divine power feels like Liche. ‘It’s almost certain.’

Originally, a high-ranking priest of the order of a saint could produce a simple holy relic with his own divine power, so there was nothing unusual about it.

Regardless of the effectiveness of this sacred object, it feels a little strange to think that Riche wears a rosary around his neck that he carefully handcrafted.

‘…… No, I’m not saying it’s bad.’

I can’t say it was exactly this, but it was also strangely dull.

It feels like my mind is floating.

“Hmm, hmmm.”

After letting out a short sigh, I started walking straight away. Enough of the idle thoughts.

Anyway, since there was a holy relic, the barrier could be passed.

One leg passed the barrier first.

Dismissal…… !


As a result, a light electric current passed through my legs and through my body, with a spark that felt somehow sacred.

This is another refreshing sensation.

I don’t think it’s thunder energy, but it feels like I’ve just experienced symptoms similar to electric shock.

It felt like an ownerless divine power observed my entire body and left.

But since I confirmed that it was safe, I immediately dragged the other leg and passed the barrier in an instant.

I could feel the rosary inside the clothes emitting a soft light.


And around that time, the sacred barrier that seemed like an iron wall disappeared from my sight. It seems that it may not be visible depending on the location and angle.

I also turned my head without any regrets about the barrier.

“…… Found.”

Right there, there was the Holy Grail.

A glass covered in clear gold.

A space with a somewhat reverent feel, on top of an altar located in the middle of it.

The Holy Grail there shines alone without any light source.

I looked at the Holy Grail with a blank gaze as if I was fascinated, but soon I came to my senses and moved. Head to the altar.

I tried to stretch out my hand.

To catch the Holy Grail.

Quang! Kwagwagwagwang!!

“…… !”

It was at that moment that the sound of a sudden explosion hit my ears. I remained rigid in the outstretched position and raised my gaze upward.

I recall the sounds of two explosions just before.

“…… “Mi, chin.”

I was unconscious and just muttered a curse.

The gaze raised upward catches the collapsing ceiling.

The ceiling of the cave, right above where I was standing, collapsed. Starting with the small stone fragments that fall first -.

It pours.



There was no time to observe or observe further.

I followed my instinct and rolled my body to the side.

Boom! Kugoogung!! Kugugugugugung!!!

“… ….”

For a moment, I couldn’t bring myself to speak. The only thing I could do to appreciate the sight, which was difficult to see, was to just take a deep breath.

I raised my head again, raising my tension to 100%.

“…… Her?”

And then he burst out laughing.

…… It’s absurd.

The ceiling was fine. I wasn’t talking about other parts.

I’m talking about the ceiling that collapsed right before.

The ceiling is joined together as if a crack appeared at some point, as if a collapse occurred, or as if they were openly teasing me for rolling over a little while ago.

I suddenly turned my gaze straight ahead, but of course the stone fragments and boulders that fell there still remained as before.

I thought I was hallucinating, but when I saw the wreckage, it wasn’t like that. What was it? That was a little while ago.

It was not difficult to infer the operating structure.

Actually, it was a simple story. As I ‘approached the Holy Grail,’ the ceiling collapsed.

And then it fell. To bury me.

“… ….”

After a moment of silence, I carefully raised my fallen body.

And then, out of sheer thought, I touched the ground one step in front of me.



The ceiling fell once again.

I immediately pull out my dual swords.


The fetus and Yongyeon were pulled out with a cold metallic sound. A lot of time had passed since I dealt with Duke Blake, but the sword and abilities still remained with me.

I would guess that the time limit is 24 hours.

It may not be confirmed, but if so, there is still quite a bit of time left. 24 Hours, one day.

But to put it another way, in the end, we must obtain the Holy Grail within today.

“Whoa…” ….”

I took a deep breath and glared straight ahead.

The distance from the Holy Grail is surprisingly not far.

And that means that if you can withstand the collapse of the ceiling, taking the Holy Grail itself may not be impossible.

In addition, my current physical ability was greater than that of Dante, who had 100% activated thunderbolt.

I didn’t hesitate.

Kick the ground straight away.


I floated in the air with a light movement and took a moment to look up at the ceiling.

Of course, the device was not so weak that it did not work just by not stepping on the ‘ground’.

Kugugugugu…… !

It falls apart once again. There were probably less than 5 seconds left until it hit the ground.

It doesn’t matter.

Punch straight through.

I immediately flew my sword energy upward.

From noble mtl dot com

Sweet love!

The blue sword that flew through the air first crushed the stones, creating more fragments.

It was actually quite dangerous, but I didn’t care and swung the second sword.

The second thing that sticks out from the tip of the sword is a purple sword.

It is not just one or two branches. Ten, twenty, or dozens more.

Papa papapapang!!

And that bundle of sword energy soon hit the flying stone fragments one by one, turning them into dust.

It was successful as planned.

But you never know when the ceiling will collapse again.

I immediately let go of the sword and stretched out my hand.

Towards the Holy Grail, this time to take that holy water!



And then a fist the size of a house flew towards me.

After being hit, I bounced and rolled on the ground.

If I were to express such a process in mimetic terms, wouldn’t it be ‘rolling and rolling’?

I just stayed there for a moment, suppressing embarrassment.

Thump, thump, thump.

“Ha, f*ck.”

Of course, it didn’t last long.

Heavy footsteps were heard in my ears.

I slowly raised my head and looked at the owner of the fist that had probably struck me a moment ago, who was approaching me.

There was a strange, unidentifiable creature standing there…….

‘What is it? Is it a snowman?’

It also looks strangely like a snowman. To be precise, it should be said that it feels like a clay doll made to imitate a person.

Oh, and the important thing is that the clay doll was covered with golden divine power.

“Whoa…” ….”

I stood up, patting my throbbing back.

And then he looks at his opponent, probably the one called ‘Divine Golem’.

As I said once, it was more like a pile of clay, which did not fit the name Golem, but even if I didn’t know it, I knew that the magician who created it was a guy who didn’t have any sense.

What does that look like? Is it slime?

Wow, wow.

I was in the middle of thinking about that.

The golem’s eyes flashed and looked at me.


And when she opened her mouth like that, after a moment of thought, I accepted her greeting (?) By nodding her head.

“Uh. “Why are you calling me?”


“Hey, f*ck.”

However, there was no satisfaction in receiving the greeting. It seemed like he had no intention of having a friendly conversation with me.

Soon the golem stretched out her hand towards me once again.

Her movements were slow, but I knew it was a deception because I was aware of the fist that flew at me a moment ago at a speed that made it impossible for me to react.

I didn’t let my guard down and immediately drew my sword.


[…] ….]

The golem’s chest was cut wide by a short extended sword strike. A well-placed blow. With that, I was able to understand the level of the guy.

You can catch it.

It is not difficult.

The calculation is complete. I was confident that it would take less than 5 minutes to catch him.

It was that moment.

Shooooo…… !

Suddenly, I stopped when I heard a strange sound coming from a little far away.

The sound of something sloshing, the sound of a strong stream of water hitting a rock, etc.

Suddenly, I felt the goosebumps of cold sweat drenching my back.

“Oh, no way. “Isn’t it?”

And then, while mumbling something indifferently, he turned his head without paying any attention to the golem in front of him.

Check the direction from which the sound is coming and the source of the sound.

“… ….”

Water was rising in the sanctuary.

Slowly, slowly, from the bottom.


And then the refreshing water that seeped in just like that hits my ankle and passes by.

‘…… ‘No, this is crazy.’

I was just silently shocked.

This is because I realized the purpose of water.

This sanctuary, its security techniques, were currently trying to bury any intruder.

Why…… ?

When I stole the Holy Grail in the game, no matter how much of a security technique it was, it didn’t feel this bloody…… ?


“…… Pfft!”

Also, at that moment, the golem struck first again.

A huge arm bigger than my palm swept the ground and tried to attack me.


I managed to block it with my double swords crossed in a cross shape, but even at this moment, I couldn’t underestimate the golem’s attack.

The important thing is not the golem.

This is the ‘time’ that the golem uses against me.

If I am caught by this guy, what will come to me in the end will be this strong wave of unknown origin!

‘What is the difficulty level? No, really, why? Why!’


I dropped the sword and cut off one of the Divine Golem’s legs, screaming inwardly. Something is wrong with this.

It was an unexpected realization, but of course it had no meaning.

The water was still rising, and the golem was still trying to catch me.

To add insult to injury, to make matters worse.

And what a dilemma…….

Anyway, I gritted my teeth at that moment, rolling over expressions I knew in my head.

‘5 Minutes late. ‘You have to catch it within one minute.’

That was the thought that came to mind while looking at the golem.

Because I had to keep in mind the time to take the Holy Grail and safely escape this sanctuary.


I put more strength into the hand holding the sword.

Okay, whatever happens, first of all, let’s start with this golem.

‘Process it as quickly as possible!’


The golden divine power emitted by the golem and the two colored sword energies I created collided in the middle of the sanctuary.

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