123 – Imperial Family (3)

The distance between the academy and the system is not as far as you might think.

Should I say that it is much better than the eastern side where Yeongsan is located?

If you really had to travel a long way by carriage, the island was located relatively close to Academy City.

‘It takes about two days to travel by carriage, so it’s pretty close.’

Of course, it may be thanks to Tsumei’s carriage that it moves steadily and steadily.

Anyway, compared to the train ride to Yeongsan, the departure and arrival were really quick.

If you describe it in four directions, the Academy is located slightly below the center of the map, Yeongsan is almost at the eastern end, and finally, the island is located right in the center of the map.

In many ways, it was a location that could be called the capital of the empire, and it was such a location.

“It’s so majestic… ….”

Inside the rattling moving carriage, I looked at the scenery outside, leaning against the now quite familiar window seat.

Just then, the image of the system I was thinking about came into view.

First of all, it is the castle wall. The first thing I could see was the silver wall surrounding the entire city.

In fact, more than the imposing castle walls, what I couldn’t help but focus on was the sight beyond.

How do you look inside a city surrounded by walls?

The answer was rather simple.

“It’s spectacular, really.”

What lies beyond the castle walls is, perhaps naturally, a castle. If the wall that protects a castle is not a castle wall, what else is there?

As I said, it was a very majestic and majestic castle wall, but the castle it was supposed to protect was even taller and more splendid than that.

Wouldn’t the expression ‘ju-gaek evangelism’ be a perfect fit?

The castle, which was entirely made up of a combination of silver and gray, boasted a majestic size that could have appeared in a homemade fairy tale.

The city was formed with the castle as the center, spreading up, down, left and right.

To that extent, the capital of the empire was a large city whose size I could not even dare to estimate based on the shallow knowledge I had accumulated so far.

The only knowledge I had was the academy city below the academy, but let alone such trivial issues.

If I had to force an analogy, it would be nice to say that I was really seeing modern Seoul.

Of course, I am not saying that I am definitely aware of the actual size and area of Seoul. Should I just say that?

It meant that the area was great.

In the first place, the location where the carriage is currently rolling is on a fairly high ground, but wouldn’t the fact that the city and the end of the wall surrounding it not be clearly visible be the clearest explanation?

That was a city in the literal sense.

‘There’s no comparison to seeing it on a screen.’

This is an expression that has already been used several times, but the system created an atmosphere of intimidation that was different from Yeongsan.

A strangely luxurious landscape, despite its historical background.

To borrow an expression from the game, it is said to be the center of the continent, the core of human civilization where all culture and economy gather.

Even such unfamiliar descriptions and descriptions can be naturally understood.

I observed the panoramic view of the city as it was, not even noticing the passage of time.

As if you were trying to imprint in your mind the scenery of every corner of the city you enter in a clear field of vision.


Unfortunately, the time looking down on the city from such a high point did not last very long.

The carriage soon got closer to the castle walls, and as such, all that could be seen from now on was the monotonous Iron Fortress.

I was about to quench my appetite with some regret.

“It looks like this is your first time seeing the system in person, junior.”

The name of the girl who suddenly came up to the seat next to me and started talking was Eve.

The lively silver hair, a characteristic of the royal family, naturally flowed down and tickled the back of my hand.

As if it was a conditioned reflex, my body flinched for a moment, but I tried my best to nod my head without showing it.

“I’m a bit of a country guy, hahahaha. “How was it noticeable?”

“hehehe, how could you not notice if you were staring out the window like that? “I thought, my junior, her eyes sparkle like a child at times like this.”

Eve smiled while slightly covering the corners of her mouth and then added an ironic comment along with an exclamation of ‘Ah’.

“Of course, junior Dante’s charm is that she is always as bright as a child.”

“… ….”

But if those words really felt like they were criticizing me for calling me light-hearted, maybe I was taking it a bit crookedly.

I don’t think so… ….

“By the way, I am saying this because it looks like you are new to the system. “Can I help you with the sightseeing?”

Whether I was thinking crookedly or not, Eve just said those words to me with a bright smile.

I quickly shook off the distracting thoughts and asked back.


“Yes. Father, no, I think that His Majesty the Emperor’s name for calling me was probably a simple compliment. “It’s about what happened in Yeongsan.”

Eve nodded her head in response to my question, then continued her speech with both fists clenched in an adorable pose.

“So I’m sure I’ll have a lot of time left. “Usually, when it comes to events to honor high-ranking people, especially the imperial family, there are a lot of superficial elements involved.”

And at that point, I understood what Eve was trying to say.

So, are you saying that you are going to take me on a tour of the islands in your spare time?

I was a little surprised, but the offer itself was good, so I blinked and said a word out of courtesy.

“Is it okay for you to spend that much time on me? “I don’t know, but it must have been a long time since I returned to Hwangseong.”

He was asking if she had a lot of work to do as a princess.

My guess is probably not wrong, but…….

“Of course it’s okay. Still, I am a student. “There aren’t as many special things to take care of or do as you think?”

As if Eve didn’t have to worry about such things, she smiled innocently and held my hand.

“Then I will assume you have agreed. As you may have guessed, I want to become closer to junior Dante.”

As she continued talking, it seemed that Eve viewed me as a better junior than I thought.

If it’s to the extent of saying something like this.

‘…… Well, it’s not good for your heart.’

I couldn’t bear to say anything further and had no choice but to just say that I would do it.

Generally, I wouldn’t be very happy with a suggestion like this from a school senior, but…….

‘Well, because it’s Eve.’

Isn’t the other person really an ‘unwelcome senior at school’?

Of course, the time I knew her was not very long.

But at this point, wouldn’t it be a senior-junior relationship that’s just uncomfortable?

Thinking like that, I just smiled innocently, and Eve also smiled back at me.

She gently folded her eyes and whispered softly.

“I’m looking forward to sightseeing.”


The carriage provided by Tsumei, the academy’s dean, was spacious. Literally speaking, the space itself was spacious.

I’m not just saying this, it’s to the point where I can walk around laughing.

There were four horses driving the vehicle, and it was equipped with all kinds of magical processing and Tsumei’s special space magic, so it was a natural performance.

“… ….”

In other words, there was enough space to leave the room for a moment, chat with other students, and then come back.

At this time, Beatrice was like that.

Originally, her seat was right next to Dante.

She didn’t raise any questions, and it was a positioning that even the parties considered natural…….

As of just before, Beatrice had left her seat for a moment and was returning after chatting with Aria in the compartment next to her.

Beatrice, who was walking lightly towards her place, suddenly stopped.

Because she witnessed a sight that forced her to stop.

What can I say? This is Dante and Eve.

Actually, it wasn’t a big problem in itself. Of course, Beatrice knew that Dante and Eve were close friends.


“Can I help you with the sightseeing?”

Even Beatrice could not help but pause and show curiosity at Eve’s soft voice and its contents that were heard around that time.

Beatrice hid her body without knowing the exact reason herself.

“…… Saint? “What are you doing behind my back?”

“Nick, shush. “Please be quiet for a moment.”

With Nick in the background, who happened to be nearby.

From noble mtl dot com

Nick raised a question mark for a moment, but it wasn’t that difficult for her to figure out what her actions meant.

Dante and Beatrice with Eve.

Nick looked at both sides for a moment and then silently nodded to her.

It may be a bit odd to say this, but it was fun to watch my friend’s dating situation.

Nick chose to silence her and acquiesce.

“Then I will assume you have agreed. As you may have guessed, I want to become closer to junior Dante.”

Anyway, the conversation between Dante and Eve was roughly concluded.

Dante accepted Eve’s suggestion, and the atmosphere became friendly.

At first glance, it was a scene that seemed like there was no problem, but Nick couldn’t help but tsk tsk and click his tongue.

It seems that Dante has not yet noticed Beatrice’s existence.

‘No matter what, I’m still accepting it without much thought. Anyone can see that this is a date request, my friend.’

Somehow, Dante has many female blessings, but apart from that, it felt like she boasted a particularly below-average sense of humor in this area.

Nick couldn’t help but admire his friend’s confident attitude.

If Nick’s feelings about Dante were to be summarized in one sentence, it was as follows.

How could he be so distracted by the subject of Miss Beatrice as her lover?

Of course, the truth was quite different, but considering only what was known to the Academy, Nick’s lament was indeed valid.

Furthermore, the complexion of the girl who was hiding behind his back and saw the same scene was not very good.

It is a natural assumption. In fact, it is not completely wrong, but it would be roughly correct to say that it is an illusion that is slightly off.

Nick was silent.

Beatrice was also quiet at that time, just slightly purring her lips and not saying anything.

“Hmm. “When you lose a player, you always regret it.”

Suddenly, another person appeared on the spot and said something calmly.

Nick looked back at the person in shock.

So, Grisha.

“It’s a shame, saintess.”

The red-haired boy just appeared and mumbled his words, but in Nick’s opinion, it wasn’t a very appropriate line to say right now.

Nick quickly stretched out his hand.

“If you have that kind of heart, you should have made the first move. If you just mess around, someone is bound to show up to intercept you—.”

“Wow, this tactless guy is really a special case.”

Of course, it was to stop the mouth of a thoughtless guy who spits words without thinking.

Nick grabbed Grisha by the back of his neck, dragged him, and quickly moved to the other side.

“Nick, let go of this. “What are you talking about, fighting?”

…… In the meantime, Grisha constantly made fun of her mouth, but it was her words.

Anyway, Nick hoped.

I hope Dante comforts my girlfriend well.

If possible, don’t fight.

“…… Ha.”

And after Nick and Grisha left, only Beatrice with an uncomfortable expression remained.

Soon after, she exhaled briefly and slightly stuck out her lips.

The girl in her prime, who was unable to clearly understand her own feelings, suddenly thought.

First of all, it doesn’t really matter whether your feelings are just friendship or love.

Rather than that, a thought just suddenly occurred to me.

With a slightly sullen expression, Beatrice spoke in a low voice the thoughts that had just occurred to her.

“I know the system quite well, too.”

A murmur that cannot be reached.

After a moment of silence, Beatrice tousled her delicate bangs here and there.

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