Episode 184

“Are you finished with everything you have ordered?”

Cheongga’s administrative area, especially Cheongdam-dong, is the residence of Chung-ha.

There, there was an old man who was kneeling and pouring tea, and an old man who took the attitude of his master in response.

“Yes. Sir. He will not see the light of the outside world until he grows old and dies. But, how come… … .”

“Every man has a place for his fountain.”

He sent blank eyes as if possessed by cleaning at the old master who spoke without blockage.

“… It is a wise word.”

“There is no need to wrestle with that leech-like clown. I made a suitable place for you, so don’t worry about it any more.”

“Yes. I will.”

Of course, that was not the real reason why the old man, Ambassador Jin Myung (眞冥), sent Han Kang-yun to Yangcheolgung.

‘It’s no good to have contact with him anymore.’

I don’t know what it was in English, but Han Kang-yoon knew something about Jin Myung.

Killing him is easy, but there is no guarantee that he will not make a final move in the process.

‘Just in case, you can’t sprinkle ashes on cooked rice.’

Because of that, I put a lot of effort into dealing with Han Kang-yoon without even meeting him.

I thought it would be an annoying saboteur, but fortunately, Heaven sided with Ambassador Jinmyeong.

‘I’m sure you’ll find something like that just in time.’

Originating from Han Kang-yoon, an existence like an alter ego of Han Kang-yoon.

There is no clearly established case, but if we were to give it a name, wouldn’t it be about a human spirit ingot?

Although it was Ambassador Jin Myung who was unable to participate in the present world because he was imprisoned, as he did not neglect to collect information, he was able to realize its identity at a glance.

‘The case of loneliness (蠱毒) would not have expected that it would have such a result.’

It was an achievement that was not intended at all as ambassador Jin Myung.

In the first place, the loneliness case was a separate case that had no connection whatsoever with the Jin Myung line.

However, in any case, it was Ambassador Jin Myung who discovered it first, and in the end, Han Kang-yoon was caught in a trap without even taking measures and was trapped in an impregnable fortress.

There was nothing more to fuss about.

“From now on, I will gather all the powers of the family into one.”

“… Yes. Everything is ready.”

“There may be some sacrifices, but it is inevitable for a cause.”

Ambassador Jin Myung looked at Jeong Jeong-ha, who had become my puppet, with a satisfied face, without even having any doubts.

To be honest, I didn’t expect it to be this big, but it was really close to luck to have hinted at Jeong-ha when I was young.

‘It’s a great skill. Besides, you still can’t see the end of the bowl.’

I hate to admit it, but honestly, she was more talented than Jin Myung herself. Jinmyeong was also a being different from the exorcists of the present age, but if they compete head-to-head in the present state, there is no guarantee of victory.

‘If I turned it into an enemy, it would have been really dangerous.’

If I hadn’t gotten my hands on Jeong-ha, all the plans I’ve made in the past might have been shattered because of her alone.

However, in the end, Jin Myung was the final winner.

The hints deeply engraved on Jeong Hae still completely caught her, and she cannot deny Jin Myung’s command from the depths of her heart.

So, I was able to issue these orders without hesitation.

“There is no one in your current family who can be your opponent.”

“… … .”

“So, start the war.”

In the end, he would be able to embrace everything he wanted to achieve without touching a single hand.

With her head bowed and staring at Jeong Jeong-ha, who was serving her orders, Jin-myung let out an evil smile.


Do Ji-hwan, the protagonist of the 5th exorcism series, falls into the conspiracy of hostile forces like me in the story and is trapped in the Yangcheol Palace.

However, he had a reason to go out, and in the end, he succeeded in escaping the impossibility, achieving a feat that would surprise everyone.

‘but… … .’

At that time, Do Ji-hwan was an exorcist at the beginning of the limited express.

Besides, what was possible because he also had his own special abilities like Yoo Ha-on’s perm characteristics, is quite different from my current situation.

‘That’s not the only thing that’s difficult.’

Earlier, I was convinced that I felt the wave of terrifying spiritual power on the top floor of the prison.

Now, the head of Yangcheolgung is definitely Haegaram.

And she was one of the top five exorcists in the Republic of Korea at the moment, and was considered the best among all-time guardians of Yangcheolgung.

‘It was a very popular character, so I know it well.’

She is a character who shines many times as an assistant to the main characters in the 2nd and 3rd episodes of the Exorcism series.

So I can be sure. My current skills will never reach her.

‘There is no guarantee that one day it will pass.’

She is, in fact, one of the best bowlers of the entire series.

Even if I grow to the limit, I honestly have doubts about whether I will be able to get as much strength as her.

“The more I think about it, the more difficult it is.”

I sighed and sat down on the wall of the solitary room.

It’s a really tricky situation.

There are a few gamblers that come to mind, but frankly none of them are worth putting into practice.

‘Let’s sort it out first.’

I assure you, there is no way to escape from everyone’s eyes.

In order to escape, it inevitably meant that he had to remove every element that prevented him.

‘The most annoying thing is, of course, Hae Garam, the owner of Yangcheol Palace.’

According to the custom of the clan, Hae Garam must have been taught how to deal with the confrontation scene here before becoming the head of the clan.

And as long as the confrontation system is still alive, it is virtually impossible to escape.

In other words, it is necessary to temporarily bind the operation of the barrier in some way.

That was the first prerequisite.

‘Do Ji-hwan brought the leader of the time to the stage and then pressed it with his skills to incapacitate it… … .’

To be honest, the head of the time when Do Ji-hwan was present was not that great. Roughly enough to be called a semi-special exorcist.

However, even he boasted unparalleled power within this tin palace.

What about Haegaram, which is considered to be one of the best express trains in the world?

Naturally, I had to prevent the manipulation of the barrier in a different way than him.

‘But how?’

There was no way to solve even the most important condition, so of course there was no way to create a flashy trick.

All three days in solitary confinement passed while I was just thinking about it.

I had to go back to room 7 on the designated second floor and face the prisoners again.

“… Did you come?”

Of course, in this place where strength is the truth, the origin or age of the person concerned has no meaning.

So, when I came back, they were openly treating me as a superior.

“Who has the highest rank in this room?”

It was a second-class wanted man named Choi Man-cheol who raised his hand at those words.

“… It’s me. However, I have no intention of opposing you.”

“I will leave the management of the room as usual. And, there are a few things I want to ask you.”

No matter how much I know about this Yangcheolgung, it is only the knowledge I got through the media.

Of course, it was necessary to obtain information from the actual field.

After talking with Choi Man-cheol for a while like that, I was able to recall various pieces of information and knowledge I had forgotten for a while.


“exactly. Once every three weeks, a duel between prisoners takes place. ”

Then, there was such a setting.

As this is a prison for those who have a violent temper and do not know how to control their power, it is necessary to satisfy their desires to some extent for effective management.

For that reason, they deliberately create a zone where the power of confrontation does not reach the deepest part, and open the game so that the prisoners can fight each other at various rewards.

‘Of course, that doesn’t mean that loopholes are exposed.’

There is no problem with the fact that there is a separate zone in the center and strict surveillance is added.

‘However, there is value to be used.’

I kept that fact in my head and continued the conversation with Choi Man-cheol.

“I don’t know if you know this, but there are three areas in this Tin Palace. You might even be able to compete with the prisoners on the third floor.”

In fact, it seemed that most of the rewards in the arena for a long time went to them.

“The most famous among them are Gregory the Crusher, an unknown man called Blood Quan, and Chasolbi the Majin.”

All three are names I’ve never heard of.

Haha, in the original story, there was no emphasis on Yangcheolgung at this point, so it was natural in a way.

‘If you listen to what they’re saying, they’re roughly level 1 talented people.’

In other words, except for Haegaram, it also coincided with the meaning that they possessed the highest power in the Yangcheol Palace.

‘No, I can’t be so sure.’

I turned my gaze to the floor for a moment and stared into the depths of the basement beneath it.

In fact, in this Tin Palace, there is a fourth section that is not officially known.

Just below the second floor, hidden by the power of a powerful confrontation system, there is a special area that can never be recognized by most people’s senses.

‘Since it’s the first episode, I don’t know if it’s empty at this time or even if someone exists… … .’

If there is anyone filling their place, they will be the most powerful and the worst inmates here.

‘If you look at the numbers, it’s from the top of the first grade to the top grade.’

And only those who have committed the taboo who betrayed humanity will enter it.

Damian, a red-blooded criminal who wanted to be liberated by the powers in the kidnapping of Laura, the former princess of Spain.

In fact, all those imprisoned in the secret floor had to be seen as having a similar level of risk.

“… It looks pretty interesting, do you want to join the arena?”

“I am thinking.”

“Especially for the top runner-up this time, the owner of this prison directly grants convenience within the limits. There is nothing to lose by trying.”

it’s a door

It is a duel between vicious prisoners, and no matter how competitive it is, it cannot be without danger.

Choi Man-cheol, who secretly inspires anticipation, is only coveting the Congolese that will fall when I get good grades.

‘but… … .’

No matter how many times I think about it, I need to see Haegaram at least once.

In addition, I wanted to experience the fact that the influence of the confrontation world disappears in the arena space.

After thinking for a while, I nodded my head and said.

“I will participate in this arena.”

There, you must find a clue to something escape.

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