“She’s also superpowered?”

Coulson was not very surprised by Matilda’s performance, he knew that Ye Li had a lot of talented people around him.

However, he still did not hesitate to praise, “No wonder Mr. President will bring her, she is indeed an excellent child, perhaps, she will help us to cooperate in the study of that hammer.” ”

Ye Li smiled slightly——

——It’s not this ~ reason to bring Matilda…

Cooperation with S.H.I.E.L.D. on hammer-son is only in passing.

He came to New Mexico primarily to find Jane Foster.

Because he learned Matilda’s surname, it was really Foster.

Matilda Foster…

So is Matilda a relative of the goddess of thunder?

After all, according to the movie universe, the two are the same actor…

Now again the same surname, what a coincidence.

“Donuts, yogurt, chocolate bars…”

After Ye Li put some snacks on the cash register, he said to the clerk, “Hello, let’s light a cigarette again.” ”

“Okay sir, which one do you want?”

Based on Ye Li’s appearance.

The female clerk enthusiastically introduced him.



Or Marlboro, HILOTON, KENT…”

Ye Li did not smoke and looked down at Matilda.

Matilda looked at the cigarette vitrine with two small hands for a while, and then pointed to a women’s cigarette duct, “PEE1~”

Ye Li shrugged at the female clerk, “You heard me.” ”

The female clerk’s eyes became a little strange, but she still took the bag and handed it to Matilda.

At this moment –

“Hands up! Hurry up! ”

“Don’t play tricks, or you will burst your heads!”

Two robbers armed with trolls pushed open the glass door and pointed their guns at the clerk, Ye Li and the others.

The brown-clad robber pointed his gun at the counter and quickly ordered the clerk, “Clear out all the money in the cash register!” ”

Another robber in a black coat took out a bag and slapped it on the counter, “It’s all in this bag!” The smoke is also loaded! ”

“This package is also for us!”

The brown-clad robber aimed his gun at Matilda, “Hey, give me the cigarette in your hand, it’s not something you can smoke as a little girl.” ”

“Don’t point a gun at us.”

Ye Li didn’t bother to make a move, reminding the two unlucky bastards who wanted to buy for zero yuan, “You will regret it.” ”

“What do you want to do?”

The robber turned his gun at him, “I warn you! Don’t play tricks with us! ”

This way.

Matilda looked at this muzzle….

In a trance…

A pool of blood flashed in front of his eyes…..


She suddenly lowered her figure, her calves quickly popped out, and she swept down one of the robbers with one kick!

Followed by.

The little brown boots stepped on the ground and jumped up.

Matilda grabbed the barrel of the other man’s gun.

The little hand broke and took his troll.

The backhand flung to the back of his head –


The robber, who was hit in the head by the butt of the gun, simply fell neatly to the ground.

Matilda managed to solve two robbers in three seconds.


Barbara and Coulson, who were just picking something, ran over, and as soon as they pulled out their guns, they were stunned….. Is it so fierce?


The female clerk who also raised her hand broke the silence, “I should watch fewer movies….. Otherwise, there will always be some strange dreams…”


“I haven’t smoked this yet,” Matilda muttered, tearing open the cigarette package in her hand and pulling out the root in her small mouth.

She bit the cigarette holder with silver teeth, looked up at Ye Li, and said vaguely with pink lips: “Brother…. Can you borrow a fire…..”

Ye Li smiled gently, “Good performance.” ”


He stretched two fingers in front of the girl’s soft lips, and the blue electric flower rubbed out of Mars and lit her with fireworks.

There is quite a sense of déjà vu of well-dressed animals abducting bad girls…


Old Bridge City, City Boundary.

“Why did you leave Coulson here?”

“Don’t you go to the hammer?”

Barbara looked left and right, and even with her agent’s qualities, she could not find anything in a short time.

Ye Li walked straight to an open hall building, “Trust my instincts, Barbara.” ”

Open room.

“You say.”

Eric Shavigko’s assistant said, “This is not a simple magnetic storm, right? ”

He is a Ph.D. in astronomy.

Not so long ago.

Dr. Eric Schavig, Dr. Jane Foster, and assistant graduate student Daisy Louise conduct astronomical observation research in the wilderness, and encounter an incredible astronomical phenomenon that is suspected to be a magnetic storm… Oh, and an inexplicable, drunken maniac who calls himself “Sol”.

This guy with the same name as the Nordic Thor was put down by Louise’s stun rifle, and it is estimated that he is still lying in the hospital…

“Look, the lens at the edge.”

Jane Foster finished looking at the analysis diagram on the computer and replied to Dr. Schavig, “It’s a feature of the Einsta-Rosen bridge.” ”

Daisy Louise wondered, “What bridge?” ”

Dr. Shawig said to her strangely, “Aren’t you a science major?” ”

Louise put down her glasses and said a little embarrassed, “Political science~”

Jane helped her and said, “She was the only applicant. ”

Dr. Schavig also knew that his research discipline was relatively unpopular, and reluctantly explained to Louise, “The Einsta-Ross bridge may exist, two different space-time connection belts…”

“Simply put—” a male voice from outside answered, “it’s a wormhole.” ”

The person who came was Ye Li.

“Hey, leave.”

Seeing that in this open hall building are an old man and two beautiful girls.

Barbara glanced at Ye Li, “Your intuition is to find two beauties?” ”


Louise saw the charming Ye Li and made a fool, “He’s so handsome~”

Ye Li’s gaze was on Jane, her face….. It’s like a fusion of the cinematic universe version and the comic universe version…..

“Who are you?”

Dr. Schavig was a little wary, “Did you go wrong?” The hotel is on the west side of the street. ”

“There is no mistake, it is you who are looking for it.”

Ye Li approached, took out his club’s vice president ID, shook it in front of Shawig and the others, and took it back.

Then he began to rambling, “S.H.I.E.L.D. handles the case, and honestly explains your recent situation.” ”


Dr. Schavig: “Are you a fool?” ”

Jane: “That…. None of us could see clearly…”….”


Jane also saw Matilda, frowned slightly, and fell into memories…

“Oh… You guessed half right, beauty. ”

Ye Li was indeed taking his sister out to play, and asked Louise, “What’s your name?” ”

This beautiful female partner with waves, when he watched the movie in his previous life, he didn’t remember the name much.

“Daisy, Daisy Louise~”

Louise saw that Ye Li took care of her first, and said happily, “Handsome man, what is your name?” ”

“Ye Li.”

Ye Li also prefers warm and lively girls, and talked to her, “I think we can talk.” ”

What to talk about? Certainly not in a relationship.

Although the look is good, he does not like the slightly fat type, Louise is slightly plumper, and the leg shape lacks a bit of beauty.

Ye Li wants to use Louise…. Let’s inquire about Jane’s details… Knowing oneself and knowing one’s opponent will not be defeated.

Not surprisingly, if the female Thor’s [Relationship Account] task is triggered, the task reward should be loaded with the Thor template.

Of course, this can’t be said directly, you have to trick Louise onto the ship first, and then slowly lure her…

“Yes, yes! Handsome, contact information! ”

Louise also thought that this handsome guy also took a fancy to her, and excitedly exchanged numbers with him~

Dr. Shavig couldn’t stand it anymore, and reminded Ye Li, “If you want to talk to Louise, then change the time and don’t disturb my work.” ”

“We can talk now!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Louise would not let go of the beautiful man who fell from the sky, and grabbed Ye Liandao, “I know there is a good bar nearby, we can go there!” ”

Dr. Schavig was speechless for her idiot, “Daisy, do you still want credits?” ”


Listening to the doctor’s credits, Louise had to let go of Ye Li first, “Then we’ll contact again…..”

“Okay, you can go.”

Shavig completely regarded Ye Li as a merry man who wanted to hook up with Louise, and drove him aisle, “The date can be done in the evening, now, leave.” ”

Ye Li shook the certificate again, “I still need to learn some information from you.” ”

He is not much interested in investigating Thor, but it is not enough to catch up with a Louise, but it is not possible to lack the protagonist Jane Foster.

Use the investigation as an excuse to get acquainted first.

“I’ll believe your nonsense?”

Dr. Shawig pointed to Matilda, who was holding a lollipop, and said to Ye Li in a paused tone.

“Just like Daisy said.

Want to deceive.

At least please don’t take a little girl with you. ”

He feels that his intelligence has been insulted, which department will take a teenage girl in her early teens to handle the case?

“Oh… What a prejudice…”

Ye Li crouched down and encouraged his sister, “Matilda… He discriminates against your age…”

“Huh? What’s wrong. ”

Matilda is used to it, and feels that it is nothing to be looked down upon, as long as the brothers and sisters of the new family like her~


0 for flowers 0


Matilda then understood what her brother meant.


She kicked a beautiful high kick in the blink of an eye, and it fell again in the blink of an eye-

– Bang!

A small cloud of yellow dust set off~

Matilda’s little boots after being removed.

On the yellow mud soil, there is a clear deep shoe print.

Shavig: (Д)!

Jane: (⊙o⊙)!

Louise: ⊙⊙!

“Who the hell are you!?”

Dr. Shavig picked up a stun gun from the table and pointed it at Ye Li, “Get out of here…..”


Barbara unhurriedly loaded the pistol and twisted a silencer on the front of the muzzle, “You’d better put down the toy in your hand.” ”

“Misunderstanding! Misunderstand! ”

Louise quickly raised her hands to persuade peace, “Leave, let’s first… The lady put the gun down, we believe you are the relevant department. ”

“Her name is Barbara.”

Ye Li introduced Louise, “Personal bodyguard, she always likes to do this when someone points a weapon at me. ”

“I’m going to call the police…..”

Shavig muttered, “I’m going to call the police…..”

“All right, Doctor.”

Louise pressed his hand, “Put my stun gun down.” ”

At this time –

Jane suddenly exclaimed, “I remembered!” ”

After rummaging through her childhood memories, she found that Matilda’s appearance was very similar to when she was a child!

Although it is not to the level of twins, it is also at the level of sisters.

Most likely, it is their relatives who have been left behind!

Could it be that the father or mother has an illegitimate daughter outside?

With this in mind, Jane ran to Matilda, crouched down and asked her, “Little sister, is your surname Foster?” ”

Matilda nodded and shook her head, “Hmm… My previous last name was Foster… But my surname is Ye now. ”

Ye Li’s eyes flickered, he was really a relative….. And it’s cousins…

After this.

It’s a big search for relatives.

Jane called the family to find out that her father had a younger brother.

This uncle broke with his family because he joined the gang to sell drugs, and he has not been in touch for many years …

All in all.

Matilda is most likely Jane’s cousin.

Just go to the hospital and do another appraisal to confirm….

“It turned out to be looking for relatives.”

On the way to the county hospital.

Louise kept looking at Matilda’s delicate little face, and asked her girlfriend curiously, “Jane, you were so beautiful when you were a child.” ”

Jane rolled her eyes, “Aren’t I pretty now?” And Matilda just looks like me when I was a child, but not exactly the same. ”

Shavig held an observation map in his hand, and there was a faint figure on it, “Just go to the hospital, there is a problem with that guy named Sol…. Gotta see him…..”

“What problem?”

Ye Li turned his head sideways and teased the doctor playfully, “Let me be Kangkang?” ”


Dr. Schavig put the picture away like a thief, “Can’t you take your own car?” ”

No wonder he was so guarded.

After all, Ye Li said that it was the relevant department for a while, one moment it was like he was going to pick up a girl, and the next moment he came to find relatives… It’s not normal to think about it.

County Hospital.

“Oh my God…”

Jane Foster looked at the test sheet in his hand and was surprised, “Matilda is really my cousin?!” ”

Ye Li: “Let me be healthy.” ”

Jane handed him the list and asked curiously, “What is the relationship between Mr. Ye and Matilda?” ”

Ye Li glanced at the test sheet with two fingers, and said on his mouth, “Brother who adopted her, do you say that I am not your cousin?” ”

Jane: “… It can’t be counted that way. ”

“How did you find this?”

She asked Ye Lidao, “Why don’t you look for my parents, but look for me first?” ”

Ye Li naturally wouldn’t tell the truth, and perfunctorily said to her, “Ms. Foster, you should think that I have a special feeling, it’s a fact that Matilda is your relative, isn’t it?” ”


Jane scratched her hair, a little annoyed, “I thought it was already weird to hit an inexplicable guy while driving… You’re talking to me about this kind of thing now…”

“Jane, that inexplicable guy is gone.”

Louise walked this way, “Dr. Schavig found that he had broken free from the restraints of the hospital bed and now did not know where to run. ”

Jane glanced at Ye Li, her expression mocking, “Mr. Ye, can you use your induction to help find someone?” ”

Ye Li tasted evil, “After going out and driving, you can find him.” ”


Jane, of course she didn’t believe it…..

A few minutes later.


As soon as Thor ran out of the hospital and wandered around, he was hit by Jane’s backward jeep…….

Louise: “Jane! You bumped into him again! ”

Jane: “What five?” “。

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