At the opening ceremony of the Stark Expo, there was a sea of people, and countless flashlight beams shone into the sky.

Stark’s appearance in a steel suit brought the atmosphere to a climax, and people shook the flashlights in their hands vigorously!

“The opening dance was not bad.”

In the cheering and noisy, Ye Li did not crowd people below, and sat in the VIP seat for a while, watching the leg-raising dance of the Iron Man Girl Dance Troupe for a while.

As for Tony’s words on stage?

He didn’t listen to a word.

Instead, in the position, I opened the [Chaoyang News Channel] and watched it.

Iron Man?

It’s not interesting, it’s not ~ like watching the news for a while.

Behind the opening ceremony, the voice and smile of Tony’s father [Hodward Stark] before his death began to be played on the big screen.

And in the video – a model of the city.

Ye Li knew that there were new elements hidden in this model, but he didn’t care about it for the time being, anyway, it was no surprise that Tony would find it himself.

Shut him up.

“Hi Li, how do you feel?”

Tony came over at this time, put away something that looked like a pregnancy test stick in his hand, and put it in his pocket.

It is a device that detects the content of palladium on the body.

“I feel deceived by you.” Ye Li said with a dead fish-eyed expression, “It’s boring. ”

Tony’s eyes widened, “Don’t you think my appearance is hi?” ”

Hey, a ghost

You just want me to come and see you fill the cup, right?

Ye Li stood up and clapped his hands, “Let’s go.” ”

Tony stretched out his hand, lifted his chin slightly, and signaled a direction, “Together here?” ”

Ye Li glanced obliquely over there——

Safe passage?

Bunging ——!




With the security door opening.

A large crowd of people rushed up.

Among them are Stark’s fans, beautiful women who want to climb high branches, some company CEOs who want to work with, and so on.

Soon, a beautiful woman with beige hair found Ye Li, “Are you Mr. Ye Li?” ”

She came over and asked, “I didn’t expect you and Mr. Stark to be friends, I don’t know if there are any arrangements in the past few days, I want to ask you out…”

“I don’t have time, sorry… I’m busy…..”

Ye Li refused.

But she still stuffed the business card into his pocket, then kissed him on the cheek and winked, “Change your mind and call me~”

“Is that Mr. Ye Li?”

“Mr. Ye!”

Soon a couple more poured in…..

The leaves are inseparable from the traces interspersed among the flowers.

If he just walks on the street, he will generally not be recognized by passers-by.

But the more famous and beautiful he is, the more he knows him.

And here, there are many…

“Tony, start today.”

After coming out of the secure channel.

Ye Li patted the crumpled clothes on his body, then picked out a few of the business cards stuffed in his pockets, and threw the rest into the trash.

“I kind of know how pitted you are.”

Deliberately pulled him along this side …. It’s really the old six.

Stark spread his hands innocently, “I thought you would have something to see, didn’t you leave those few behind?” ”


Ye Li read like a poker, scratching a business card.

“Isabella, Parsons College…”

“Emily, the art trading company executives…..”

“Olivia, Handmade Paintbrush Studio…”

“Okay, okay, don’t read it.”

Tony raised his hand in surrender, “I know you’re getting these cards to get down to business.” ”

“How about that sports car sending you, it can be regarded as making up for your bad mood.”

He said, pointing to the new car prepared by the bodyguard Harpy, “This is a brand new car, I haven’t even driven it yet.” ”

Ye Li glanced over there, “Oh, this is not bad. ”

“Yes, it’s rare to have something you fancy.”

Tony: “It seems that this sports car prepared by Harpy is really good. ”


Ye Li gestured for Tony to tilt his head back, “I mean she—is that your old friend?” ”


Tony turned his head and found out.

Time for a while.

In front of his sports car, I don’t know what a dai-eyed beauty in a purple dress stood.

Looks like he is of Irish descent.

“Oh, I don’t know her.

But she is indeed beautiful. ”

Tony didn’t pay much attention to the woman, and led Ye Li to the sports car, “So you want this sports car?” ”

“I don’t need to, Tony.”

Ye Li whistled-


With the heart-pounding sound of the engine, Vernika leaps off a high roof in the distance, and the tire hits the ground with a dull sound.


“There doesn’t seem to be anyone in the car!?”

“Is it out of control?”

Pedestrians on the side of the road were frightened by the car that suddenly flew down and quickly avoided it.

However, when Vernika drove in front of Ye Li, the surprised pedestrians were relieved again.

Anyone who can be around Tony Stark has a driverless motorcycle is nothing.


The woman standing in front of Tony’s car was taken aback and praised Vernieca, “It’s great!” ”

“Bang!” Vernika exclaimed happily.

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Ye Li said politely, did not say more to this dai-eyed beauty, and said goodbye to Tony, “Tony, remember not to lie to me next time.” ”

“Okay, okay.”

Tony got into the driver’s seat of the sports car, “Mr. Ye Li, then I wish you a good night, I will go first.” ”

“Mr. Stark.”

The dai-eyed beauty chuckled and stopped him, “I don’t think you can go yet~”


Tony, thinking that this was another beautiful woman who had come to pick him up, asked, “Who are you?” Want to make an appointment with me? ”

“Magistrate, Kate Mara.”

The dai-eyed beauty handed over the document in her hand and said with a smile, “I will ask you to attend the Senate Armed Services Committee at nine o’clock tomorrow morning, this is your summons~”

She’s still smiling.

Tony’s face fell, and he confirmed, “Can I see your badge?” ”

Harpy, who was sitting next to the co-pilot, echoed, “He likes to look at police badges.” ”

Kate Mara readily agreed, showing Tony her badge, “Do you still like to see it?” Mr. Stark? ”

At this time, Tony didn’t have any luck, and his brows furrowed…..

Kate Mara ignored Tony and them, and walked gracefully to Ye Li’s side who was watching the play.

“Hello~ Is it Mr. Ye Li?”


Ye Li raised his eyebrows.

“Beauty, are you going to send me a summons too?

If I remember correctly, I didn’t commit anything, especially for crimes that required court-martial. ”

“Mr. Ye.”

Kate Mara shook her posture, sat directly and lightly in Ye Li’s arms, put her arms around him and said, “You stole something~”

Ye Li tilted his head lightly, undeniable, “Your heart? ”

“Huh~ listen to one thing first, sir.”

Kate Mara’s good-looking face fell, blew in his ear, and whispered.

“Some time ago, Osbourne disintegrated.

Someone secretly acquired a part of Osborne’s research laboratory through the Ghost Spider Club’s industry…

It is said that a ….. A serum that is very similar to the super soldier serum, or ———

That’s Super Soldier Serum…..! ”


Kate Mara clings to Ye Li like a lover, and said in an ambiguous tone, “You don’t want to~ this matter is known by S.H.I.E.L.D., right?” ”


So? ”

Ye Li pinched her unceremoniously, and said with an indifferent face, “Threaten me? ”


Kate Mara blushed shyly, bit her lower lip, and said charmingly, “I just want to cooperate with you~”

“Who.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“General Ross.”


Ye Li let go of her and turned Vernieca’s handle, “Let him wait, see my mood.” ”

“Wait, one more thing, sir~”

Kate Mara is not a direct subordinate of Ross, and seeing that Ye Li still wants to think about it, he did not continue to say this matter.

She turned her eyes charming… Spit hot and ask~

“Do you have an appointment tonight?”

“Sit tight.”

Ye Li calmly hugged her to the front of him to straighten her, and then deliberately shouted to Tony’s side – “Tony, don’t be angry, I’ll help you teach her a lesson!” ”

Finish speaking.

Without waiting for Tony to respond, he circled Kate Mara and rode away in a two-


Originally, when he saw the magistrate turn his head and talk to Ye Liqingqing, Tony was very puzzled.

Now listen to Ye Li say so.

As soon as he reacted, he shouted back, “Hey! Li! Your home for a friend…”

Tony paused, because all he could see now was Vernieca’s taillights.

“Harpy, how far are we from Washington?”


Harpy did the math, “250 miles.” ”




“Is that Justin Hammer?”

On the court-martial.

Through his high technology, Tony easily exposes the face of the military and Justin Hammer’s desire to obtain steel suit technology.

“Iron Man is useful and we are safe.”

Tony Stark patted the table, “You want my product?” Don’t even think about it! ”

He got up from the hearing seat, turned to face all the cameras, opened his hands to “yes”, and said-

【I.vesuccessfullyprivatizedwordpeace! (I alone can maintain world peace!) )】

“I.vesuccessfullyprivatizedwordpeace? ,Huh~”

After Ye Lixue said something to Tony Stark on the live TV broadcast, he teased him, “Tony, this guy, really can brag.” ”


Gwen adsorbed a small peeled fruit on his fingertips and fed it to Ye Li, “You went to the exhibition with Mr. Stark yesterday, it’s fun~”

“Ash is often boring.”

Ye Li swallowed the fruit and tasted the slender jade onion by the way, “He thought it would be cool to fly down with that iron pimple, but he was blown out by fireworks.” ”

Don’t give Tony any face.


Felicia buried her nose in Ye Li’s neck and sniffed softly, and the snow-white cat’s ears suddenly trembled, “Master… It smells like other women…”

Jessica was grabbing Felicia’s tail and playing, and when she heard this, she was curious, “Who is it?” Cindy or Skye? ”

“Not Cindy… It’s not Skye either…”

Felicia’s tail dangled, and the tip of her nose was close to Ye Li and sniffed carefully, “What about the strange smell…”


Jessica’s eyes narrowed, and she grabbed Ye Li’s handle, “Say!” Brother, who is it, explain it truthfully. ”

“Ah, this…”

Ye Li only thought for a second, and directly chose to throw the pot to Tony, “Of course, I was squeezed by the female fans of Iron Man, they are too enthusiastic.” ”


Then you yesterday night…. Why did you keep us waiting so long? ”

Jessica thought like a detective and wondered, “Brother, are you having an affair?” ”


Ye Li almost choked on his saliva, “Jessica, don’t you think this word…. It’s not appropriate for you to use it. ”

“Why is it inappropriate?”

“Bully me every day~”

Jessica grabbed Ye Li’s handle, but she wouldn’t let it go so easily, and said coquettishly: “Do you want to run out and don’t admit it?” Don’t think I’m a sister to have such a cheap thing! ”

“What’s wrong with her?”

Ye Li tilted his head to look at Gwen on the other side, “Has Jessica watched purdah soap operas recently?” ”

“Hey~ she, because she is always nagged by my father, I haven’t been a female knight for a while…”

Gwen remembered something, and it was a little funny.

She gently lifted the slender white long legs placed on Ye Li’s body, passed him, and stepped mischievously on Jessica’s thigh tender flesh with her jade-like little feet~

“Jessica can’t be idle~

Ran again to open a private detective agency, well… Helped the employer find out a few commissions for the affair~”

“Gwen! Don’t poke me with your feet. ”

Jessica was exposed, her pretty face was slightly red, and she grabbed Gwen Hao’s white ankle in shame, and moved away, “Slimy!” No wonder you can stand on the wall. ”

“Private detective agency?”

Ye Li also felt that his sister was really energetic.

But when it comes to the evening…. How is it so-so, and Gwen they are half a pound and eight taels…

Is it because home plate is not developed?

“Jessica, where is your detective agency?” Ye Li asked casually.


Jessica scratched the heart of Gwen’s foot with her small hand, and said proudly, “Just outside the Clinton area.” ”


Ye Li choked again…

Clinton District, known as [Hell’s Kitchen]

You’re really dripping six.

“Don’t underestimate me!”

Jessica: “The detective agency is just covering up, in fact, I am looking for some news!” ”

Ye Li: “What do you do when you inquire about news?” ”

“After Kim put himself in jail, Hell’s Kitchen is a mess now.”

“What a demon gang led by Mr. Negative…..”

“Hammer’s…. Maggia gang….”

“Gwen didn’t find the tombstone before…..”

Jessica folded her fingers and counted, “Recently, there was a … [hand meeting], in the words you said, all kinds of cows, ghosts, snakes and gods have appeared.” ”

Ye Li: “Wait…. You say hand union? ”

“yes, what’s wrong?”

Jessica: “It must be some kind of gang organization too, right?” I caught a ninja from their organization asking. ”

“Little day…. Nice neon local…..”

Ye Li’s eyes flickered.

Even if others are counted, these guys with hands dare to jump under his nose …


Gwen broke her foot away from Jessica’s hand, “Leave, what do you say you’re doing well?” ”


Ye Li glanced at the clock and got up from the sofa, “It’s not early, you guys get dressed and go to school quickly, I also have to go out.” ”

“Wait a minute.”

Jessica raised her leg at this time, and the smooth instep hooked Ye Li’s leg bend, making a flattering gesture~

“Hee-hee, brother, do me a favor~”

“Number 37, it’s here.”

Ye Li took the address given by Zhang Qiao’s sister and found the location of her detective agency.


Just in time to come to Hell’s Kitchen.

Just help her come and see.

Take the key and open the door and walk into the detective agency.

Ye Li glanced around.

Compared to the Ghost Spider Club, this is a small place, just a façade that Jessica rented temporarily.

Very deserted and looks ready to close at any moment.

Nothing special.

Ye Li also pulled Jessica’s decent office chair, sat down and waited.

A man who claimed to be a lawyer booked to come to the detective agency today, thinking that there should be some commission.

But Jessica had to go to school and was not available, so she wanted to ask Skye to see it.

…. However, in the end, it was handed over to Ye Li, who was very idle.

ps: Chapter 66 is unbanned, and Yanzu who has not read it can take a look at it (but there is no content to change) (the review is hard work).

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