The other side.

The body of the rhinoceros man was processed and taken away by the S.H.I.E.L.D. people.

Coulson also reported the incident to Nick Fury, “Do you need to send someone to contact the girl who claims to be a female knight, we have found out her identity through facial comparison.” ”

Nick Fury said casually, “Well, you can send someone to investigate.” ”

He didn’t think much of Jessica, after all, she was just a fledgling girl.

As the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., he has seen a lot of extraordinary humans, even some inhuman aliens.

Coulson asked again, “Inform Natasha?” ”

“Coulson, do you have any misunderstanding about our agent level?”

The one-eyed dragon raised his head, “Natasha has more important tasks. The information shows that this girl named Jessica Ye is just a high school student in Midtown High School, are you going to play with her? ”

Coulson hesitated, “But she is a superhuman after all, and her various indices are far beyond ordinary people in data analysis, especially strength, conservatively estimated, at least 800 pounds or more.” ”

Coulson is a fan of Captain America, so he knows that Captain America weighs only 1200 pounds (545 kg) in the bench press and 800 pounds (363 kg) in the jerk.

“The rhinoceros Mikhailovich is stronger and has not yet been dismantled into parts.”

Nick Fury looked serious, “I think we should pay more attention to that black spider.” ”

“This black spider appears too little, and has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities, and his suit seems to be very high-tech, able to isolate almost all information.” Coulson looked up the information and found that there was nothing useful at all.

Nick Fury squinted: “There must be a relationship between black spiders and ghost spiders, and almost every appearance is on occasions where ghost spiders appear.” ”

Coulson thought of something and reported, “That girl named Jessica, she opened a ghost spider fan club, I don’t know if it’s pure admiration or some connection. In addition, Skye, who was concerned by the bureau, also joined the club, and I took the time to take a look, but I didn’t have time to take a closer look. ”

“Coulson, are you reminding me to give you a vacation?”

“I didn’t mean that. Of course, it would be nice to be able to take a vacation. Coulson touched his soon-to-be-apologetic head.

“There will be a chance, Coulson.”

Nick Fury drew him a pie and handed him a message, “Before that, here’s a task for you.” ”


Coulson knew that he was a hard worker, so he took it without saying anything, “What about the Ghost Spider Club?” ”

Nick Fury thought for a moment and thought of an agent, “Inform Barbara and ask her to investigate these things.” ”

Time flickered again.

Several weeks have passed since the disappearance of Norman Osborne’s body.

Because of Norman Osborne, Osbourne is in a bad situation.

Harry, who is just a high school student, even if he has been exposed to it since he was a child, it is difficult to provoke the beam.

The board was deeply divided, and Harry, the interim chairman, had a lot of power in his hands.

Funding for some of Norman Osborne’s previous research and development projects has also stalled, including Connors’ lizard gene pass-through study.

These days, Peter often goes to help Connors or meets Harry in Osborne, and he doesn’t go to the club to play with his dead friend Ned.

However, these Ye Li did not pay much attention, he was now coming out of the hell’s kitchen.

Ye Li successfully caught Jin He here once, “educating” him the truth of not littering.

At the same time, he brushed some of Jinhe’s super criminals, leaving only Jinhe.

Keep the gold, maybe he will hire more super criminals in Spider-Man, and then there will be brushes again.

The random rewards of the system never go out of style, even if the characters are not strong in combat, if they are lucky, they may have some good rewards.

Ye Li tasted the sweetness of [Weather Control] from the rhinoceros man before, so he was more diligent.

Of course, the news of Tony Stark’s disappearance in the Middle East desert two days ago also made Ye Li feel a little more urgent, but it was still very early before the arrival of purple sweet potato essence.

Toot –

Ye Li picked up the phone, “Hey, Skye……. What, you dropped out of school? ”

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