Chapter 10168

This is true.

   At this moment, the two ace formations, Beihai Pojun and Nanhai Moruo, were about to drive straight into the hinterland of the West Sea to encircle and encircle Lin Yi's personal guard camp, but they were each blocked by two people.

   Two people blocking an ace team, this is absolutely a fantasy, even if it really happened, it would be considered by everyone to be a suicide act.

   However, if they knew the names of these four people, it might be another view.

  Poseidon's fifth walk, Du Hong.

  Poseidon's fourth walk, play treasure.

  The third walk of the Sea God Temple, Xing Pojun.

  The second walk of the Sea God Temple, step Qinglian.

  Although in terms of personal impact, these four are not as good as the monster standing at the top of the pyramid, like the first walking wolf, but there is no doubt that each of them is a real top-level combat power in the sea.

   In the secular world, every one is a nuclear weapon-level existence.

   It may be a little reluctant for them to face an ace team alone, but if two or more team up, even if they can't take down the entire ace team head-on, it's enough to have a good deal.

   This time, in order to cooperate with Lin Yi, all the first five walkers attacked, which can be said to have made a lot of money!

There are huge risks behind the   , and there is a slight chance that the priests will take advantage of it, but it also represents an unprecedented huge benefit, so they are willing to give it a try!

   Lin Yi waved at Ao Sifang, who had a stiff expression: "Walk slowly without giving up."

   "Okay, I remember you."

  Ao gritted his teeth in all directions, and in the end still reluctantly tried to launch a killing move, but was reluctantly explained by Lin Yi, so he had no choice but to step into the void restricted area.

  There is no way, at this time, Ao Taiwei really can't hold it anymore. If he doesn't hurry to help, he will have to face the wolf extermination alone.

   No matter how proud he is in his bones, he still has no confidence in this matter.

   Seeing his saviours leave one after another, Ao Huang, who thought the situation had turned around, couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

  If it hadn't happened just now, relying on the resources at his disposal, the Prince of the West Sea might still have some determination to fight against Lin Yi to the end.

   After all, he was in his position. After thinking about it for so many years, his wish to take over the West Sea was in vain. No matter who changed it, it would not be so easy to accept, and he would not be so reconciled.

   But now, not only is his own father, Ao Universe being calculated to death, even Ao Sifang and Ao Taiwei who appeared together are under Lin Yi's calculation, and even they can't break the game.

   As a prince of Pojiao who doesn't even know where his trump card is, what can he do to fight against Lin Yi?

  Lin Yi didn't bother to discuss with him at all, so he gave an ultimatum in public: "Take the lead in implementing the push order, you are the future king of the West Sea, of course, if you don't agree, you can do it, then someone else will do it, I don't mind.

   Anyway, there are more than 100 brothers in the family, there will always be someone who wants to seize the opportunity to rise, and there is no shortage of you. "

   Everyone looked at Ao Huang in unison.

Ao Huang forced a sullen face and said: "The two uncles are still fighting, the two ace cards from the South China Sea and the North Sea are still coming, and most of my elite fighting power in the West Sea is still intact, why do you think you will win? ?"

  Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's already at this stage, you still come to ask me this question. It seems that I have to take back the comment I just said. Your level is actually quite bad."

   The rest of the power leaders were discussing in private.

Although in terms of standpoint, they all naturally stand on the opposite side of Lin Yi, but at this moment, anyone with a discerning eye can see that since Ao Taiwei and Ao Sifang were successively led away by Lang Mie, the balance has completely turned to Lin Yi's side. tilted.

Lin Yi then added another sentence: "Even if you take 10,000 steps back and say, even if Ao Taiwei and Ao Sifang are lucky enough to join forces to win Lang Shui, their respective trump cards have really rushed here, do you think the next Xihai , is there anything else going on with you, Aohuang?"


   Ao Huang was speechless.

   It's not that he can't figure it out, but that he knows it too well.

His Lao Tzu Ao Universe has never been a good stubble to get along with. With the old grudges between each other and the ambitions of those two, once they control the situation this time, the next move is bound to be to carve up the entire West Sea. !

   Based on his knowledge of Ao Taiwei and Ao Sifang, this is by no means a small probability event, and definitely not an alarmist.

   Instead of this, it is better to rely on Lin Yi, so that he can at least get the biggest piece. In the future, he will have no chance to re-unite the West Sea.

   In the end, Ao Huang made up his mind: "Okay, I voted."

   "Yes, he's a smart guy."

   Lin Yi was not surprised by this.

   These children of the royal family, who are usually high and mighty, will become softer one by one when it comes to a critical moment.

   Strike while the iron is hot, Lin Yi immediately instructed Hai Wutian and Hou Mohe to proceed with the matter of Xihai's entrustment.

   Ao Universe's more than 100 sons are all on the list of favor orders. This is destined to be a complicated project, but fortunately, there is a model from the East China Sea ahead, and the progress will be much faster.

   In addition, the big python led the personal guard battalion and began to take over the Xihai elite gathered nearby.

  Although there are inevitably twists and turns in the process, there are many people who are dissatisfied, those who gather to resist, and those who fan the flames, but in the face of absolute strength, none of this is a problem.

   Or, it’s just a matter of time.

   During the whole process, Ao Huang was unexpectedly quite cooperative. As the Prince of Xihai, he was far more acquainted than his brothers who were eager to move, and there was no trouble from beginning to end.

   This made Lin Yi look at him with admiration.

   It is true that unless there is a key reversal in the current situation, it is the wisest choice for Ao Huang to take the initiative to cooperate, no one.

   But wise is wise. For a careerist in a high position, it is not easy to keep wise all the time.

   After all, what he wants to convince is not only himself, but also the following fans who follow him to eat.

   As the boss, he is not qualified to stop.

   The dignified Prince of Xihai took refuge in Lin Yi. In the eyes of many people, it was Ao Huang’s lack of seeds. However, in fact, even if he made this seemingly most cowardly choice, Ao Huang still needed courage and courage.

   This is also a big gamble for him.

  Unless following Lin Yi can give him the opportunity to grow stronger and let the people below see enough hope, even if he takes the position of the king of the West Sea for a while with Lin Yi's support, he is destined to not last long.

   (end of this chapter)

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