Bai Qingqing smiles and waves her hands. There are some burnt firewood in it. If it can be broken, she doesn't want it.

"No, just dig it out."

Vincent couldn't, so he had to do it at Bai Qingqing's request.

But he thought of a more secure way, and found a fire stick. Two of them were used as chopsticks to clamp a mud bowl on the edge, and they came out steadily and slowly.

"Get out of the way." Vincent's bowl of mud stopped at the stove mouth, and his eyes were slanted.

Bai Qingqing immediately got up and stepped back several steps.

Vincent just got the bowl out.

Outside, the mud bowl is still in red color, and the snowflakes blow on the mud bowl with the cold wind, making a slight "bared" sound.

The color of the bowl quickly precipitates and darkens, from bright yellow to orange yellow, then orange red, and finally to a bright silver gray.

"Ah!" Bai Qingqing takes a breath. A big mouth can turn into an egg.

Why is it so beautiful?

This This, this, this won't be firing ceramics, right?!!

It looks smooth, like it's painted.

Did the temperature not drop completely?

Bai Qingqing picks up a firewood, pokes the bowl with the firewood, and immediately touches the firewood.


Bai Qingqing grabs the snow again and spreads it. He can't hear the "bareness", but the snow falling on it soon melts.

The color of the bowl did not change again. It was always beautiful silver gray.

Bai Qingqing can't believe it. She just dreamed that she was very successful, but she only dreamed about the crude pottery of soup making, which feels like turning around.

God knows how the mud in the river can burn things?

Vincent was even more surprised, reaching for the bowl, and then his eyes were more surprised.

"The texture is different." Vinson road.

Bai Qingqing is also curious to see the baby. With a touch of his hand, he feels as smooth as glass.

Matter has a melting point. It turns out that in the high temperature, the surface of the mud embryo is directly burned and melted, forming a layer of glaze like material.

It's hard to describe Bai Qingqing's mood. She's just a high school student with ordinary intelligence. She made such a successful porcelain bowl once.

This luck Isn't that great?

Bai Qingqing thinks that the secret lies absolutely in the raw materials, that is, the special mud at the bottom of the puddle.

Bai Qingqing couldn't let go of it. But soon, she found many flaws on the porcelain bowl.

On the surface of the porcelain bowl, there are dense snow cracks, gathering on one side, and the other side is almost perfect.

Bai Qingqing ponders for a moment, remembering that when he first came out of the kiln, some snowflakes fell on the porcelain bowl and made a "bared" sound.

It must have cracked at that time. It's a pity.

Fortunately, it looks good, like a specially printed pattern.

There are two squeezes at the bottom of the bowl. This is what Vincent made with a wooden stick. At that time, the surface of the bowl was still melting.

In Bai Qingqing's excitement, Vincent's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

"The earth can burn harder objects. What about stones that are harder and stronger than the earth?"

Vincent suddenly seemed to say casually. Bai Qingqing was shocked and looked up at Vincent with wide open eyes.

"What are you doing?"

It seems that I can't stop it - Vincent, this is the rhythm of steel making!

Vincent looks at Bai Qingqing strangely. How does Qingqing react so much?

"Can stones really be made into harder materials?"

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