After breakfast, Bai Qingqing is bored to see the puddle.

The waterwheel creaks and turns like an old rusty machine.

There is a layer of ice on the outside of the bamboo tube, spreading inside. If it doesn't matter, it will be completely sealed sooner or later. Most of the water is also frozen, only the position of the waterwheel is splashed.

"Lanze?" Bai Qingqing threw a stone into the water.

Soon, a blue Mermaid came up and looked at Bai Qingqing with a pair of blue eyes.

Bai Qingqing suddenly finds out, "isn't your nest in there? How do you know I'm here? "

"I sleep under the water truck. I can see the orcs coming. The nest is only for the females." Blue Zeli hair, blue hair scattered in the water, bright and elegant as a bunch of seaweed.

Blue Ze blows in the cold air, and then he wakes up. He laughs and says, "this waterwheel is good. The water that has been poured down has a lot of oxygen. It's more comfortable in the water."

Bai Qingqing also smiled, "then I'm relieved. Isn't there enough food in the water? I asked Parker to bring the bacon. "

Lanze lies on the bank, the tail slaps at will: "no, I can turn into a human shape to hunt in the river."

"Good." Bai Qingqing thought, if you live here all the time, you have to put fish in the puddle. Otherwise, the fish here must be eaten by lanze.

"The bucket is freezing. It seems that it should be maintained frequently in the future. I'll bring hot water to melt the ice. " Bai Qingqing waves to lanze and turns away.

Lanze is on the bank. He smashes all the ice on the water and slides to the bottom with an ice board.

At noon, Vincent came back with a bag full of things.

Bai Qingqing is lying in bed, lazy. When he saw the food Vincent brought back, he immediately cheered up.

"What did you bring back? So long. "

Parker shrugged his nose and immediately turned into a human. "Have you met the scorpions?"

The smile on Bai Qingqing's face immediately faded, "is it really coming?"

"I strengthened the tiger guards, and they were found as soon as they came."

Vincent made a human figure and said, he surrounded the hide on his waist, then poured out all the things in the bag and fell all over the ground.

There are chestnuts and lots of oval shaped lumps.

Bai Qingqing's mouth is wide open, even the threat of the scorpion family is forgotten.


"This is stone fruit." Vincent corrected.

"Potatoes, stone fruits, that means something."

Bai Qingqing was overjoyed. He sniffed the taste of potatoes and said, "this is dug out of the soil, isn't it?"

Although I can only smell the smell of earth.

Vincent's expression was still serious, but his eyes were bright, and he said, "well, I know you like to eat vegetarian food. If you ask about the fruits that can be eaten by the ethnic animals, the bayonet and stone fruits can be eaten this season."

"It's called potatoes in our place. You have them here. I like potatoes best!" Bai Qingqing fished in several potatoes with one hand. He wished he could chew some raw potatoes.

It turns out that the stone fruit Ford said was potatoes. He had been digging for a long time, and potatoes were also food.

Simple boiled can be full, and fried, fried. Making potato starch can also make fans, wide powder and fried rice cake. After that, the food will be enriched.

Finally, there's staple food, wood?!

Parker looked at the food on the ground, pulled his eyebrows and said, "I asked them why they didn't tell me?"

"The stone has matured in the cold season, but now it has just matured." Vincent explained.

Parker was relieved, took his hide skirt and rubbed it, handed it to Bai Qingqing: "Qingqing eats it."

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