Parker grabbed the snake's tail and tugged hard to tear him apart. Curtis firmly plate in place, slowly loosen the upper body, into a half human form.

Parker's ears trembled, and he tended to escape danger. He wanted to run away quickly. But when he thought that Qingqing had been eaten by a snake beast, Parker had no sense and bit more fiercely.

Curtis' s hand caught the leopard by the neck and made it loose.

"Ouch!" Parker cried painfully, his eyes hostile to Curtis.

Curtis said coldly, "she's fine."

"Ouch?" The leopard's pupil expanded from the vertical pupil to the beautiful round pupil, hoping to look at the snake.

Curtis let go of Parker's grip and revealed the upper part of Bai Qingqing's body.

Bai Qingqing is falling asleep. He puts his hands on his cheeks. His arms block the fullness of his chest. The curly brown black hair is moistened by sweat, pasted on the scarlet cheek, the ruddy full lips are slightly open, looks like sleeping very sweet.

"Woo ~" Parker's momentum softened, he squatted in a human shape, reached out his finger and gently poked Bai Qingqing's cheek, lost his mind and said: "how lovely..."

The python moved again, and Bai Qingqing's body was wrapped up again. Curtis said, "don't disturb her sleeping."

"I know." Parker regained his composure and, as he got up, looked at the two rows of bloody cavities in the snake's body and walked out of the bedroom.

Because of great sadness and joy, Parker felt open-minded when he went out to breathe fresh air.

Under the window, there was a deep hole he was digging in the agony. He wanted to be destroyed as soon as he saw it. He was just about to fill in the soil. He looked at the riverbank and hesitated.

This year's rain is especially heavy. The old willow trees by the river have been submerged in the middle of the trunk, and the thorn trees just planted are almost covered by the water.

Parker made the shape of a leopard, trotted to the thorn wood, and his two claws quickly dug the thorn wood out and planted it in the hole outside the window.


Bai Qingqing didn't know how long he had slept. When his consciousness revived, he felt so tired that he couldn't move his fingers. After a few gasps, he could hum a weak voice.


"Hiss ~" Curtis immediately turned his upper body into a human shape, revealing the white Qingqing.

Although Curtis was cold, the world in the snake's tail was airtight, and the air in it had been ironed by human body temperature for a long time. At this time, as soon as he let go, the cold air came, and Bai Qingqing immediately shivered.

Soon a thick hide was draped over Bai Qingqing. Then Bai Qingqing heard Parker's surprise voice: "Qingqing, you finally wake up, I'm worried about death."

"How long did I sleep?" As soon as Baiqi opened his mouth, he found that his voice was hoarse and hard to hear. He couldn't help clearing his throat and saying: "I'm so tired..."

"You and Curtis have been together for a day and a night, and have slept for another day and a night, but they must be hungry. I've already prepared food, so I'll bring it to you." Parker said he'd run away when he was finished.

The sound of firewood folding was heard in the main room, followed by the sound of stone collision.

Bai Qingqing is shocked. He lies in the trough all day and all night!?

She only knew that she had done it for a long time. She was tired and fainted several times. She felt that Curtis had been twisting slightly all the time. I don't know when I will finally have a real rest, I will fall asleep greedily until I am forced to wake up by the sense of crisis.

Bai Qingqing wants to have a look at Curtis on his own, but because of his weakness, he only successfully turns his eyes: "Curtis..."

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