After taking care of An'an for nearly ten years, lanze encountered unprecedented problems.

It was still sunny and cool in the shade of the island. Ann curled up on the ground covered with soft silk material, rolling a few circles from time to time, leaving a gorgeous red plum on the white silk material.

LAN Ze looks at An'an. His blue eyebrows are so twisted that they can kill flies.

"Ann, let me see you again." Lanze went to the bed and took off the girl's skirt again.

An'an doesn't reject lanze at all, but feels that it's cold to take off clothes and spontaneously approaches lanze.

Lanze felt An'an's chest, and there was a lot of frustration between his eyebrows.

A long sigh again.

"Ann, I think you are ill."

Lanze holds an in her arms. The females and cubs in her arms are not like adults either in appearance or inside.

How can such a small cub have feelings? So I must be sick.

An'an hasn't flowed so much blood since she was a child. Lanze is so distressed and afraid that her blood is running out. She immediately makes a decision.

Blue Ze looked at the distant coastline, his face clouded.

"I'll take you home." Lanze suddenly said, holding Ann and standing up.

It's hard to escape back to the sea. Ann's pursuers are terrible.

Now that An'an has opened, she is more beautiful than when she was a child. She has a very fertile mother. I think she will attract more pursuers.

But for the sake of Ann's disease, they can't help but go to the land. The big deal is to die. He can't watch Ann bleed and die.

Lanze immediately packed up and set out. He put ANN on a huge shell and pushed her to swim in the sea.

There are beautiful blue and purple lines on the shell. Ann likes them very much. She feels them on the top.

Lanze looked at the heartless Ann and said "little thing" with a smile.

I never know how sad I am, and I am very happy. He is responsible for everything.

Lanze spent three days and three nights to swim to the coast, and the whole fish was haggard when he went ashore.

These days Ann sleeps when she's tired, eats sashimi when she's hungry, and when it's raining, she can get into bubbles to hide from the rain, like a holiday.

Lanze didn't go ashore directly. He first took An'an to the bottom of the sea and rested for a long time. At dawn, he wrapped an up and brought it out.

The tall and dense jungle is dark and gloomy.

Blue Ze straightened the veil on an 's face and told him seriously: "don' t look at any male, do you know? They'll think you like them, and then they'll get us. "

Ann just stared at lanze, and her white and slender legs slid down a bloodstain from above.

Lanze bent down to wipe ANN with a towel, blew a bubble and put her in.

The bubble can isolate the smell of An'an and reduce the chance of being detected by the land males as much as possible. It only needs to change a bubble at the interval.

Lanze is still on the water route, upstream along the river.

Not only the mermaid depends on the water, but also the snake and beast are fond of the water. A black and red striped Python swam to the river bank and was about to drill in. It drifted to the sea along the current and played. A bubble came from the upstream.

Isn't this a mermaid bubble?

The eyes of the snake and beast are suspicious. They shake their bodies and turn into a long red haired boy. They stop the bubbles.

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