Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 773's hint of fate

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I hang up the phone, just like Yaman, I really feel some strange.

According to the character of Lu Yiting, this kind of news that she can cheer, she should tell me in the first time, but we met, she actually does not mention, it really makes me feel.

Contact, that day she was in the hospital, and the strange words he said, according to the past, I feel that she must have something to hit me.

I chatted with my parents and grandparents, secretly came out, and then gave Lu Yuting a call.

Archae Ting's phone is a status of shutdown.

There is no way, I have to send her a WeChat, let her see the call to call me in time.

After I finished the phone, I returned to the house.

My parents and grandfather continue to talk, and they did not pay attention to my look.

I sat there and listened to them, and my heart was undecided. I was really worried about Lu Yating in my heart.

We have experienced too much hardship, and it is really no longer a blow to blow.

Qin Zheng, Qin Zheng.

I got, I found that Grandpa is calling me.

"What is the heart is not thinking about?"

My mother blames, "I don't come back, this is not easy to come back, I can't talk to your grandparents, what?"

"What's wrong with Grandpa?"

I asked.

Grandpa is a kind of laughter, "You, don't blame him, my grandchildren now say what is the entrepreneur, how many people are supported under the hand, can we be the same? The pressure and responsibility are different.

My mother has helpless, "Dad, you are too short, and you will be your grandson.

My grandfather laughed, "That must, you, from the little boy, he is too he is, but also to protect him, how can I? My grandson is still not outstanding, people Chinese Dragonfly?"

I also laughed, said, "Grandpa, then you are also a bit exaggerated, I am now doing a small company.

No you said so exaggerated, this person is not dare.


Grandpa said, "I listen to your father, your company's annual turnover is tens of thousands, is it still a small company?"

I laughed, "Grandpa, then you don't know, now, this year, this year, the business reaches this number, can not be a few.

Grandpa seems unhappy, said, "Qin Zheng, can you think so, I tell you that when you are small, Grandpa will take you to over, people and people say that you are Chinese dragon phoenix, future Must become a big device, so your business is so successful, grandfather is not unexpected.

Grandma laughed, "You are talking, how do I don't know this?"

Grandpa said, "You don't believe it, you don't know, his dad knows, then the monk is still writing something to Qin Zheng, is it?"

My dad laughed, "Of course, you said that I will save it, then I dare to neglect, of course.

Grandpa said, "When you come out, let them look.

My dad laughed, "For the dad, this fortune, but just say, it is a good time, that is, it is a happiness, Qin Zheng is a little bit, and cannot be true.

"What does your child mean?"

Grandpa is a bit angry, said, "People and still have the life of Qin Zheng, how can I say, hurry up.

I haven't interest, I'm suddenly listening to Grandpa, and the old monk still counts my love. I have interest, busy say, "Dad, then you will take it out, let me also look, I have never seen it.

My dad, but smiled and got up his study. From a book in the bookshelf, I took out a flue-yellow old paper, I came back, and I handed it to Grandpa.

Grandpa is careful, said to me, "You see that people will give you a clear clear.

I took over, I couldn't help but I thought it was just a few words, or short a few ambiguous poems, I didn't expect it to pass secretly to Ma Ma filled with a paper.

The monk's calligraphy is good, it is a thin gold body, and it is strong and powerful, and it is very good.

Now, those who are fortunate outside, I am afraid that there is no one of his words like this.

I took a closer look, what is my business, although it is also a text, but it is not awkward, it can be seen, most of them are good, most, I will inevitably we will will be fortunate, and the career is smooth. Class.

These I didn't interested, I found some part of my love.

The above is written: Shili Pinghu cream is full of days, inch of green silk is sad, the heart has a feet, the next mountain will come back, and the thousands of sails are not, the edge is destroyed with spring and autumn, one thought to open, a flower, rich and rich for what? Parents are violated.

Exhibition eye hangs, Xiangjiang water, Chu Yunfei, poor embroidered Houmen, unlucky, the ancient Buddha, only from the high smell, born in the end of the world.

Qing Ming Dynasty to send the river, a thousand miles of Dongfeng dream, want to clean? The cloud is not empty.

Poor gold jade, it should be the most intimate ... feeling this piece of this piece is very long, I have seen a few words carefully, I don't understand.

But when I saw a few words after I saw a few words, I couldn't help but sweat.

Why? First of all, because of this old monk, and that time I encountered this time, some content is almost the same.

Even some of them have sent a word, I remember that person seems to say.

Some words are different, but it seems to mean.

After I carefully taste, I suddenly found that in these verses, it seems that there is a lot of deep meaning.

For example, what is rich? Parents are violated.

Exhibition eyes hanging, Xiangjiang Waterparts Chu Yunfei.

I obviously feel that he seems to say Lu Yanting, Lu Yuting is rich and rich, and her parents will be violated.

But I want to figure out what it means, because I feel, this seems to hinder a lot of fate and fate, but when I want to figure out, it seems unlikely, this thing is still very concealed. Everything is a few things, everything is hint, but it can't be reflected.

"Kid, this thing can be protected, you can't lose this thing.

Grandpa took the thing in the past, carefully folded, and his favorite.

Suddenly came to the door, my mother got up and opened the door, I opened the door, I heard the voice of the United States, "Sister, you are at home.

"Come on, come in quickly."

My mother put the beauty.

Grandpa grandmother saw the beauty, when he was suddenly lit, Grandpa was thrown down to give me the paper, stand up!

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