Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 319 explains

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I glance, "Where?"

Lu Yutian looked at me, there is no expression, "Don't you solve something during the day?"

I thought she was intended to talk to me, said, "If there is anything, I am talking at home, I have been a class, quite tired.

"It is also, I have been spending a street with people, it is really tired.

Lu Yutao said no good luck.

"I didn't stay with her all day, I just accompanied her to buy a mobile phone.

I said, "Let's say, you are not accompanying it.

"You said!

Lu Yiting said, "I am not there when I go to the company in the morning."

"Do you go to the company in the morning to find me?"

"Yes, you will go out nine o'clock. Do you dare to say that you are not looking for?"

Lu Yuting a pair of tone.

This is called me to be insufficed for a time, because I am really going to find Yu Ling, but in fact, it is not one morning with her, most of the time, I am looking for her.

But at the same time, I also asked Lu Yutao to ask my tone some impatient, why she can ask me, but completely avoid her own problems? So I didn't explain the roots, but said, "YA Ting, I think this matter, may we both are not particularly straightforward, so we can talk to the heart, there is no need to use this kind of question.

"Why can't I be straightforward? I have seen my boyfriend to visit the woman, I haven't questioned the reason?"

Lu Yiting, "I will let you go to the market several times, you have always pushed you no time, why have you spend time with her?"

"First, I will say it again, I don't have to go shopping with her, buy mobile phones just the way.

Second, the reason why I didn't accompany you, I think you go to the decoration market is an innocent thing. You don't decorate the house, what to do there? Finally, YA Ting, I think, even if you want to ask me, let's explain your own problems, right? "

I said.

"I have any questions? He is just a friend.

Lu Yiting said straightforward.

"That's on your logic, I have no problem."

She said to me, even my friends can't.

I said.

"Of course have problems!

Lu Yanting said, "I am not the first time I see you and she is together!

Do you dare to say there is no problem? "

"Then if I am not the first time I see you?"

I said.


"I have to say it, I will encounter you when I have dinner at Zhangjia Cuisine.

I said.

"You ... then why don't you call me?"

"I think you will tell me.

I said, "And after I come back, I also asked you, but you didn't mention it, you said that you are at home all day, why do you want to conceal with me?"

Lu Yanting did not speak, in my opinion, she is a deficiency, this also confirmed my guess.

Therefore, the next words, it will be sympathy.

I am sighing, saying, "YA Ting, you calm, I think there are things between us, the heart is talking about.


She said.

"I think we are all adults, which should be responsible for their feelings.

I said.

"What do you mean?"

"I want to say, since ... you have already like others, you can confess some tell me, I am not the kind of dead skin, I will not wrap you like a rogue.

I said.

Lu Yutian looked at me, "then?"

"Nothing, I just think we can frank, there is no need to play this kind of emotional game.

I said.

"So ... now you want to say, you have to break up with me?"

She asked.

I have a complex, break up these two words, in fact, countless times, I have passed in my mind, but I haven't thought that it is actually said in this case.

"Since you have already default, continue to keep it, what is the meaning?"

I said.

Lu Yiting nodded silently, and the look is complicated, nothing to say, but I can feel clearly of her emotions in fermentation.

She tried to restrain her emotions and asked, "So I feel that I am derailed, but I haven't been put on?"

I glance, "I want to wait for you to tell me.

"Are you thinking about it?"

Lu Yanting said, "You want us to develop, then take the initiative to find you right?"

"I ... I didn't think so."

Lu Yating said excited, "If you really love me, will you ask me so long?"

Obviously, she could not make her emotions.

"Then why do you hit me?"

I said, "I see you more than once these days, do you dare to say it?"

Her eyes were red, nodded, muttered in his mouth, "I know, I know ... You think so, you see me with others, not sad, not sad, Instead, I am happy, I can finally find a crowning reason to break up with me, right? "

"I didn't think so."

"You think so!"

Lu Yuting was excited.

I found that she cried, the tears were large, and people couldn't bear to read.

I sighed, said, "YA Ting, the incident, we are calm, the heart is flat, and the work is to solve this matter, do you?"

"Going to the special heart is flat!

How do you let me feel flat? "

Lu Yuting angered.

I glance, this is Lu Yuting to explode me for the first time. She has never said any such types before, including quarrels.

"YA Ting, don't do this.

I said.

Lu Yiting stood there, and the tears were flowing. She looks like this. It is really distressed. In this case, I don't know how to comfort her. At this moment, I am more chaotic than her.

Lu Yiting looked very disappointed, said tears said, "Qin Zheng, you have no reason to suspect me, you can doubt the world, but you shouldn't doubt me ..."

"That all, there should always be a reasonable explanation?"

I said.

She nodded, rubbed her tears with sleeves, pick up the jacket on the hanger, I thought she had to leave, who knew she said, "Go."

I glance, "Where?"

"You don't need a reasonable explanation? I will explain it now.

She said.

"Just say it here?"

I asked.


She is excited.

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