Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 546 The Clan Of The Naning Tribe

The whistle sounded this time was a warning sound from the southwest.

Those lower-ranked beasts are carnivorous and herbivorous. For carnivorous monsters, winter is naturally very cruel.

Yesterday, Qingzhi said that now they have entered the territory of the Naning Tribe, so it is likely that the Naning Tribe's outgoing team will meet this point.

It was indeed the Naning tribe's own team, and they also went out to collect herbs.

As for how high it is, it is unknown.

After determining the specific locations of those little beasts, the next step is a matter of time, and you can fill your stomach with patience.

The current location is already far away after all.

Ye Qiong asked Qingzhi and Na Ning to talk, and Na Ning immediately arranged for two male warriors beside him to ride on the Demonic Wolf in the Snow Region and rush towards the southwest.

The Naning tribe has been looking for an herbal medicine. When they communicated with Naning for the first time, Qingzhi said this.

It seems that Na Ning's status is quite high in their tribe.

And Ye Qiong didn't rush over and waited patiently where he was.

Then, a few big men trotted over, and after reaching Na Ning, they immediately bent down and started to salute.

As the two big tribes on this side of the Dinglong Mountains, the Red Flame Leopard Tribe and the Naning Tribe have been at war for so many years. Even in winter, wars will often break out.

Therefore, in the tribe, no matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, there will be various tasks. The current Naning tribe, in Ye Qiong's impression, is actually more like a large-scale mercenary group with a family and a family, with not weak strength.

There are men and women in the team, there are more men, and there are only a dozen or so women, and almost everyone has a backpack on their backs.

At this time, they naturally sleep with their clothes on, and when they wake up, they can immediately enter a fighting state.

After Xiao Pao came to Ye Qiong, he said loudly, "Young Patriarch, there is a group of people over there."

About five minutes later, Ye Qiong and the others appeared one by one at the visible end of the dense forest.

Ye Qiong nodded after hearing the words and looked to the northwest.

Therefore, Ye Qiong's current judgment is that the people around Na Ning, family relatives or her own man are related!

When the whistle sounded just now, they were still sleeping, and the warriors of Ye Qiong tribe opened their eyes immediately.

However, judging from the attitude and temperament that Na Ning showed in the front, it did not look like a person standing at the pinnacle of power in a large tribe of tens of thousands of people.

If the clansmen and warriors of the Naning tribe want to obtain more resources, they must make more contributions to the tribe.

As for the low-level and above monsters, under the leadership of the king beast, they went directly to the Huohuo human tribe.

The group of people who came over immediately saw Na Ning in the group when they arrived in front of Ye Qiong and the others.

The male warrior pinned the weapon directly to his waist, and there were bows and arrows on the side of the basket. It seemed that the basket contained a lot of things.

In winter, if not necessary, it is better to stay in the tribe to be safe.

The Naning tribe seems to be looking for a medicinal material all the time, or is short of some medicinal materials, so for the tribe and the warriors within the tribe, there are many tasks, all of which are to collect medicinal materials.

The biggest word...

Beasts with good hearing can directly put their ears on the trees and listen to see if there is any movement. Their hearing can be sensitive enough to stick to the trees and hear the heartbeat of the hibernating beasts a few meters underground!

Qingzhi, Naning, and several soldiers from the Naning tribe were woken up by Ye Qiong. They were naturally not so sensitive to the warning whistle of the Ye Qiong tribe.

From a distance of tens of meters, you can already see their clothes, and they look the same as the Naning tribe.

But it is still different from the feudal system with the concept of the state.

Xinka, they, and the forest ancient apes of the Naning tribe also came over together.

In the dense forest, among many big trees, under the roots, there are those hibernating little beasts hidden.

And this team is the folk team that goes out to collect medicinal materials. About fifty people.

In the jungle, monsters below the low-level, king beasts are disdainful to summon, and there are many carnivorous monsters, the size of which is similar to that of wild boars, and the weight is about tens of kilograms. The scattered monsters, in winter, belong to the hunted objects of the Naning tribe.

It's just that the strength of this team is weaker than that of Na Ning and the others.

Everyone gathered in front of the hole dug dumbfounded, and all looked towards Ye Qiong.

The police whistle was blown by the soldiers of the Ye Qiong tribe here, and after reaching the front, a figure jumped directly from the tree.

In the jungle, if you want to find food, you must have some special talents, such as vision or hearing...

Outside the Dinglong Mountains, Xinka and the others will hunt these small monsters in the dense forest if their food is insufficient in winter.

For them, there are too many ways to hunt down such monsters, and it is not dangerous, but it is more difficult to find, and most of the time is spent on searching.

The difference between them and scavengers is not small. First of all, the sense of smell is much worse than that of scavengers.

That is the matriarchal society, that is, the queen level, and it can also be understood as a queen!

Duan also drilled out of the hole immediately, and the snow wolf in the pit shook his body and rushed out.

Ye Qiong immediately waved his hand, then turned over, rode on Dian Dian's back, and led the crowd towards the southwest.

Qing Zhi and Na Ning also had weapons in their hands and looked at Ye Qiong.

In the Naning tribe, there is already a hierarchical system, and there is also a class division in the distribution of materials and food, which is different from the current model of the Ye Qiong tribe.

If Na Ning's team was an official team, the team that came over now was the folk one.

After the two waves of teams converged, Na Ning greeted them and confirmed the identity of the other party.

No one wants to be peaceful.

Existence is reasonable. These beasts, in winter, support a lot of human groups living around the jungle, and some special monsters like the forest ancient ape.

Ye Qiong immediately shouted at several sheds, and soon, all the people inside ran out.

Some of the fighters in the back are still carrying hunted monsters.

The small folk teams do not have any mounts and forest ancient apes. They will not be too far away from the central tribe, and they will basically be controlled within a range of 50 kilometers.

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