Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 253 Testing

Ye Qiong rode the Mustang King directly and galloped towards the base of the canyon in the direction of the water flow under the canyon.

The Mustang King ran all the way, and arrived at the canyon base in the middle of the night.

Ye Qiong dismounted from his horse at a farther position, and walked towards the base that already had some size.

The soldiers were still sleeping, Ye Qiong wanted to test the vigilance of the soldiers at night.

So put the Mustang King farther away and let it lie directly on the ground.

Ye Qiong, crawling on his body, walked over quietly from the position behind the base.

The first batch of soldiers stationed at the canyon base, this vigilance is a must.

This thing is equivalent to a military exercise. It must be done from time to time. The more real the better.

In order not to undermine the confidence of the soldiers, Ye Qiong did not hide himself too deliberately. If Ye Qiong used Ye Qiong's skill and strength to treat the soldiers at the canyon base as enemies, they would end up the same regardless of their level. .

So Ye Qiong had to put some water while he was testing.

Bending down, lightly walked towards the canyon base.

Under the darkness, there is no sound.

When he got to the base, Ye Qiong saw the soldiers standing on the sentry tower from a distance.

After the settlement of the base was settled, the soldiers immediately built a seven-meter-high sentry tower, which was manned 24 hours a day.

If a large monster is found, it will immediately issue an alert.

There is no problem in guarding against monsters.

What Ye Qiong is more worried about now is the madman.

If the madman attacks quietly, this situation is more difficult to prevent, so Ye Qiong must let the soldiers improve their awareness and prevention ability in this regard.

Quietly, Ye Qiong directly touched under the tower, and deliberately made some subtle noises along the way.

The meaning of water release is obvious.

Above the tower, the soldier who was standing guard heard some subtle voices, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He looked around and found no sign of a beast.

And Ye Qiong has quietly come under the tower here, and climbed up slowly along the tower.

During the climb up, Ye Qiong made a little movement again.

But to Ye Qiong's disappointment, the warrior still did not respond.

So Ye Qiong directly accelerated his climbing speed and came to the edge of the circular platform at the top of the tower.

Holding the crossbar with both hands, Ye Qiong continued to bend over and bowed his body.

After a while, Ye Qiong jumped up and jumped towards the warrior.

The figure in the air, like a ghost, hugged the warrior directly from behind, if the warrior was an enemy.

Ye Qiong must be holding the bone crystal dagger. With the power of the bone crystal dagger, with a light wave, the corpse was separated.

Even an ordinary dagger that slid across the warrior's throat from behind would definitely not make a sound, and after a while, it would become a corpse.

The base is different from the tribe, and the danger here is still very high. Ye Qiong clearly explained to them that if they encounter any danger, don't think about fighting, but evacuate first, and all the supplies and food here can be given up.

Ye Qiong came to the back of the fighter, covered his mouth with his hand, and punched his lower abdomen with a fist.

Naturally, he had used up his strength, but if he was in his position this time, he would definitely have no fighting power in a short period of time. In addition, his mouth was covered, so the warrior was directly stunned by his own young patriarch, and there was only deep despair and regret in his eyes...


He was clearly standing on the tower, why did someone suddenly appear behind him.

"Shh! It's me, don't talk, now you're dead..." Ye Qiong squatted down while covering the opponent's mouth, came to the soldier, and said softly.


The soldier also felt that he was dead, but when he heard the voice, he was stunned.

Why is it a little familiar? When Ye Qiong's face appeared in front of him, the feeling in his heart was beyond words to describe.

But after a while, he understood the intention of the young patriarch, so he nodded.

"I'll go down and test them again, take a rest and continue to stand guard!" Ye Qiong continued to say softly.

The warrior nodded and didn't say anything. His heart was still beating very fast, and his adrenaline was soaring. Ye Qiong taught him a good lesson. In the evening, if a madman wants to escape from the tower

Ye Qiong got up and straightened his clothes.


After showing an intriguing smile, he turned over and jumped off the tower.

The soldier who was sneak attacked by Ye Qiong just now looked at Ye Qiong's figure turning down, rubbed his stomach and stood up, lying on the top of the tower, he saw Ye Qiong's cat on his waist and bowed his body. , like a ghost, walked into the room where the soldiers of the base were sleeping.

The warrior felt a lot more balanced in his heart, and there was already a picture in his mind...

Around the canyon, there are a lot of stone and wood, so the soldiers lived here were built with stone and wood together.

It is about three meters high and ten meters wide, and there are two circles of wooden stakes on the outermost side.

Ye Qiong turned over and jumped in. When he landed, he didn't pull back, but deliberately made the sound of the landing louder.

He even coughed slightly.

After doing this, Ye Qiong was about to go to the window and continue to touch it quietly.

inside the room.

A middle-aged soldier opened his eyes the moment Ye Qiong landed. It was the team leader of the base, called Kuang Beili.

Kuang Baili and Kuang Baichi are somewhat related by blood, but they didn't choose to strike iron with Idiot Kuang.

After opening his eyes, Kuang Beili looked out the window with some doubts. Although he had retired from the front line, Kuang Beili was still demanding himself as a front-line soldier. He couldn't become a front-line soldier of the tribe, but in terms of belief, Kuang Baili never relaxed.

Therefore, Kuang Beili, by virtue of his own strength, became the leader of the second-line fighters, and became the captain of the canyon base.

In terms of comprehensive strength, Kuang Beili was no less than a front-line fighter, but at the age of nearly fifty, he had to retire from the front-line and hand over the task of rushing to the front-line to young people.

Kuang Baili felt something was wrong...

One turned over and jumped off the bed directly, his toes touched the ground lightly, and there was not much noise.

Although the soldiers in the room did not notice the sound of Kuang Beili's landing, they were still asleep.

But Ye Qiong outside, heard...

Ye Qiong's keen ears heard the sound of his feet landing.

Ye Qiong smiled with satisfaction!

It seems that there are still soldiers who can fight at any time at the canyon base.

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