The young talents from the four major regions, Guwu, Yuhua, Lianji, and Xilu, will hold a hearty battle feast here!

The pet beast battle battlefield above the blue ocean, today, the National Campus Beast Control League divisional competition starts as scheduled.

Which region's teenagers will get the tickets to the national competition? Let's turn our attention to the big screen!

As soon as the blue-haired man finished speaking, the curved LED ceiling covering the entire venue transformed into a holographic blue ocean.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of holographic photos appeared, quickly interlaced and scrambled.

Finally, all the photos appeared in groups, with their respective regions and names displayed below.

[Yuhua region, Wang Chengrao VS Xilu region, Zhao Sa]

[Lianye area, Zhang Xueming VS Yuhua area, Zhu Tong]

[Guwu Region, Li Wenqian VS Lianji Region, Song Hanyue]

[Lianba area, Zhao Tong VS Guwu area, Chen Zhe]

[Yuhua region, Qiao Sang VS Lianli region, Tang Zhongyi]

Xu Yixuan looked at the list of names on the court and was silent for a long time: I suddenly regretted it so much.

Although Xu Yixuan didn't say everything, Qiao Sang knew what she was talking about.

She was regretting not taking photos properly.

Qiao Sang looked at the battle list clearly visible in the sky.

The entire venue is huge, and each holographic photo must be magnified N times for everyone to see clearly.

Every photo is really magnified N times...

Pores, acne, blackheads, and even lip hair are clearly visible on many people's faces.

Fortunately, she is naturally beautiful... Qiao Sang secretly affirmed himself.

The entire contestant area also went crazy because of the visual impact of the photo.

Damn it! How come the photo is enlarged so much?!

Why is there eye mucus in this photo of mine?!

Have you made a mistake? Even if you zoom in, why are the pixels still so clear?!

The Guwu region has gone too far! I have never participated in the divisional competition like this before!

This year's divisional competition is weird. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be many spectators. But look at it now, it's full of people.

Something is wrong. We were not given such a large-scale venue like the previous two years in the divisional competition. As a result, this year there are not only fireworks, but also pet animal performances, and a serious host. This handsome guy with blue hair, I I know, his name is Yi Ao, he is quite famous in the hosting industry in Guwu area, he is both eloquent and good-looking, and he has hosted basically all large-scale competitions.

I just want to know when this photo will be removed! I've already read the battle list!

The noise was quickly suppressed because Yi Ao had already announced the players on the first set of battle lists.

The divisional round uses a mixed format.

Everyone works in pairs, and the knockout round begins.

The winning half will then use a points competition system to select the top 40 players to enter the national competition.

It can be said that the first game is crucial.

The staff in charge of the competition had obviously matched the photos with the faces of the contestants.

The player area is divided into four areas by region, and each area has about thirty or forty people. If you know the area of ​​the players in advance, it will be easier to find people.

As soon as Yi Ao finished speaking, two white lights suddenly fell from the contestant area.

The next second, the two players whose names were read were already standing on both sides of the field.

This gesture immediately won a round of cheers.

This year's divisional competition is a bit big... Xu Yixuan said with emotion.

Like in past divisional competitions, it would be nice to have such a handsome appearance at the beginning of the game and not have you go to the player entrance and wait for half a day in advance.

Qiao Sang participated in the divisional competition for the first time, and he didn't know the difference from the past. He only felt that this way of playing was time-saving and cool.

After the two parties entered the arena, as the holographic image in the sky counted down, they formed seals with their hands at the same time, summoning the pet beast.

Qiao Sang's eyes quickly scanned and then rested on the pet beast summoned by one of the players.

This pet beast is about 3 meters in size. Its face and chest are covered with orange hair. It is so powerful that it looks like a high-level pet beast at a glance.

The pet beast summoned by another player felt obviously much weaker.

There is no suspense between high-level pet beasts and intermediate pet beasts... Qiao Sang silently analyzed it in his heart.

At this stage of the divisional competition, high-level pet beasts are no longer an exception.

According to the data, there are 21 players with high-level pet beasts in the four regions.

According to the government's attitude, if there are no accidents, players with high-level pet beasts will not be matched together in the first knockout round.

This game was played without any suspense. The players with high-level pet beasts won two games in a row with an overwhelming advantage, beating the players with only two intermediate pet beasts.

Qiao Sang showed a Sure enough expression.

She lost interest in the next game and was about to take out her phone to look at the information about her opponent, Tang Zhongyi.

At this time, the host Yi Ao said loudly: For the second game, Zhang Xueming from Lianji District and Zhu Tong from Yuhua District, please come on stage!

As Yi Ao finished speaking, white light fell and two figures appeared on the field.

Qiao Sang immediately raised his head and looked at a slender figure on the field.

Zhang Xueming from the Lianye area has an intermediate pet beast of the fairy type and a high-level pet beast of the ice type.

It's the fairy type. This is the first time I've seen it in a competition. Xu Yixuan leaned closer and whispered, I heard that her fairy type beast even beat the high-level pet beast in the provincial competition.

At this moment, the pet beasts of both sides have been summoned.

It's a strong enemy. Qiao Sang said.

With so many players' information, Zhang Xueming was one of the ones that left a deep impression on her.

A high-level pet beast, a fairy-type pet beast with the combat power of a high-level pet beast, neither one should be underestimated.

Zhang Xueming is a beautiful girl.

The pet beast in front of her is small, with oval eyes and cyan curly ears.

It doesn't look lethal.

Qiao Sang learned from the information that the name of this pet beast was Mysterious Spirit.

Zhu Tong is a girl with short hair, wheat-colored skin, and looks a bit like a tomboy.

Her pet beast is the oversized Cute Bear, which forms a sharp contrast to the Mystery Spirit as soon as it appears.

After the battle started, Hanxiong Xiong immediately charged forward with a violent momentum.

The Mystery Spirit took his time and gave it a wink.

Han Xiongxiong suddenly stopped moving, his eyes filled with love.

This stupid bear has pretty good eyesight. While attacking, he can also receive the charm of the Mystery Spirit. Xu Yixuan complained.

Qiao Sang looked thoughtful and asked, Is this mystery spirit male or female?

Charm, a mid-level change-type skill, can seduce opponents of the opposite sex and significantly reduce the opponent's attack, but it is useless against the same sex.

Xu Yixuan thought for a while and said: It doesn't seem to be in the information I checked, but when Zhu Tong comes back, I can ask her whether her silly bear is male or female.

This is the only thing we can do... Qiao Sangxin said.

There was no reversal in the game. Zhu Tong's two pet beasts were both charmed by Mi Mi Jing. With their attack power greatly weakened, she lost the game in just a few minutes.

This trick was really tricky, and Zhu Tong was also pitiful. However, the genders of the two pet beasts were opposite to that of Mi Mi Jing... They were both contestants from the Yuhua region. Qiao Sang mourned for her in his heart for a few seconds.

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