Whenever it comes to the divisional stage, the promoted players from each region will basically form a group.

The purpose is to communicate and share information.

Although it is an individual beast control competition, in the divisional competition, everyone still gives priority to dividing players from other regions into the enemy camp.

However, information is not shared for free, most of it is exchanged.

If you feel that someone in the group can defeat you and pose a greater threat, you will naturally not share information easily.

After all, a personal beast control competition means that everyone else in the group is your opponent.

Like the previous National Campus Beast Control League, no one would suggest sharing information until they arrived in other regions.

Before Qiao Sang entered the group, everyone was still in a wait-and-see state.

But when Qiao Sang appeared, the people in the group couldn't hold back.

There is no way, the temptation of the only Star Dog and the endangered Ice Luckia is too strong.

Of course, Qiao Sang, who was participating in the divisional competition for the first time, didn’t think so much at all.

At this moment, she was applying for friends one by one and looking through dozens of transmitted information.

【I can’t do it! 】

In the group of advanced players from the Guwu region, Qin Shuoran sent this message very quickly.

The group was created today, and we didn’t talk about anything else. The discussion was all about Qiao Sang from the Yuhua area.

【I can’t do anything! 】

Others in the group responded:

[To attack Ice Luckia, you are crazy! 】

【hateful! Why are the endangered pet animals in our area contracted by people from the Yuhua area? 】

[I really want to fight Ice Luckia, at least I can see it up close]

[What do you think if Qiao Sang from the Yuhua area realizes this and sends Ice Dew Chia when competing with us? 】

The group was quiet for a while.

[I watched Qiao Sang’s game, and actually Icy Luckia is the weakest among her pets...]

【Ah this...】

[I have also watched her competitions. The strongest of her pet beasts is a high-level pet beast called Star Dog, which is fire type plus super power type]

[Fire and super powers sound very expensive at first glance. It seems that Qiao Sang is quite rich. I feel relieved when I think that Ice Lukia is from a family with such good conditions]

【Me too】


[...We have encountered a natural enemy in our area]

Early the next morning, Hangzhou Yi'an International Airport.

Remember to call me when you get there. Ye Xiangting said warmly.

Although she clearly knew that her daughter was going to the Guwu area to participate in the competition and was accompanied by a teacher, she still felt a little worried at this moment.

I will. Qiao Sang nodded.

Mom Qiao Sang, don't worry. Sun Bo also said solemnly from the side: I will take good care of her and make sure that not a single hair of hers falls out during the competition.

Does your hair fall out when you comb your hair regularly? Xu Yixuan came to Qiao Sang's side and asked in a low voice.

Qiao Sang was stunned for a moment: Yes.

Xu Yixuan stopped talking.

I heard it... Sun Boyi's mouth twitched slightly as he had received feedback and had better hearing than ordinary people.

Teacher, I'm sorry for you. Ye Xiangting said gratefully.

It should be. Sun Boyi pretended that he didn't hear anything just now, and his expression returned to normal.

Gate 23.

A pet beast about two meters tall, with a mostly white body and a black tail, wearing a work permit, and its red eyes scanned the passengers standing in front of it from top to bottom.

Light-sighted beast... Qiao Sang looked at the pet beast in front of him and thought of its race name.

The light-seeing beast has clairvoyance properties, and its eyes can perform fluoroscopic examinations of the whole body like X-rays.

As we all know, X-rays can cause certain damage to the human body, but the see-through properties of light-seeing beasts will not.

Before the light-seeing beasts were discovered, airport staff used security sticks to sense current and detect whether there was any metal hidden in people's bodies.

However, some capsule-type illegal substances cannot be detected if they are hidden in the body.

It is harmless to the human body, ensures privacy, and can detect any contraband hidden in the body. Since this feature was announced, the light-sighted beast has become the darling of major airports, causing its value to double directly.

The beast master who contracted the light-sighted beast also had a guaranteed job.

Qiao Sang was watched from beginning to end and felt nothing.

Light. The red light in the eyes of the light-sighted beast dissipated and returned to its original black color. It called out, indicating that Qiao Sang could leave.

On the plane, Qiao Sang sat in the first-class cabin with soft seats.

The direct flight to the Guwu area takes more than ten hours. After finally enjoying the life of a rich man for a year, Qiao Sang will not treat himself badly.

Xu Yixuan, who was sitting in front, turned around and said excitedly: Is this upgrade really free?

Well, I have an upgrade ticket. Qiao Sang said.

Qiao Sang couldn't bear to fly in first class and let Xu Yixuan and Teacher Sun sit in economy class for more than ten hours, so he went to the check-in counter to apply for an upgrade.

I love you so much! Xu Yixuan showed her big white teeth: I'll treat you to dinner when we get to the Guwu area!

Sun Bo, who was sitting on the other side, turned his head and smiled and said: When you get to the Guwu area, don't run around. If you want to eat delicious food, I will go with you. The teacher is here, so there is no reason for you to treat us.

The three of them chatted for a while.

After the plane took off, Qiao Sang looked out the window.

Beastmasters are not allowed to summon pets during takeoff.

Without Yabao and Xiaoxunbao by his side, Qiao Sang felt lonely for the first time in a long time...

In the evening, Qiao Sang had already adjusted the first-class cabin to lie-flat mode.

She closed her eyes and reviewed the information she compiled yesterday in her mind.

Dozens of pieces of information were collected by different people. Although the contents are roughly the same, there are still some differences.

For example, about a player named Qin Shuoran from the Guwu region, more than 20 pieces of information said that his advanced pet beast Lotte Sea Lion has two advanced skills, and the steam explosion among them has reached the level of Xiaocheng.

Several other sources say that Lotte Sea Lion's steam explosion has actually reached a great level.

In this case, when Qiao Sang was sorting out the information, he calculated Lotte Sea Lion's steam explosion according to Da Cheng's.

There is also Yuan Xiaotian from the Xilu area. Only one of the thirty-one documents mentioned that his high-end pet beast Healing Huabei has special chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll, on a sunny day, the speed will be doubled.

Although the other thirty-one materials were not written down, Qiao Sang still wrote down chlorophyll when he was sorting out the materials.

There is a saying that goes well: always think of your opponent as very powerful.

After going through the information of all the contestants in the regional competition in his mind, Qiao Sang couldn't help but think of Lu Bao.

According to Lu Bao's description, she definitely couldn't find it. However, extraordinary creatures are so magical. I wonder if there are any skills that can help restore the scene in her memory.

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