Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 867: Lure the enemy

Jason's injury and the withdrawal of Group B made the whole o2 team feel bad.

In addition, Russia’s signal flag special forces have strengthened the defense of the Latakia Air Force Base and the martial law in the surrounding areas, and frequently conduct surprise inspections. All of this made Lin Rui's o2 team difficult. It becomes very difficult to sneak into Latakia Air Force Base.

The specialty of Russia's signal flag special forces is counter-terrorism. This unit has accumulated a lot of counter-terrorism experience during the Chechen War. So their defense of the Latakia Air Force Base can be described as impeccable. Almost completely eliminated the possibility of small-scale infiltration raids.

This caused their actions in Latakia to be greatly restricted. For three or four days in a row, they still had to hide in a hideout on the outskirts of Latakia. The action was completely deadlocked.

"Boss, can't you go like this! We can't wait any longer." Sergey frowned. "You don't understand the power of the signal flag. They used to be the internal guards of the former Soviet KGB. No one compares to torture of intelligence. They are more expert. A joke once said that even iron men can ask for confessions. Once Faisal can't stand to confess, our mission will be over."

"If he has confessed, I am afraid he will not be in this base long ago. Faisal is not a fool, he knows how to think about himself. If he wants to poke the incident to the Russians, then for safety reasons, Faisal You will inevitably leave and be safe before offering more information." Lin Rui whispered.

"Yes. Faisal doesn't trust the Russians very much, so in order to prevent the Russians from getting the information they want, they will kill him, so he will grit his teeth and endure it." Jiang An nodded. "One more thing, the number of Russian fighters in Syria has been significantly less recently. Obviously, they were not very effective against extremist organizations before. Now they hope to find the leader of extremist organizations through Faisal. So. They would rather take a while."

"Yes, the current situation is really worrying." Lin Rui whispered, "We can't pin our hopes on Faisal's perseverance. Instead, we should kill him before he can confess to the Russians."

"So we should act." Sergey frowned, "not just waiting here."

"You sit down for me!" Lin Rui said solemnly, "We are not waiting foolishly, but waiting for the right opportunity. In fact, I have not told you something in the past few days. Since you are so urgent, neither do I I'm hiding it from you. Come here, we will discuss the plan now."

"Plan, do you already have a plan?" Sergey said quickly, "What is that?"

Lin Rui nodded and said, "I have discussed with Cobain in the last two days. I think it is difficult for us to get into the base. Then, why don't they set up a trap to lead them out? Take action outside to solve Feisa Well, it’s easier than armed intrusion into the base."

"That's what it says. But how can we bring Faisal out? He is a dangerous and fanatical extremist who is also a serious offender under the strict supervision of the Russian army. Those in the signal flag special forces are almost impossible to let Faisal. You leave the base." Jiang An frowned.

"You are right. But in any case, the reason Faisal is so valued is not because of him. To a large extent, it is just because he controls the leader of the extremist organization Ados." Lin Rui nodded. Head.

"Of course, Faisal can only be regarded as a rising star among the extremists at best. Addos is the old leader of extremist organizations. His influence is almost all over Syria, and even neighboring countries. Faisal is compared with him. , That's really a little ugly." Jiang An nodded. "If it was Faisal himself, the Russian military would hardly care about his life or death."

"This is our opportunity." Lin Rui nodded. "Kebain pretended to use the identity of Ados to set up a trap, blatantly provoked them, and led them to the bait. Then they hacked into their systems remotely and issued false orders to them in the name of the Russian Federal Security Service. We have Yelena and Snakeeye. Experts who are good at long-range sniping, as long as they show up with Faisal, you can sniper Faisal remotely, and then evacuate in the chaos."

"I don't quite understand." Sergey frowned.

"In fact, it's not that complicated. The main reason is that Kobain pretended to be Ados to contact them. He proposed to use a few captured Russians in exchange for Faisal's terms." Lin Rui whispered.

"In other words, exchange of hostages?" Sergey nodded.

"Almost. And for such a major event, those Russian officers would naturally not dare to approve it easily. They had to ask their superiors for instructions. So Cobain would pretend to be a high-level Russian military with this authority by hacking into their internal systems. Help them decide this. The next mission, and then what we have to do is to kill on the way, and then quickly evacuate." Lin Rui whispered.

"What do you think of this plan?" Lin Rui frowned after a pause.

"The idea is good, but it is really not easy to implement. Even if there is technical support from Cobain and his team, it is not easy to convince everyone in Latakia to believe this." Jiang An shook his head. .

"I think it should be very deceptive." Lin Rui nodded, "Once Cobain invades the Russian military's system, he can create false images and false voices to make it look like satellite communications.

"In other words, what will Cobain ask them to do?" Sergey frowned.

"Of course, if the person who appears on the video communication is their direct officer and an order is announced to them that they must take Faisal to negotiate with Ados, do you think they will listen?" Lin Rui smiled slightly.

"Just like stealing a symbol to save Zhao, fake orders." Wang Haoze thought for a while. "Cheat them out, and then take the opportunity to kill Faisal. And we don't have to take responsibility for all of this, they will only think that it is the extreme organization Ados."

"I feel that they will get the bait. Of course, they also want to use this opportunity to kill Ados. We must be very careful. They are very likely to use drones for precision strikes. While pretending to negotiate, they guide the air. The drone completed the attack to kill Addos."

"It's very possible indeed. But they won't wait for Addos, only us. Because any hostage exchange incident of Addos was carefully fabricated by Cobain. The purpose is to lead the snake out of the hole and prevent us from going deep into Lata alone. Kea Air Force Base." Lin Rui said slowly.

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