Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 858: Invalid target

The soldiers of the signal flag stopped Sergey and others, "You can only get here. Now this prisoner is taken over by us."

"Why?" Sergey frowned. "He is the important prisoner we captured."

"Not anymore. All prisoners who can enter this place are important roles. Once they are locked in, we are solely responsible for them." The guard soldier pointed to his armband and said, "Without this armband, you can't even go anymore. Going forward. Sorry, brother, your authority is not enough."

"Oh, you guys are really straightforward." Sergey sighed, "but that's fine. It saves us trouble. Come on, sign here on the form to show that we have completed the escort. Mission, you have already accepted this guy. No matter what he does in the future, it has nothing to do with us."

"Do you want to sign?" the guard frowned.

"Necessary formalities." Sergey shrugged, while the guard lowered his head to sign. Lin Rui suddenly stretched out his handcuffed hands, strangled his neck, and pulled him back suddenly. With the help of the metal chain connecting the handcuffs, he broke the soldier's neck with little force.

Lin Rui opened the handcuffs on his wrists with the unlocking tool, and shouted in a deep voice, "Sergey, you check the cell on the left, Jason, check the right. Snake Eye and Yelena, guard the door. Wang Haoze and Pu Dongxiang, you guys Check upstairs."

"There are surveillance devices everywhere, are we doing it too obvious?" Wang Haoze asked, looking at the camera on the wall.

"Don't worry, Cobain has already controlled the communication system, so he must also control the entire surveillance system." Lin Rui walked to the surveillance camera and waved, "Can you see clearly, Cobain?"

"Very clear." Cobain's voice came from the headset. "Listen to me, man, the current situation is not very optimistic. You came in in the name of escorting the prisoner, which also means that you cannot delay too long. Otherwise, the guards outside will become suspicious, so you must speed up. "

Lin Rui nodded, "Everyone hurry up and check every room quickly. Find Faisal!"

"Nothing found on the left. All three cells are empty." Sergey reported first.

"There is someone on the right side being held, but it's not Faisal." Jiang An followed in a low voice.

"Wang Haoze, what did you find out there?" Lin Rui said solemnly.

"There are two people in the cell on the second floor, but they are not Faisal." Wang Haoze replied. "They all seem to be members of extremist organizations, and from their military uniforms, it seems that their status is not low. But it is definitely not the Faisal we are looking for. It seems that we are in trouble, and Faisal is not at this base."

"Mother! This time it was in vain!" Sergey stamped his foot on the ground angrily.

Lin Rui's brain was thinking quickly: This is the most defensive place of the entire base, and they didn't keep Faisal here. In this case, Faisal is definitely not in this base. Some of their previous plans were really in vain, but it is not without benefits reads();. This at least proves that Faisal will definitely be at the air base of Latakia, another military base of the Russian army.

Thinking of this, Lin Rui said solemnly, "Don't panic, get ready for battle. You must pretend to walk out of the gate and go all the way back. Seeing you are so calm, the rest of the soldiers will not suspect that you have a problem. ."

"What about you?" Yelena said solemnly, "Do you want to stay alone?"

"No. I will come to join you later." Lin Rui said solemnly, "Now you must leave immediately. If it is late, it will arouse their suspicion. I will come out later, as long as I replace this soldier. They can’t see me clearly from a distance, and as long as I can get close to them, there is a way to get out. Besides, I still have the support of Cobain.

Jiang An nodded, "He is right, we can't drag anymore, go!"

Wang Haoze also gritted his teeth, "Boss, take care of yourself!" A few of them returned the same way and walked out. When they met the signal flag special forces soldiers at the guardrail, they still made a very relaxed look.

"Where are our people?" The special forces guard suddenly frowned.

"Who knows? He said we don't have permission to go deep, so we came out first." Sergey shrugged. "How is he, how do we know? Go away."

The guard was also a little speechless. He knew this rule, and according to the rule, these people really couldn't enter the interior. After a while, the guard began to be a little suspicious, because the companion who had just entered had not yet come out. But at this moment, a sharp sirens suddenly came from a distance. "Enemy attack!"

The members of these signal flag special forces were taken aback, and some did not know what to do.

The direction of the alarm is not far from them, but their task is to guard this special prison. Lin Rui was wearing that soldier's uniform and walked out of the chaos. Because of the long distance, these guards thought he was the soldier who followed up to the prison just now. They didn't care too much, after all, the alarm and noisy sounds not far away attracted their attention.

After Lin Rui lowered his head and approached, he suddenly became troubled, raised the weapon in his hand and started shooting. The sound of the sirens in the distance was too loud, so that the gunshots were almost inaudible. "Da da da da, da da da..." Two precise three-shot bursts knocked down the two signal flag soldiers. Lin Rui rolled close to the ground, hiding his body at the root of a wall.

A intensive rain of bullets immediately shot the concrete in that corner into scattered splashes. Lin Rui took a few steps to avoid it. The opponent is very experienced, and has even calculated his retreat trajectory and estimated the shooting advance. If it was later, he would almost be shot through the wall by the opponent's bullet.

Lin Rui shook his head and took out two grenades and threw them out, then ran to the other side in the opposite direction. In fact, there is no exit at all on that side, only a towering iron fence with dense razor wire netting on top of the fence.

Lin Rui sprinted a few steps and jumped onto the fence, shooting behind him, while holding his elbow on his head and pushing over the razor wire. The sharp gillnets left several holes in him, but although these blades cut through his uniform, they failed to cut through the diving gel suit he was wearing.

He just shook his body, played with a golden cicada shelling, and left the torn apart military uniform on the fence. He hides in the night wearing a black diving suit.

When members of the special forces of the signal flag rushed to the fence, they found that the other party was gone. Such speed and efficiency of action made these long-lived members of the Russian special forces secretly alarmed.

"They must have ran to the port and stopped them!" The officer of the special forces signal flag said in a deep voice, "Even if you do anything, you must catch them."

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