Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 870: Warlords and foreign legions

"What about more details?" Lin Rui nodded.

"It's all in here, you can watch it slowly." Silver Wolf said slowly, "I took this task because Chad is very important to us. As long as we get through this point, our black island will be in the whole There are almost no dead ends in the scope of business in Africa. I also believe that through Ansai, we can get a good start in Chad."

Lin Rui nodded, "I know that Black Panther Gulei has been trying to connect the business of the entire African region into one, by establishing multiple small bases to form a more convenient mobile network."

"Yes, this will make our response and actions faster than any mercenary company. Because we have our own small mercenary bases everywhere, which can be used for rapid response." Silver Wolf nodded. "Once this idea is realized, we will be in a very advantageous position among the mercenary forces in Africa."

"Yes, there are our people everywhere. Although the number of people is not necessarily large, they can always be one step ahead." Jiang An nodded, "Black Panther Gure knows Africa far more than all of us, and his ideas Great development vision.

In the past, our forces were mainly concentrated in the southern African countries, and we have never had much control over Central Africa. And that is precisely the place where the war is the most, and there are so many armed forces. Almost all our potential customers. "

"So through this operation, we can also get rid of an armed warlord and hand over to the Chad government. Killing two birds with one stone." Silver Wolf nodded.

"When shall we act?" Lin Rui thought for a while.

"Within a week. They don't have any specific requirements for time this time. The only requirement is that Ansai must die." Silver Wolf said slowly, "Get ready. During this time, everyone has a little slack. It's time, Fighting, adjust the state."

"I want to bring Group B this time." Lin Rui nodded and said, "It's really easy to relax if you have too much rest. This is not good for the future."

"You are the captain of o2, you can figure it out by yourself." Silver Wolf smiled slightly.

Lin Rui put away the memory chip that recorded the mission information, and then turned around and said, "Go, Jiang An, let's go and see the boys in Group B."

Jiang An nodded and followed him and walked out together.

On the beach of Black Island, Lin Rui found the team members. When Lincoln saw Lin Rui, he was overjoyed, "Aha, are you back?! How are you doing in Russia?"

"I have been back for a few days, and I have been busy with some other affairs, and I didn't care to come and see you. How is the team?" Lin Rui smiled.

"In good condition, you can participate in any battle at any time." Lincoln laughed. "You came to us in such a hurry, do you have any new tasks?"

"Of course, I know you are panicking when you are idle." Lin Rui shrugged, "This time we will go to Africa and let your people finish training. I will give you 20 minutes to gather in the tactical meeting room. Arrived early. , There is Russian vodka." The mercenaries in Group B cheered and dispersed.

Later, Lin Rui and others gathered in the tactical conference room. Lin Rui slowly said, "This time our destination is Chad in Central Africa, where we are going to perform a beheading operation. The object of beheading is an armed warlord in Chad-Ansai. This is the person."

"According to incomplete information, this person has an armed force of more than 500 people. He has also fought against the military encirclement and suppression of the Chadian government forces three times and behaved quite tough." Jiang Kishi introduced.

"In that kind of place, this is not surprising. The total strength of the country in Chad is only more than 30,000. If the 500 people in Ansai are well equipped and occupy favorable terrain, the government really has no way to take him. "Jason frowned.

"This man occupies a few small towns in the east near the border with Sudan, and compulsory tax collection. He is like a local warlord with a separatist regime. This place he is in is the small city he currently occupies. The military fort left by the French colonial period is called Bagir Fort by the locals.

Although the fortress is old, it is still strong. There is desert all around, and they occupy an oasis. This is also the reason why the Chadian government forces have failed to capture them several times. After that, he was even more unscrupulous, once in the second Chad civil war, with his militants attacking the city. But soon he was defeated and returned to his nest. "Lin Rui said.

"What we have to do is to behead him?" Wang Haoze frowned. "It sounds like nothing special about this person."

"Don't underestimate him. Under such an environment, those who can truly become warlords are not waiting. Moreover, almost all armed warlords in Chad are supported by people behind them. The Americans asked us to get rid of him, but If you don't want to do it yourself, it is a little doubtful." Lin Rui said slowly.

"Yes, there are rumors that because of the special relationship between Chad and France. The French have been assisting this warlord, hoping to have more control in the local area. One more thing, besides these guys. We have to be careful of another armed force. , French Foreign Legion." Jiang An looked at them.

"French Foreign Legion, what's the matter with them?" Lin Rui frowned.

The French Foreign Legion is a regular army unit composed of foreign volunteers. It has the same equipment as the French regular army and is composed of approximately 8,000 volunteers from 136 countries and regions. Founded in 1831, in order to solve the problem of crimes committed by foreigners in France, and to supplement the French soldiers killed and injured in the war, it was organized by the then French King Louis. Volunteers can conceal their nationality and name when joining, and they can also be aliased or changed.

Therefore, many criminals have joined in. Since 2000, a detailed investigation of the volunteers' experience has been carried out. Those who have served a sentence can no longer participate, and those who join can refuse to participate in the battle against their home country.

After the formation of the foreign corps, it participated in the Algerian War, the Mexican Expedition, and then the First World War, the Second World War, the Congo, Bosnia and Herzegovina War, and the First Gulf War. In addition to war activities, the French foreign legions can also be seen in Myanmar's peacekeeping assistance activities, the suppression of riots in Haiti, and the disaster assistance of the Indian Ocean earthquake.

"Chad has always been a French colony, and it became independent only in the 1960s, but the relationship between France and Chad has always been relatively close. The two countries have signed a series of cooperation agreements on finance, economy, culture, education and military. France has a military base in Chad. , 1200 troops stationed. The training camp of the famous French Foreign Legion is there." Jiang An said slowly.

"But the French should be along with the Chadian government. Will they defend this warlord?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Ansai himself has a history of serving in the foreign army, so this has to be guarded." Jiang An shrugged.

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