Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1080: Tactical trap

In the hiding place of the O2 squad, Lin Rui listened to the violent gunfights and explosions in the other direction, and smiled slightly, "Who are these missile units and have no individual combat capability? Aren't they playing very lively?"

"If you are in a hurry, rabbits will bite people. Besides, they are still trained soldiers." Lincoln whispered.

Lin Rui put his hand on the earphone and said solemnly, "Korean, how are you preparing?"

"The bomb is installed and can be detonated at any time." Pu Dongxiang's voice replied. "Does it need to start?"

Lin Rui thought for a while and said, "Five minutes, the delayed detonation will make those US troops and terrorists fight more lively."

"Understood." Park Dongxiang replied in a deep voice, "I will set a five-minute delay to detonate and blow up the cables connected to the last three control rooms. Only the control room No. 12 is left because of that passage. The distance is long enough, and it will take a certain amount of time for the other party's cracking team to pass there. It is convenient for us to act."

"Good job! Let's get started! We don't have much time." Lin Rui said solemnly.

A few minutes later, a few small explosions sounded, and in the chaotic battle of this underground base, it did not cause much disturbance. But in the command room of the secret society, the lights suddenly dimmed. Sensing the change of light, the surrounding emergency lighting is fully turned on!

White Glove turned around and shouted sharply at the secret society members who were operating computers, "What happened just now?"

"I don't know! The power system seems to be still operating normally! But the lines leading to the control rooms were broken by the explosion just now! The emergency power supply mode has been activated just like here." The secret society member knocked. He said to the computer, "This seems very tricky. If the generator is damaged, there are other backup power systems that can guarantee that there will be no power failure. But if the line is damaged, this is more tricky. You can only use it before repairing. Emergency power supply."

"How long can the emergency power supply last?" The white gloves said with a calm face.

"About eight to twelve hours. In this state, the cracking team will not be able to complete their current work." The secret society member said nervously.

"Is there any solution?" White Glove shouted sharply.

The secret agency members nervously said, "The best way is to save their current calculation results and move to the 12th control room, where there is still electricity supply."

"Can't we only repair it in eight hours?" White Glove frowned.

"It turned out to be possible, but now that area is under the control of those American troops who have escaped. We are fighting fiercely with them. It is unrealistic to rush through their defense lines to complete repairs behind them. And we don't know at present. The damage to the line. To do so, at least the choice is not smart." The secret society member replied.

"Where's Lan Qilin? Didn't he lead the team? Why haven't he taken down those American soldiers. Couldn't his people still have the missile force that sits in the base control room all day and taps on the keyboard?" White Gloves shouted. Shouted.

"No way, they are more familiar with the environment than we are. Moreover, they are desperately desperate. They are more than 400 trained soldiers." Pluto shook his head. "Sir, what should we do next?"

"Notify the Delta Force to cover the cracking team. Let the cracking team save the work progress, and withdraw to the 12th control room, where to continue the cracking work. Faster!" White Glove said helplessly. "No! You personally lead a team over! Make sure that the work of the cracking team is not interrupted!"

Pluto nodded, "I understand." After finishing speaking, he waved at several heavily armed secret society members and led them out of the command room.

The white glove slammed a fist on the table, "Damn bastard! This is probably a trap, a tactical trap!"

He knew in his heart that this was most likely a trap, but he had to step in, because he had to ensure that the cracking team could successfully unlock the authorization code, otherwise, everything they did here would be meaningless.

White Glove took a deep breath, calming himself. This O2 team is giving him a headache, in fact they have broken him more than once. The white gloves paced back and forth, eyes cold. He has made up his mind, regardless of whether the operation is successful or not. When necessary, this mercenary team must be removed.

Pluto took a group of armed personnel from the secret society and found the cracking group as quickly as possible.

Several technicians in the cracking team have been notified and are panicking saving calculation data and disassembling the computer equipment used for cracking.

Captain Crowder frowned at Pluto, "Why are you here?"

"Mr. White's order to transfer the cracking team, the power supply here has been cut off, and can only be transferred to the 12th control room, and then continue cracking." Pluto said solemnly.

"Isn't there an emergency power supply?" Claude frowned.

"The work of cracking is not that simple. With our current equipment, it takes at least several days of calculation." The members of the cracking team explained as they packed their equipment. "There is no way, unless you can bring China's Tianhe-2 supercomputer over, maybe it can shorten the cracking time. But do you know that, the volume alone has to occupy a warehouse."

"Hurry up, we must speed up, there is no time to waste." Pluto frowned. "Mr. White ordered us to immediately **** the cracking team to the No. 12 missile launch control room."

Claude said helplessly, "Well, I will let my people go over and make sure it is safe. You bring the cracking team to keep up."

"No problem." Pluto nodded.

Just when they were preparing to evacuate. The O2 squad of Lin Rui and others has avoided the fighting US military and secret agencies, and entered the passage leading to the 12th control room. Brother Lin Ruihuo said in a deep voice, "Our chance is this time. If we can kill the members of the cracking team, we can complete this task. Otherwise, we will be very passive, because every minute of delay, they will have more. One point of the possibility of successful cracking. Do you understand?"

"Understood, boss, we won't let them pass so easily." Lincoln nodded.

"Someone is coming! Hidden!" Jiang Jian whispered in the earphones.

All the O2 players were hidden in an alley on the flanks of the passage. Because of the power outage, the darkness gave them the best cover. Lin Rui held his gun, held his breath, and waited silently for the arrival of these people.

Sure enough, someone approached. From their appearance they are members of the Delta Force. The tactical flashlights they installed under the guns formed a beam of light dangling in the dark. Dian Lin Rui immediately whispered, "Continue to the back, keep all of you hidden!"

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