Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1033: Jungle Bloodthirsty

Lin Rui and the others dived into this dense African forest, completely throwing away the chasers behind them. They bypassed the secret society armed men desperately chasing after them. Without a GPS locator, they almost lost their way in the maze of forest.

This tropical rainforest surrounded by dangers is like a palace of the devil. For hundreds of millions of years, nature has drawn strict boundaries on the earth, creating another forbidden zone for mankind, that is, forests and oceans. The overlapping plant communities melt the world into one, with birds like clouds, wild animals roaring, and pythons rampant. There are no people, no houses, no road vehicles and no noise in the city.

Nature grants equal rights to every kind of life, mutual growth and mutual restraint, endless life, survival of the fittest, and evolution of life. And reproduction and death have always been the eternal themes that dominate this world. Maybe this is the real Africa.

The members of O2 took turns to clear the way. They swung their machete to cut a path through the thick walls of vines, shrubs, grasses and plants. "How far are we from the target?" Wang Haoze asked with some confusion.

"It's a long story, let's talk while walking." The bank jumped off the rock while talking. "It takes half a day to get to the target position in front from the GPS, right?"

"Almost, it would be nice to be able to get close to the guard zone they set up before dark." Crazy Horse still walked in front, leading Lin Rui and Lincoln to continue toward the base of the secret society.

It is very difficult to walk through the dense jungle. The trees are intertwined, and there are many vines and branches entangled with each other, and many places simply cannot pass through. GPS often cannot find satellite signals, and they must save some battery power in case of emergency.

Most of the time, they only rely on the compass to move forward. However, Crazy Horse seemed to always find a place to pass, and he led the two of them around, moving in one direction.

Park Dongxiang asked Crazy Horse curiously, "Hey, House. It's easy for others to get lost when walking in the forest. Do you have any secrets?"

"There is a secret to the fart, there is an old saying that the old horse knows the way. Or if you are like me, you can learn how to recognize the way after a few years in the jungle." Crazy Horse said jokingly.

A stream flowed out in front of them as they were talking, and the weeds and trees on both sides were very lush because of the humidity. The trees on both sides of the river were luxuriant and the leaves were wider than elsewhere, and they were shiny and shiny.

A team of people waded through the knee-deep river and just arrived on the other side of the river. The rocks by the river were covered with moss, and army boots slipped on them. Wang Haoze accidentally slipped his foot, and suddenly sat on the ground. Lin Rui stretched out his hand and pulled him up.

"Damn, this broken place is so slippery, I almost broke my **** in two..."

"Nonsense, your **** is not in half, or is it full?" Lin Rui said quietly.

Before Wang Haoze responded, Crazy Horse suddenly put his index finger on his lips and hissed, motioning him to be quiet. Lin Rui and the others thought that there was a situation, so they instinctively raised the muzzle and pricked their ears to listen to the surrounding movement.

Soon they heard a rustling sound from the surrounding bushes. The leaves seemed to tremble under the breeze, and the dense leaves stood towards them layer by layer like waves. This location flooded in.

I saw countless forest locusts more than ten centimeters long, swarming at the three people from the leaves with their heads high. I don’t know where so many creepy things suddenly appeared, as if on every leaf. There is a creeping locust.

These terrifying bloodthirsty monsters are one of the most terrifying creatures in tropical forests. The leeches in the virgin forests of Africa are extremely large. It is said that a large lee can **** a pound of blood at a time. There are often dead animals near the river in the forest. They were suddenly surrounded by the locusts lying in ambush here and sucked up their blood.

These slimy things without eyes have bodies like springs. When crawling forward, their bodies suddenly stretched several times, they act very quickly, and their sense of smell is unusually sensitive.

Everyone knows the horror of this kind of thing, but they have never seen so many locusts attacking together, crowded around the surrounding bushes, and some do not know when they fall from the leaves above their heads. Come, fall on their heads. The players suddenly felt cold on their backs, their sweat pores seemed to have exploded, and their scalp was numb, and it felt like they were trapped in a magic cave.

Crazy Horse yelled first, "Run..."

A group of people hurriedly turned around and ran back, recklessly jumped back into the small river, fled to the other side of the river, and while running, they kept dragging down the locusts that had fallen on them. Once these terrible things were pasted on On the skin, the suction cups are firmly absorbed, and the slippery body cannot be grasped by the hand, and it is difficult to tear them off.

After returning to the other side, Lin Rui felt that there were two sticky things on his neck, which he did not remove after pulling hard. Sergey hurriedly used a knife to pick off the two rounded locusts from Lin Rui's neck.

The strange thing is that although there is only a small river a few meters wide, there are no such annoying little things here, as if they all have independent territories.

"Damn it, let's walk along the river for a while, look for places with sparse bushes and then cross the river. There should be no locusts in those places." Crazy Horse said with lingering fear.

"Well, this is the first time I have seen such a big locust, and it is so ferocious."

Crazy Horse Rui smiled and said: "After a while, you will know that the locusts in some places are more terrible than these. Fortunately, it is not the rainy season, otherwise they would not dare to enter. When we were on a mission five years ago, Many brothers were killed by this terrible thing."

"So powerful?" Sergey asked with some horror.

"It happened during the rainy season. We were besieged by a large group of African warlords and sometimes forced to march at night. You know that when this kind of thing crawls on people to **** blood, people didn't feel it at first, but when they found it, it was already full. Up.

Some brothers were too sleepy, and fell asleep sitting under the tree. Hey, the situation is terrible..." Crazy Horse seemed unwilling to continue.

Snake's eyes nodded and said, "I was there at the time. This kind of thing is a blood-sucking animal. They can attract prey with the help of temperature and carbon dioxide. If you stay in some rainforest, you will move on the forest floor in just a few minutes. A worm-like leech is approaching you.

We have to be careful. From now on, we must try to drink boiled water. Because the water here may be parasitic with locusts. Small young locusts are not easy to find. After drinking, they will parasitize in the respiratory tract, esophagus, and urethra. Trust me, you won't want this thing to enter your body. "

"Damn it, this **** place." Sergey shivered.

"Forget it, everyone try to be careful. Let's not rest here, go around here and move on." Lin Rui frowned.

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