290 – Side Story 2

“Hey Brother Kyle. Can I really go to the imperial palace?”

When the saintess in the carriage asked, Kyle tilted her head.

As if there was nothing to worry about. In the first place, I went here because the emperor personally called me.

“If you are worried about the church’s view or the location of the saintess, you don’t have to.”


“It’s only natural that His Majesty the Emperor asked for a meeting. In case it harms the church’s neutrality, if it’s because of that, I’ll pass on the position of a saint sooner or later, but there’s nothing particularly problematic about it.”

The one who accompanied Kyle on the way to the imperial palace was none other than a saint.

Her emperor’s wish to meet her suddenly came through.

The saintess seemed to have no idea why.

I’ve never met the emperor of the empire properly, so why are you doing this all of a sudden?

She couldn’t figure out any reason to ask for a direct meeting.

‘No way… Oh, isn’t it? What could she do so that the princess could be Brother Kyle’s first….’

I wonder if I’m even worried about this on the inside.


Kyle, who was looking at that figure, sat next to her saintess as if to reassure her.

“Don’t worry. It’s just, how the princess is doing these days. Whether she had a will for the current move from before. She was the only friend of the princess, so she might want to ask the saintess.”

“If, by any chance, you want to talk about Brother Kyle….”

“His Majesty is not that narrow-minded. If that were the case, my father wouldn’t have said, ‘People are really nice’ when talking about His Majesty the Emperor.”

To Kyle’s words, her saintess also nodded as if she agreed.

He is Baron John Nassen, who seems to be good at fighting and training.

In addition, his eye for understanding people subtly is also excellent compared to others.

“Anyway, I’m more worried about something other than the Emperor’s call.”

“What are you worried about?”

“I’m going by carriage.”

“… Ah.”

It’s not far to the imperial palace, so I’ll just let you run.

They say they couldn’t do cardio properly because of the saintess’s prayers.

If you send a carriage like this, you won’t be able to ignore the sincerity and ride it.

Thinking to himself, Kyle recalled the topic of this Health Ministry meeting.

“What is the most appropriate starting weight for beginners?”

As Jon Nassen, it could be said that it was a subject that he could never concede.


Kyle broke off first and headed to the newly established Ministry of Health.

After attending the meeting and completing her duties as an advisor, she said that she would go to the imperial palace herself.

After making an appointment with her saintess, Kyle quickly headed to the Ministry of Health building.

Tadada dat—!

Of course, she dared to go by carriage instead.

After looking at her for a while, the saintess moved to the imperial palace.

To be honest, I am still worried. And it’s still scary.

What kind of place is the imperial palace? It is the heart of the empire and the core of the system.

Who is the person living in it? He is the supreme ruler of the empire, the emperor.

I saw it from a distance, or even posted a greeting even though it was very fleeting.

But it was the first time I had such a personal meeting as now.

Could I have done something wrong? What bad story did the princess say?

In the past, I wouldn’t have worried too much about this.

The thought that I might get into trouble with my relationship with Kyle makes me nervous.

I would have been a little relieved if there was Captain Priscilla next to me.

She was currently in charge of an escort mission alongside her next saintess.

“Welcome, saintess. Welcome to the imperial palace.”

The chief chamberlain personally greets the saintess, accompanied by the imperial knights.

It is a great honor to be able to welcome such a distinguished guest among distinguished guests.

He even said that His Majesty had been waiting in the drawing room since earlier.

Although the words of the chamberlain’s words were deliberately spoken to further enhance her status as a saintess.

Thanks to this, the saintess felt a greater burden and withered involuntarily.

‘Brother Kyle. Please come quickly I’m so nervous.’

The saintess whispered as she followed the chief chamberlain to the drawing room.

After that, as she followed her guidance, the man who had asked to meet her greeted the saintess from inside her.


“Joe, nice to meet you!”

As soon as she sees her emperor, the saintess immediately falls to her knees.

Then, when I tried to bow down, the emperor was very embarrassed.

I wasn’t waiting to see you like this.

“Why is that? Stop it Isn’t a saintess someone who serves great beings?”

“But… Well, since you’re the father-in-law of brother Kyle….”

What did the emperor say to the saintess? And let her groan.

It is clear that he is very embarrassed to see his eyes flicker.

After looking at her saintess for a moment, the emperor chuckled! And burst out laughing.

“Heh heh heh! Is it. Yes, I fully understand why. Anyway, it’s been a greeting, so get up quickly. If the princess hears this, she’ll grumble that she did too much for her friend.”

The emperor, who raised her saintess with her own hands, recommends her seat to her saintess.

“You seem very surprised to be called so suddenly.”

“Oh, no. Your majesty.”

“No. Jim didn’t think of that.”

I didn’t say sorry directly, but it was no different from an apology already.

“I heard about the church. A new saintess will soon take her place.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Someone much better than me will become a saint.”

“I see. According to the 5th princess, you are the nicest person in the church.”

After that, the emperor continued to talk about this and that.

Starting with the story of the church, how is life at the academy?

You got closer to Kyle. Is there any hard part because of the exercise?

Is there any friction with other women?

“Mmm. Let’s get to the point.”

The emperor got to the point the moment he started talking about the princess’s current situation.

“I think you know the general news.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. That the princess volunteered to be an assistant teacher.”

“Honestly, no one was as shocked as I was when I first heard the news. Because that child knows me well. How can you be so serious about pursuing force?”

Although all of the children have different personalities.

Still, trying to find dignity as a member of the imperial family was similar.

Everyone can see ‘Ah! So that they can think, “They are members of the great imperial family!”

But the 5th princess, Julika, was different. Even though it was different, it was so different.

Even though she is a princess, she clings to what she wants rather than looking for dignity.

If I wanted to do it, I ended up doing it no matter what.

“It was fortunate that he was a child who wanted to pursue his own strength, not luxury or pleasure. If he hadn’t been for that, he would have been in real trouble.”

At those words, the saintess involuntarily burst into laughter with an ahahahaha.

Certainly, even in her own eyes, the princess only pursued her own strength, so she was very fortunate.

If she wanted something else… She probably couldn’t keep her as a friend.

“A guy like that, how dumbfounded she was when she asked for an assistant teacher this time.”

“But I hear she is doing well.”

In response to the saintess’ answer, the emperor raised her voice slightly, saying, ‘That’s just amazing!’

Of course I thought I would give up after a few days.

Even if that wasn’t the case, the professor in charge said, ‘I can’t possibly take him.’

I thought it would be delivered in an indirect way and secretly with the utmost courtesy.

Unfortunately, that never happened.

On the contrary, it was too quiet. I haven’t heard anything for over a month.

“If I had heard anything, I would have sent people right away to stop it. But it was so quiet. I tried to ask people to find out, but it seems like a futile thing again.”

“I understand.”

“How do you see it? Do you really think you can do it right?”

The emperor is fiddling with his chin as if in trouble.

Seeing that, the saintess burst into laughter inwardly.

The absolute supremacy of the empire, a great being that stands above everyone.

Nevertheless, a single parent who has no choice in front of their children.

I was just not trying to show off, but I was no different from any other parent.

“Your Majesty.”

So the saintess decided to ease her father’s worries as long as he sat in front of her.

“The princess and I are friends. Friends who don’t seem to get along at all, but also get along well in their own way.”

“I know. So thank you so much. That child and the saintess are friends.”

“So I know it well. The princess will do just fine. Even if you want to tell everyone who is worried about it, you don’t have to worry because I will do it.”

A soft and calm voice. But there is a clear will in it.

There’s no way the emperor wouldn’t notice that.

“… The princess has made very good friends. She’s such a great guy. Both the son-in-law and the friend.”

The emperor always bursts out laughing, as if he is in a good mood.

Immediately after that, the chief of staff came to the side and carefully removed his lips.

“Your Majesty. Kyle’s father-in-law is asking for an audience.”

“You came early. It seems that the Ministry of Health meeting ended earlier than expected.”

The chief servant quickly goes to deliver the emperor’s order to go inside.

After a while, the door opened and Kyle stepped inside.

“Meet the Emperor.”

“Welcome, youngest son-in-law.”

He hadn’t even posted an engagement yet, but he was already the emperor calling himself son-in-law.

It seems that the only purpose is to treat Kyle very kindly.

It also shows the heart of the father who subtly believes that the princess will not be the last.

‘Anyway. Even though he’s a nice person, he can never let his guard down.’

Kyle shook her head and sat across from her saintess.

Then, I lightly told the emperor about the Ministry of Health.

“The meeting went well.”

“Are you reporting directly now?”

“It’s torture, so I have to do this. Rather, you should thank me. It’s about important matters coming up to His Majesty the Emperor.”

At Kyle’s words, the emperor said yes and nodded his head.

After that, after talking a little more, he exclaimed, “Oh.”

“Your Majesty?”

“There is news from the southern island. They said it looks like the two of them are back.”

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