281 – End of the Year

“Looks like there are more people at this New Year’s celebration than before.”

“Is that so?”

The prince laughed at the words of the crown prince and nodded her head.

From my own point of view, this New Year’s celebration was probably the most grandiose.

Originally, this is the place where the imperial family, the three grand duchesses, and the nobility of key political positions come.

There is also someone who suggested the possibility of witchcraft while receiving the emperor’s attention this time.

Similarly, there are those who showed great talent with swords and were recognized by the top 10 empires.

Of course, it was natural for nobles to gather to build a relationship with them.

Didn’t they say that a very rare and hard-to-see guest would come?

“It’s strange that His Majesty came so early and seemed to be waiting.”

“It can’t be helped. We have an unexpected guest today.”

At those words, the Crown Princess silently nodded her head.

I heard the story. She couldn’t help but listen. Rumors have already spread throughout the system.

Here comes John Nassen. That too, the baron and all of his children, at the New Year’s celebration.

What has never happened before is happening today.

How anxious the ministers were because of that part.

Conferences, conferences, and conferences. Ministers walking around the palace with their eyes wide open.

It was to the extent that the unfortunate appearance was revealed even in the eyes of the Crown Princess.

“The ministers seemed very concerned.”

“Perhaps it was to prepare for this eventuality. However, the ministers will have nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t know if only the baron’s daughter had come. There is also the heir to the baron, and Kyle again. Because I have that friend…. Ah, I guess I should call you brother-in-law now.”

The prince, who had been saying that, stood up from her seat with a smile.

Last of the three Grand Dukes, Grand Duke Littorio appeared with his successor.

A political partner to the current emperor and father, and to himself in the future.

Then, he approaches the princess who will become his supporter in the future.

“The Archduke.”

“Your Highness the Crown Prince. How are you all this time?”

“Yes. Well done. How have you been, Grand Duke?”

At the prince’s words, Archduke Littorio said hahahaha, and let out an embarrassing laugh.

What happened thanks to you? The moment when the heart wants to fall in the heart of the prince and the couple.

“I heard that His Excellency Grand Duke slightly overreacted because he has been taking care of it for the past few days.”

Elgar appeared next to her with a smile on her face and spoke to her instead.

At that, the prince and his wife nodded her head, saying, “Ah.”

Certainly, there was nothing that looked bad, but I felt a strange creaking sensation.

“I heard that Peha arrived a long time ago.”

“Yes. You are on the second floor. However, you have already omitted the greetings of the two grand dukes. He said that since this is the place to welcome the new year, it would be appropriate to greet them first.”

“It is still the same.”

I said so, but Archduke Littorio decided to go to the emperor.

I don’t know about official greetings, but in private, we always exchanged regards.

Because they are the same age and are the closest political allies to each other.

“I heard that good news will come soon, princess.”

Meanwhile, the Crown Princess approached Elgar and she spoke to her.

There is probably no one who doesn’t know what that ‘good news’ is.

“It is embarrassing, Your Highness the Crown Princess.”

“Are you okay? It sounds like it would be a little confusing.”

At the words of the Crown Princess, she says that she can handle it when Elgar smiles.

Rather, the opponents are all competitive, so I’m going to have a bit of a taste for competition. She

She added that she must be John Nassen’s daughter-in-law.

Afterwards, Elgar said that he would take this opportunity to introduce the comrades of the uproar.

She first guided her princess in the direction of Tisha, who was at the New Year’s ceremony.

She said witchcraft is very strange, so she told me to listen to it.


She didn’t interrupt when women were talking, she said.

From her past, from her own sisters, the Princesses, and later from her Crown Princess.

She was well aware of that, so the prince was looking at the people standing in the great hall.


She said, ‘Ian. The young man came too. No Should I call him Sir Ian now?’

She is the 5th princess who doesn’t acknowledge her others at all.

How she bullied those who said my sister was good at it.

As for the prince, just thinking about that part made her head throb.

But the 5th princess also acknowledged the prosecutor named Ian.

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Very good. Probably going to the next top 10 empire unconditionally.

If you grow a little more there, no one will be able to reach you with a sword.

Even according to the next words of her 5th princess, it is said that the man himself taught.

Baron John Nassen. The one who turned Gahan, who led the nomadic tribe, back to dust.

A person who changed the map with a single punch and flew in the sky with a single leap.

The princess said that he personally led and instructed physical training.

I can’t be weak. Yes, if that’s true, you have no choice but to be strong.

Those who are weak, those who do not try, and those who have no potential.

There was no reason to raise the level by guiding and leading.

‘For now, it must be important to put that young man under his command first.’

I was taught by Jon Nassen, but I am not a Jon Nassen.

That means we can communicate to a certain extent, and it means that we have greed.

If the conditions are met, it should be possible to keep it as your own sword.

‘Next to… Hmm?’

A noblewoman was standing next to Ian.

It’s not a family with great prestige.

On the contrary, it was a place that could not even keep the name of nobility until recently.

But luckily, Kyle caught sight of him, and proved it to the emperor.

A young lady who gained experience in a very honorable place called the Imperial Knights.

‘Yes. I said Nell. That young lady wasn’t bad at swordsmanship either.’

If you look at it coldly, it can’t compare to Ian standing nearby.

If you think about female knights, they are definitely excellent talents, but if you judge them, they are at the level of the stars and the full moon.

Hani Originally, it is correct that Nell gives more attention and attention to Ian.

As a swordsman, a kind of envy or longing for a better swordsman.

‘But, now it’s the opposite.’

Nell is not looking at Ian, Ian is looking at Nell.

And with a very earnest look. For a very long time.

Even the prince had seen that kind of gaze several times. At a banquet like this, whether aristocrats are sons or daughters.

It was the kind of look he always showed when meeting the opposite sex.

It was a good time, the prince muttered and smiled involuntarily.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

A very familiar voice came from behind.

Huh? After sighing, the prince turned his head.


I haven’t heard that the people of Baron John Nassen have come?

The prince, who looked around just in case, was surprised.

A huge middle-aged man was slowly approaching from the front.

At a glance, you can feel the aura that tells you that you are not an ordinary person.

It seems that the other nobles felt the unusual energy as well.

Although it is time for Jini to talk before announcing the start of the New Year’s ceremony in earnest.

Everyone was silent and focused their eyes on the middle-aged man.

“Hey, how….”

“You said you don’t like noise. So, I had no choice but to ask the chief chamberlain not to inform them and came in quietly like this.”

After sighing, the prince raised his head and looked at the second floor.

The emperor was already looking at the crown prince, as if he had caught his eye.


I’ll give you a chance. That meaning was conveyed to the crown prince.

He shook his head slightly at that and turned around again.

“Eggplant. Anyway, shouldn’t we say hello?”

At the words of the prince, Kyle smiled and nodded his head.

After that, when the crown prince moved, the rest of the nobles also noticed the change in the New Year’s Celebration Hall.

It was so quiet that ‘someone’ had come without realizing it.

“Baron John Nassen.”

As the name flowed out of the prince’s mouth, the nobles trembled.

Somebody said about the academy anti-palace incident in the past. The sight of someone else falling from the sky.

And the others were reminiscing about drinking from the nomadic tribes.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

A huge man who seemed to grab the prince by the neck, saying, “Fuck off the weak.”

But instead of raising his fist, he slightly lowered his head.

Following behind him, Lear and Leah greeted the crown prince.

In the eyes of nobles, John Nassen was still the crown prince, so he seemed to be bowing down.

In reality, he is the older brother of the princess. Because he is the brother of the future daughter-in-law.

All of them were just saying hello to the in-laws.

“Welcome. I want to say thank you for taking such a difficult step.”

“It wasn’t difficult. Rather, it was very enjoyable.”

Of course it was fun. Talk to the emperor too.

Duke Littorio is in poor physical condition, so he warmly gives me advice.

At the end, he went to the church and saw the field of training taking place there, and didn’t he laugh heartily.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

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Just then, the chief of staff enters the New Year’s ceremonial hall.

Realizing that time was running out, the prince raised his head and looked at the emperor.

The emperor also made a gesture as if to start slowly.


As the chief chamberlain rings the bell, the nobles in the ceremony hall lower their voices.

Accordingly, the crown prince moved to the center and looked around to try his luck.

“Dignified guests. I really appreciate you taking this step. Finishing up a year that was fierce and worthwhile. I have prepared this place for those who have suffered in the meantime. Your majesty. Please live forever.”

Praying for the prosperity of the empire and the well-being of the emperor, the auspicious occasion has finally begun.

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