266 – Wait, should I take care of this too?

Work in Baron John Nassen is no different than anywhere else.

Those who ought to work do the work, and those who have work see the work.

It is said that he is only crazy about exercise, but he does not hold on to it all day long.

Of course, after finishing his work. After that, it’s all about investing all the time you have left.


The amount isn’t too much, but whatever the case, things within the Baron’s territory.

Baron John Nassen finished all his work after much thought.

If you were like everyone else, would you take a break or enjoy your free time?

I’m sure he passed his time that way, but Baron John Nassen was different.

‘I’m sure you’re going well by now. I’d like to go find him right away, but.’

People from another continent who came over to this continent a while ago.

Actually, Baron John Nassen didn’t care much about who came and for what purpose.

It’s something for the empire and the emperor to worry about, not for you to do yourself.

Yes. At least I don’t really like what they brought.

If it weren’t for the strange thing that directly denied the sacred physical training.

Fortunately, his youngest son, Kyle, said he handled it well.

Did you dare to wear something like this and hear a good sound?

At all, they even set up a stipend to keep away from this by crushing it with both hands.

It was a job I really liked. I wanted to clap.

But the next thing Baron John Nassen lost his mind.

Exercise equipment that gives force in the opposite direction of overload.

People on the other side of the continent had the skills to build such instruments.

A truly loathsome machine, on the contrary, could give a greater overload.

I was able to make just what Jon Nassen needed.

So instead of punishing them, the baron obediently sent them back.

Anyway, Kyle did some tidying up, and this side also wants something.

In that case, it was the right thing to make a bigger profit by quietly letting go.

“That’s right. Then, when did you say it would be finished?”

“If the time is right, I want to go too, Father.”

“Me too! Wow, I never thought of an apparatus like that!”

Starting with Baroness Maria, the first, Lear, and the second, Leah.

There was great interest in the mechanism that could receive more than twice the overload.

It was the same situation for the other people in the barony.

Training is not boring at all even if you do it every day, but it’s very enjoyable.

It is natural that the tools that are used every time are bound to be boring.

Even if you increase the weight, someday there will come a line where you can’t add more weight.

When the time comes, you will see the game as much as possible with very little stimulation.

It was clear that he would have to take some not-so-welcome training methods.

The current Baron John Nassen was one such case.

There is a limit to the discs that can be attached to the pole, and there is a limit to the weights that can be placed on the balloon.

In such a situation, the equipment proposed to them was truly a godsend.

So, when will they arrive in my hometown?

When do you start making the tools, and when do you release the finished product?

It was only natural to have these happy and thrilling thoughts.

“The Baron.”

I was swollen at the thought of going quickly and exercising with maximum overload.

Old man Neil sneaks into his office and offers something.

“It was sent by the youngest boy. You seem to have sent it very quickly.”

“The youngest?”

Baron John Nassen, tilting his head, received the letter.

Originally, I would have said, ‘It’s time to exercise, so I’ll do everything and see.’

Since it was none other than the youngest who sent this letter, he backed down.


Baron John Nassen, who received the letter, began to read its contents.

Be very meticulous, so that you don’t miss anything.

“… What is it written on?”

With a look of subtle curiosity, Old Man Neil asks a question.

Every time Kyle sends a letter like this, a lot happened.

For example, the recent pleasant outing to the east.


But today, Baron John Nassen’s reaction was a bit odd.

Look at the letter again and again. Even so, he tilts his head as if he doesn’t understand.


“Inspired by Neil. Go and tell your family members to come here.”

“… All right.”

Neil old man quickly disappears from his seat.

And after a while, Baroness Maria appeared first.

“I heard there was a letter from the youngest.”

“Yes. However, the content is a little strange.”

“What is it about?”

After receiving the letter from the baron, the baroness reads the contents quickly.

In the meantime, Lear and Leah similarly entered the office.

“… Ah.”

Unlike Baron John Nassen, who had a look that said he couldn’t understand at all.

As soon as the baroness read Kyle’s letter, she looked understood.

“Does your wife understand?”

“Yes. How difficult is this? Rather, it should be done just like this.”

After saying

, The baroness held out Kyle’s letter to Lear and Leah.

The brother and sister who received it read the contents written inside amicably.

“… Does this have much to do with it?”

“Older brother. What do you mean. Of course it has a lot to do with it!”

Lear reacts similarly to Baron.

And it was divided into Leah, who had the same reaction as the Baroness.

“That’s strange. Didn’t the youngest say that after graduating from the academy, she would cover her first sister-in-law the way Ena John Nassen did?”

“I know that too. I will decide on her first daughter-in-law after she graduates.”

At the words of the Baron and Lear, the Baroness clicked her tongue.

“No. Rather, Kyle had a good idea. How important is age to a woman? This is going to be the part that will never be fair to either side over time.”

“Mother is right, Father. And brother! Age is a really sensitive thing for a woman!”

All the way to the table! And even Leah knocking.

The reason why the Jon Nassen family suddenly gathered together to discuss this.

It was because of this content written in the letter Kyle sent.

– … I made a big mistake. The age of the princess…. –

– I judged this to be unfair, so I think I should move ahead much earlier than I originally thought…. –

– Probably starting from the moment the next year begins…. –

Determining Jon Nassen’s first daughter-in-law, furthermore, launching a flare of infinite competition.

That was the reason why we had no choice but to advance the timing a little earlier.

“If this happens, aren’t only Jesu-san suddenly in trouble?”

“I was worried about that too. Most of the daughters-in-law are probably thinking about after graduation.”

“Couldn’t we explain that when the sisters-in-law come to our baronial territory?”

“Yes. Sorry kids, but competition has to be fair.”

At the words of the baron and Leah, the baron and Lear only tilted their heads.

In fact, if that’s fair, isn’t it unfair to the three women to do it right now?

She tried to say that part, but she quickly shut her mouth.

Every time the ‘age’ part is mentioned, he shows strangely sharp eyes.

I noticed my wife and my daughter, my mother and my sister.

“What are you going to do? Will you do what the youngest said?”

“You have to do as Kyle says. To be in my late 20s, having to fight against people in my early and mid-20s after 4 years! I honestly think this is too cruel! I almost want to tell you to start right now!”

“… Okay, so let’s stop. Leah, you should stop too.”

Baron John Nassen immediately began writing a reply to Kyle.

Isn’t he coming with his daughter-in-law once again this vacation anyway?

At that time, he said it would be better to explain the circumstances and listen to their opinions.

I thought it would be better since I will end my business sooner or later.

– More than anything, your mother and your sister are so holy that they have to be…. –

In the meantime, the baron did not forget to tell the youngest about the family.


‘As expected, my mother and sister strongly agreed with me.’

Receiving her reply from John Nassen, Kyle nodded her head.

I knew it would be like this. As expected, it is the same women who are sensitive to the issue of women’s age.

When I told you about the princess’s situation, I fully agreed and agreed.

With this, I first got my parents’ permission.

All that remains is to explain to the four women and ask for their understanding.

Unfortunately they. There is a chance that Elgar, Tisha, and the saintess will not take it kindly.

Originally, it would have been over three years.

After graduating from the academy, until the real competition begins.

Before that, I would have trained properly and tried to level up.

You may have tried to build many memories with yourself for the rest of your time.

This meant that all plans went awry.

‘What can I do? More than my karma, karma. I have to handle everything.’

Whoa, Kyle let out a sigh and left her room.

The exams are over, and now there is about a week left for the second semester.

In the meantime, she was thinking of enjoying her academy life as little as possible.

Even the snacks that are sometimes eaten here will be impossible in my hometown.

‘It’s not some kind of Last Supper. Ugh, going back to my hometown must be a bit difficult.’

Light shimmers in Kyle’s eyes as he shakes his head.

It was Ian who was trudging towards me from afar.


“… Oh, Kyle.”

“What is it? What does it look like? Ian, it’s not like you.”

Ian was always confident in everything he did.

By the way, strangely, he was showing a particularly weak appearance today.


“Why? Could it be that things aren’t going well with Nell?”

I only threw it out once, but Ian’s face literally turned into tears.

‘Oh. It must have been real.’

Realizing his mistake, Kyle shut her mouth.

In case Ian changes the subject, he prepares to chime in with her.

“… Yes.”

But Ian was a man who never knew anything like that.

“I will be honest. Lately, things aren’t going well with Nell.”


“Obviously I’m treating you as usual, but I’m restraining myself out of embarrassment.”

This was the part Kyle advised. Don’t push too hard

Treat him as usual and look for the right time.

“No way, you didn’t treat me like you normally do?”

Isn’t it? You’re not alone, you have a rival named Leto.

When I said to do it as usual, I meant not to put pressure on you.

I really didn’t mean to act ‘as usual’ and see Nell.

“… You treated me like you normally would.”


Kyle touched his forehead.

It seemed that I could hear Tisha’s sighs cheering for Ian from somewhere.

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