256 – Still, the youngest member of the Jon Nassen family

They pulled five ships, including Gai’s.

Only two of them could barely move because of some kind of repair.

In there, all those who will return to their hometowns must be squeezed in.

There were also those who would remain in fear of not carrying out their home country’s orders.

Or there were too many people right now, so there were those who promised the next time.

Nevertheless, the ships were packed with people returning.

‘Isn’t that going to cause a problem?’

Kyle patted her chin, worried inwardly.

It’s over capacity. No matter how I look at it, I look at it again and again.

A catastrophe will happen the moment you accidentally sink it.

There are too many of them, so eating and drinking is also a problem.

I thought the empire was generous and stocked as much as possible.

Looking at the number of people, it was doubtful whether it would be maintained.

The Empire is also aware of the problem.

Even they know that terrible things can happen if they do something wrong.

Nevertheless, there is only one reason why he desperately wants to return to his home country.

‘People here are so scary!’

‘I don’t want to stay here any longer! I want to go back to my hometown and live in peace!’

Of course, it is a misunderstanding that Kyle and Empire hear that will make you feel uncomfortable.

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Jon Nassen is said to be crazy about fighting, but he doesn’t hurt anyone.

Only for those who deserve it, or who would dishonor their noble efforts.

I only deal with those opponents with all my might.

And the Empire only fought Jon Nassen, but not as crazy for battle as they did.

It seems like a strange misunderstanding happened, but I couldn’t help it.

“Me, Brother Kyle.”

The princess rushed to the palace after receiving the sudden imperial order.

She said that she hadn’t worked for a while, so her duties were too much.

And even Tisha, who says she is busy with her mad research on witchcraft.

Thanks to that, Kyle was the only woman by his side.

“Hey, those brothers. Wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

“It’s dangerous. It’s not just an overcrowding problem. If you run out of food and drink, it will be a disaster, and it will be difficult to rest comfortably right away. From what I’ve heard, the fact that it’s called a magic stone is quite straightforward.”

Except for those that have been damaged or have been rendered unusable by eating too much seawater.

The magic stones they retrieved were barely enough to return two ships to their home countries.

The problem is, according to the weight of the ship, more mana stones are consumed.

I heard that you can get there even with that many people just by calculating.

If something goes wrong along the way, then you should consider that the Gate of Hell is open.

“It’s dangerous. I heard that death on a ship, at sea, is terrible.”

A saintess with pitying eyes. Kyle scratched her head at that.

We have already heard that they tried to use this world as a ‘colony’.

In other words, from the point of view of a saintess, they are extremely vicious.

Nevertheless, she sympathized with them rather than antagonized them.

“Brother Kyle. If you don’t mind….”

“You must be persuading me.”

“Oh, did you know?”

“Of course. If you look at the saintess, you can see what she is thinking.”

Because she is a saint who can’t lie at all, she stands out in everything.

But the saintess seems to have interpreted Kyle’s words slightly differently.


A saintess who struggles to hide her blushing face and only twists her fingers.

Then she took a deep breath and parted her lips.

“Well then….”

“Let’s go together. If the saintess goes alone, she won’t pay much attention.”

Kyle lightly hugged her saintess and flung her body away.

She doesn’t have to do this, there’s nothing wrong with just walking with her.

But now she has made up her mind to go in first.

That’s why, like now, when there is no one by her side, it’s a good opportunity.


Kyle smiled inwardly at the sound of a short moan coming from inside his arms.

I never thought that I would be holding that saintess, she was not someone else.

You succeeded. Yes, this is enough to be possessed. Muttering.

We have arrived in front of people from other continents who are in a hurry to prepare for departure.

“Wait a minute, everyone. Please concentrate.”

At the appearance of Kyle, everyone, including Guy and Fork, freezes.

I saw how that man handles his country’s best strategic asset, the suit.

It was crumpled like a piece of paper and even marked with a sign that read, “Don’t lean on things like this.”

I can assure you, if a person gets caught in that hand, it will become a well-dried ball.

If you imagine it like that, you even think about killing them all like this.

The moment when I wonder if I should at least get down on my knees like this before I do that.

“Hey, hello. Brothers from afar.”

In the arms of someone like the great devil, the second coming of angels continued.

A sense of discord came to everyone at that disparate sight, and they became dazed.

“I know you are busy. But I want you to listen to me.”



Kyle leaned to one side and watched what the saintess was doing.

She was very zealous about the dangers of the current situation and said that it was not good.

I miss my hometown and miss my family. Of course I understand.

But isn’t it right that you have to stay healthy after all?

Now this decision is too risky. You don’t have to take the risk.

The Empire is not a world for those who are so tough. Rather, it is a very nice place.

Won’t they take care of you right away and send you back to your home country?

We accept refugees, and we are trying to get along with each other as well as possible.

If there is any anxiety about the empire, their church will guarantee safety.

Although he had a bad reason, didn’t he also have a question, ‘Can this be?’

I want to share many stories with brothers from far away.

I want to know what those who seek the teachings of the gods of that world are like.

If you wait just a little longer like that, there will be a new way to get back.

‘It’s very active.’

Things and people who have nothing to do with you.

Nevertheless, they say it’s dangerous, so they’re walking on their own.

Because it is good. She is a woman whose mind comes before calculation.

So she is a saint. That is why the church valued it so much.

Not out of pity for your own moral superiority.

It is because he has a perfect heart for others.

“That, the saintess’s words are of course one hundred percent correct. But….”

“It started as an uninvited guest, but the brothers can stay as guests themselves. If you reflect and show yourself opening your eyes to a new world, you might be able to forgive yourself in the past.”

A lot of people seem to be in conflict with the saintess’ words.

There are so many people wanting to return that it is definitely dangerous to be on board.

I’m worried that the Empire will look at me ferociously as a man.

In such a situation, the benevolent saintess personally guarantees safety and presents her countermeasures.

Worth shaking. Yes, people are bound to be shaken….



Kyle, who had been fiddling around, fell forward.

She was so startled that she thought her heart was going through her chest.

She still feels the pain of swaying.

Kyle lifted her body up and managed to calm her mind.

Then she slowly turned her body to the line.


“Why are you so surprised, maknae?”

Are you asking because you really don’t know that, Father?

He approached me without any sign and even called me by name in that horrifyingly low voice.

She will be surprised not only by herself but also by anyone in the world.

In severe cases, the heart may actually be beating out of the chest.

“What, what is it? When did you come? No, what happened to the empire….”

“After hearing the news, I put down the bar and came right away.”


Putting her bong down, it was Kyle who gave goosebumps at that part.

She put the bar down. What does this mean?

It means that I came without running a routine. No one else, Baron John Nassen.

His father, the exercise ghost who runs every routine no matter what!

‘Are you thinking of destroying even the empire?’

Couldn’t you have already destroyed the imperial castle?

Come to think of it, I think I heard the news that all the top 10 are being convened.


“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Uh, by any chance you want to fight the empire….”

“What are you talking about? Why get rid of an empire that makes things fun in its own way?”

Baron John Nassen, who tilted his head, continues.

“Didn’t you tell me? I heard the news.”

“What news… Oh, please.”

These humans. I did my best not to talk about it.

Did the news reach my father’s ears!?

As Kyle screamed inwardly, Baron John Nassen turned away.

At the same time, there was a suit that they had thrown around to burn people.

“Is this it?”

“Yes? Ah yes. Father.”


The baron, who was examining the suit, flicked it with his fingers.


And at that moment, half of the harbor disappeared in an instant.


Anyway, it must be that God exists, Kyle thought.

Otherwise, how can I explain that there were no victims in this situation?



Those who were gradually yielding to the tearful persuasion of the saintess freeze as they are.

Meanwhile the baron turned and approached their boat.

“Looks like there were too many people.”


“Isn’t that dangerous?”

They rushed at those words and immediately disembarked.

As expected, kind words and John Nassen were more persuasive than kind words.

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