212 – A dragon appeared!

Gahan’s name wasn’t just because he was strong.

It should be overwhelming. It should be something no one dares to deny.

The existence that can lead all the descendents of wolves must be proved with a sword.

With this single swing, I am qualified to be called by that name.

Not to get drunk on the past, but to see the present.

In that sense, Urtegei of the Chaga tribe had no shortage.

I went around every corner of the east and defeated all the warriors of the tribe.

One horse, one sword, everything was accomplished with just that.

With each swing of the sword, the plains were cut away and the clouds were torn to pieces.

No ferocious beast in the field dared to flee against him.

The strong men who met him knelt down in the seat of the jokjok and pledged their allegiance.

I was able to become a true ruler of the wide eastern plains.

Without anyone’s help, without any tricks, with one’s own abilities.

He was the legitimate ruler of this grassland that moved with the logic of power.



But at this very moment, Urtegei had to question his title for the first time.

He swung his sword countless times. He squeezed the mana out of his body and strained his muscles and bones to burst.

A single attack left a deep and large wound on the ground.

The attack that bounced off into the sky still had the majesty of splitting clouds.

You can fight more. Body still intact I wasn’t even tired

It’s not like he’s lost his mind because he lost a lot of blood. Even the sword is fine.

Even if the sword breaks, the arms and legs that replace him are all fine.

‘But why….’

Does the certainty of victory fall apart with each bump?

No matter how much I swing my sword, I can’t even get a single wound.

No matter what we throw at it, we don’t pay attention to it.

I know everything. No, the body is already moving before the snow goes away.

No matter what he does, no matter what decision he makes, even if he puts all his thoughts into play.

The middle-aged man in front of me only approached, tearing everything apart with one fist.


A sense of urgency fills Gahan’s eyes.

Beyond that spirit, I felt a huge river rushing over me.

Still enough. Defense alone is not enough, so let’s attack in reverse.

Having not made that decision, Gahan pulled his body with all his might and swung his sword at the same time.

The best attack you can show, a slash that even my warriors can cut with one blow.

A fist flies in front of that anticipation, and once again a huge wave of power spreads out in all directions.


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The recoil rushes to the point where the skin feels tingling and the bones all over the body feel cold.

We have to endure. You have to grit your teeth and keep your place.

If you get pushed here, a terrible shock will be delivered to your body.

If that happens, I will never be able to stand up again. You have to overcome this backlash.


Blood flows between pursed lips and nails dig into the flesh.

It has been a long time since the surrounding area has been devastated. I need to look at the direction of the battle, but I don’t even have the time to do that.

If you lose sight of it, even for a second, you will become a guest in an instant.

“Awesome. I don’t think the Empire has ever been like this.”

Unlike Gahan, who was determined to die, Baron John Nassen just smiled.

Actually, even smiling like this was something that would frighten the Empire.

How many opponents have received so many of my attacks?

There has never been anything like this in the past battles with the Empire.

Even at that time, he was full of young players, but he didn’t have the same level of skill as he does now.

Nevertheless, this man never collapsed even as he kept being pushed away.

As Kyle said, these wolves were truly the best prey.

‘Let’s do a little more, a little more…. No no. And if it breaks too soon.’

The baron was troubled. With this opponent in front of me, wouldn’t it be able to make it a little more enjoyable?

I still have enough, but as a human being, I can’t help but want to experience more pleasure than that.

Do you enjoy it slowly for a long time? Or is it fast but you get one more pleasure.

A change occurred on the battlefield when there was a conflict between them.


“You have to put more strength in your lower body to endure it.”

The man with the ax that was fighting Lear, my oldest son, flies backwards.

Lear jumped out with him, grabbed him by the collar and slammed him to the ground.

Cuck! He wanted to fall down with a scream of despair, but he got up.

“Awesome. Even if the lower body is not good, one patience is the best.”

After spitting out an exclamation point, Lear brutally attacks the opponent again.

He will never escape. Once caught, the opponent will not let go.

It was the same for the youngest son who just joined.

“Are you so mean because you got hurt?”

“Keep it off!!”

“My limbs are intact, and not a single part of my five senses is broken! Everything is fine, but why the hell can’t I use my strength as much as I did back then! I’m hurt, I’m hurt too! If that’s the case, then there’s no reason why I snatched it from you!!”


Kyle’s kick landed directly on Sochir’s face.

It seems that he somehow mitigated the shock by twisting her face in the blink of an eye, but maybe not all of them.

‘Hmm. It looks like the kids will finish first and ask for a bite.’

Sensing a foreboding feeling, Baron John Nassen made a decision.

Unfortunately, he said it would be better to end it a little sooner.

“I’m sorry. From now on, I will make it a little harder.”

At those words, Gahan, no, Urtegai, got goosebumps.

You’re barely holding on right now, but you’re going to work harder here?

The other party doesn’t show any sign of exhaustion. Not even a single breath was harsh.

On the other hand, he couldn’t even attack like an attack and was pushed this far.

It doesn’t fit Gahan’s name. We must overcome!


Yes. Try to be stronger I should be stronger too!

Even if your immediate force is stronger, the wolf will never fall easily.

With that steel-like stamina and undying tenacity, the wolf always wins in the end!

“This body! Descendants of the glorious wolves. Urte….”


Urtegei’s body instantly soared into the sky, then fell back to the ground.

Before the pain was transmitted, before I even realized what had happened.

Once again, his body bends to the right, and this time to the left.

He tried to counterattack by reflexively swinging his sword.

It was a big deal. At that moment, there is the will to counterattack and the body to move.

But that was it. In the first place, it was a fight that the opponent could not do at all.

Whether it’s a blade, a fang, or at least a punch.

What can you do once you reach the other person?

‘I can’t reach you. I can’t reach….’

If you catch it, you’re already far away, and if you think you’re far away, you’re already close.

There was a reason for not using blades.

If I had used that, the battle would have already ended long ago.

Is this the beating sunlight or flying fists?

Is it the great power that crushes you, or is it the world itself?

Urtegai could not even be sure of anything now.

“Cuck! Kuck!”

I barely managed to keep my body steady and looked around.

The glorious descendants of the wolves were being crushed in all directions.

It is struggling to live with its tail curled up and a pitiful scream.

After him, there were those who chased after him with loud laughter.


Sensing the presence, he looked in front of him with a messed up look.

Not a single drop of sweat, not a drop of dust, not a single sound of breath has changed.

A person he could not reach even himself, who could tear apart the sky, was approaching.

“I will admit it.”


“You are stronger than any human I have ever met.”

Cool, cool-.

Urtegei, who was coughing up dark red blood, stopped laughing.

Is that really an acknowledgment of the strong? No, it’s not like that.

It’s all about clapping and admiring.

I can feel it. Still, that man didn’t do his best.

He was able to cut down even the 10th weight of the empire, but he himself was so messed up.

Isn’t the other party just nodding his head with his hands behind his back?

I am the greatest and strongest wolf in the East.

But the opponent is the sky itself. No matter how much a wolf is, in the end it’s just a beast on the ground.

No matter how hard you try, the wolf cannot jump up to the sky and ask for it.

“I will ask you just one thing.”

Preparing for the final fight, Urtegei parted his lips.

“You guys… A dragon?”

I wanted to know. Really, that tradition is not just absurd.

I wonder if it was the will of my ancestors who left it as a warning to my descendants.

I wonder if the punishment will come down on those who violated it.

“I don’t know what you mean. However, since I am the one who acknowledged it, I will give you the best possible answer.”

Baron John Nassen continued as he relaxed his muscles once.

“The invitation came and finally said that this is a good place to exercise. And after passing on your secrets to our hometown, at some point, he returned with the light to where he should have been. All that was left was the disc and the bar, and the words she left behind were, ‘I don’t hold the bar.’”

“… ?”

From Urtegei’s point of view, it was completely incomprehensible.

But Baron John Nassen’s face was so serious that I couldn’t believe he was lying.

“So, to the question of whether we are dragons, I would say no.”


The Baron took a step and said confidently.

“We are just human beings who love training. Of course, I admit that that is a bit excessive.”

As soon as he finishes speaking, the baron’s arm is pulled back.

Dududuk!! Toduduk!!-

Clothing is bursting, blood vessels are gushing, and muscles are screaming.

Even the surrounding mana is scattered and a space of nothingness is created.

Only the sweat shed and the effort shed during that time existed inside.

“… Just one! One more question! You, what strength do you think! It is not overwhelming strength that is meant to dominate! But what the hell are you guys! Why!! Why!!”


The Baron cut off his opponent as if cutting them off with his sword.

“Strength is a duty given to you to become stronger. It’s not about wielding it carelessly. Grinding and polishing your whole life to become stronger. That is the definition of true ‘strong’.”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Urtegay sighed.

Yes. In the end, it was they who the wolves in the meadow had to wait for.

They were dragons.

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