205 – In fact, Jon Nassen is the weakest

After a duel with the strong man in the east, he returned to the Imperial camp.

Of course, Grand Duke Shrelitz, who welcomed Kyle, the princess, and Ian, was greatly surprised.

It was enough to misunderstand that something serious had happened since the person came back covered in blood.

But he nodded as he looked at the smiling Kyle, the princess, and Ian, who had no signs of battle.

As in the west, you went out alone again and did a good job.

And of course, victory would have been Kyle’s.

“Oh, by the way, I didn’t see the end.”

“You didn’t see the end? Is it a draw?”

“What is important about winning? I just want to try again next time.”

At Kyle’s answer, the Imperial Army Command was puzzled, wondering what this meant.

Even the top 10 empires couldn’t hide their absurdity.

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Just because he didn’t finish, I thought he meant he couldn’t win or lose.

I thought they backed off after making a promise to the next one because they had equal skills.

Listening to Kyle’s words, I had a strong feeling that he had been cornered and let go.

A word that can even attract suspicious glances.

Now the empire and the nomadic tribes of the east are in a state of war.

This means that the enemy let go of one of the captains in that situation.

If someone else had said something like that, I might have pointed the knife right away.

“… You’re really, after all, John Nassen, who can’t be helped.”

But the commander-in-chief, Archduke Schrelitz, shrugged his shoulders as if he understood.

He had already clearly seen Lear and Leia rampaging the other day.

Was Jon Nassen defeated? Can it be It’s fun, I want to fight again.

For that reason, I only let the other person go once.

‘That means I can deal with it again later.’

The Grand Duke scolded Kyle to go and treat his wounds.

Formally, it is under the command of the Imperial Army, and it is also one of the best forces.

It was a natural thing to do because it is always better to stand by in perfect condition.

“Your Excellency the Grand Duke. When will the Imperial army advance?”

However, Kyle seemed more interested in the next schedule than his injury.

“According to the report of the scouts, the enemy vanguard has reached this area. So tomorrow I plan to lead the army and face them once.”

“Oh. Then I….”


Duke Schrelitz interrupts Kyle.

“You are injured. Not the shallow wounds like in the west.”

“This scar heals quickly. And it doesn’t matter if it’s all bad. No matter who comes, the results will be similar to today’s.”

“Even if the wound is healed by using healing magic, not all of the bleeding or fatigue will be restored. Tomorrow will be just a skirmish, so let’s rest. Wouldn’t it be very regrettable if the biggest battle was going on and I couldn’t exert my strength even a little bit due to the accumulated fatigue?”

As expected, he was the Archduke of Shurelitz. He knows how to convince Jon Nassen.

A little bit of rest now will definitely be of great help later in the great battle.

The battle ahead is just a small fight, so rest.

It’s going to be okay because there’s nothing to do even if you’re there anyway.

“What… I had some fun today, so you can take a day off. Okay. Your Excellency the Grand Duke. Thank you so much for thinking about it.”

“No. Rather, I am grateful that you gave up on your will.”

“Please take this friend instead.”

Ian was standing at the place Kyle pointed at.

“Did you say your name was Ian?”

“Yes. This is a friend who is growing up scary in the middle of the day. If you take it and put it in the right place, it will go wild on its own, so trust me and take it.”

The Grand Duke immediately accepted it without a second thought.

Kyle was recommended by John Nassen’s immediate family. He is by no means an ordinary person.

Seeing that she is okay with even the princess, she may be the gemstone that will become the top 10 in the future.

“Degrading the princess.”

After the conversation with Kyle, the Grand Duke looks at the princess this time.

“Are you going to compete tomorrow?”

“No. I’m not going.”

“Okay. Get ready… Wait, did you say you weren’t leaving right now?”


Not only the grand duke, but everyone around him are astonished by the princess’ simple answer.

It was inevitable, because the princess was also a fighting maniac who would be saddened if she was second to her fighting spirit.

Right now, there is a battle tomorrow. You never know what kind of strongman will appear there.

It was natural to be surprised when he said he would not participate in that battle.

“Degrading the princess. Are you really not going? Don’t change your mind later.”

“Sir Logan is right, poor princess. It is not a place for whims.”

Logan and Throde, who are somewhat acquainted with the princess, step out.

Like now, there was a time when the princess embarrassed those around her by acting on a whim from time to time.

This time, too, she seemed to be worried that she might be doing that for that reason.

“You don’t have to go. I’m really not going So don’t worry.”

Despite that worry, the princess cut it off as if she was declaring it.

She added this when she made an expression that she did not understand the other 10 rivers.

“I’m going to be with Kyle tomorrow.”

Everyone had different reactions to the princess’ answer.

Aha, as if noticing, she nodded or said, “What’s this?”

Are you crazy? Not anyone else, but the princess? Reaction was also seen.

“Anyway, have a good trip. Grand Duke too.”

Looking at the princess waving her hands with a bright smile on her face, Kyle seriously wanted to ask if he could just go out tomorrow.



“… Ah, fuck. Dream.”

Kyle got up from her seat and touched her forehead as she cursed.

She had a happy dream. It was a very big content.

In my dream, two of Sochir, whom I met yesterday, jumped out.

She fights and beats and fucks with those two, and it’s so exciting.

But she suddenly felt that her chest was heavy, and she woke up from the dream.

‘Who on earth is holding down the chest of John Nassen while he is sleeping….’

Seeing the princess with her face on her chest, Kyle shut her mouth.

I was initially taken aback by the fact that a woman named Hwangnyeo broke into my dorm.

The disharmony came from her rubbing her cheeks like a doll, and she was embarrassed for the second time.

But again, why was she so pretty when she was sleeping?

Today I slept an hour later than usual.

Anyway, it seems that the body was very tired because of the blood loss yesterday.

Only urgent wounds received healing magic, and the rest were wrapped in bandages.

If you’ve fought a battle and your body is clean, you won’t taste like fighting.

You have to wear a bit of bloody bandages like this to live the feeling of ‘Oh, I fought fiercely.’


Did Kyle wake up from his sleep as well?

A beauty with red eyes sneaks up on her through a silver waterfall.

Then she looked at her Kyle for a moment, then with one hand she took her clothes….

“Wait. Stop moving.”

It was Kyle who grabbed the princess’s hand.

“What are you doing? Why is she taking off her clothes?”

“A man and a woman are together. Then I have something to do. That’s polite.”

“This is the tent designated as my lodging, and you know that the princess shouldn’t stay here, right?”

“I don’t know.”

This girl is real. She must have done something strange in her sleep?

After examining the way she was dressed, fortunately, it seems that she did not perform a ritual during her sleep.

In the first place, she would have woken up right away the moment the princess attacked her.

“Why damage? It’s natural for grown men and women to do this.”

Even in the midst of this, the princess continues to push in without giving up her will.

Is it because she hasn’t woken up yet, or is it because she’s thinking dirty thoughts?

A very dangerous light radiated from the hazy red eyes.

Kyle was conflicted. As a man’s heart, I just want to let it go.

To be honest, it’s not that I don’t have sexual desire. Especially if a beauty like this keeps hugging her.

But the survival instinct was stronger than the man’s instinct.

I was convinced. If he succumbed to the princess’s temptation here, he would be in real trouble later.

I couldn’t imagine how Tisha, Elga, and the saint would handle it.

“The Princess. Later. Really later. This is a battlefield.”

“It’s okay. The Grand Duke and the other 10 members all went out at dawn leading the soldiers. All that’s left here is the reserve force. No one will know what we do.”

So even though you say no, this princess!

“You have no intention of letting me go anyway. It’s not like that? But what’s the problem?”

Kyle had nothing to say to the princess’s question that hit her head.

As she said, if I go later, I will do everything with the princess, so why am I holding back now?

At that time, Tisha, Elgar, and even the saintess would all be by her side.

‘… No. Still, this is not it. This is a betrayal of those who wait.’

It was the moment when Kyle shook her head and tried to push her princess away again.


Suddenly, the entrance to the tent was opened and two men entered.

Kyle, so startled, could barely realize that she hadn’t even noticed until the two men came inside.

“Who… right… uh.”

Then she had another realization.

Ah. No wonder I didn’t notice. Even the princess didn’t know.


I thought I was dreaming. Otherwise, my father and brother would not be here.

I expected it to come someday. But not so quickly.

“… Father? Brother? No, wait. How did you come already?”

There is a thing called a street. From the north to the east, it can’t come this fast.

If you use a moving magic circle, it’s not impossible, but….

“Have you ever used a moving magic circle?”

“Why are you using that? It doesn’t help with training at all.”

The tongue-tied Baron John Nassen replies.

“I was teleported.”

“… Yes?”

What are you talking about again? Teleportation?

Noticing that Kyle didn’t understand at all, the baron opened his mouth again.

“It is to spur the body with the quadriceps trained with squats and lunges and the gastrocnemius trained with calfraises to perform a long jump in place. That’s Jon Nassen’s teleportation. That’s how I came day and night.”

Hearing that, Kyle thought.

What kind of battle did the empire fight in the past?

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