178 – More members?!

Originally, it would have been a really busy and exciting day.

At last, he became the official successor to our family, the Grand Duchy of Littorio.

Starting with expressing gratitude to the vassals who supported me.

Even if he didn’t support me, even to earn the loyalty of the new grand duke.

Everyone is important. All the retainers, whether they supported me or not.

Once the successor is decided, even those who are loyal to the family will give up.

Aside from that, there was also a schedule to visit the imperial palace and have an audience with His Majesty the Emperor.

It might be the most important thing.

As the heir, as the future grand duke, it was the first contact with the imperial family.

However, the news he heard briefly after entering the palace shook all those expectations.

“The 5th Princess is also true…. I’m afraid you’re going.”

“The atmosphere is turbulent, probably because the castle was overturned once.”

I just thought it was a mistake of those who couldn’t keep their voices down.

But for some reason, I felt uneasy. I had a hunch that I should find out more.

And my hunch was not wrong. It fit exactly.

“I heard that the 5th princess left the imperial palace.”

“Did you go out for a while?”

“I don’t think so. A month or two? Yes. He said he would be gone by then.”

“… Two months. It’s two months now.”

It was strange that the relatively accurate date of ‘two months’ was displayed.

More than anything else, the same thing as the time I was facing also bothered me.

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Vacation. Yes, the academy vacation was only two months.

Thanks to that, I returned to my hometown and was able to invite Kyle afterwards.

And after a not bad time, Kyle went back to his family.

Baron John Nassen. The land of steel itself, located at the northern end.

But at this timing, the 5th princess was away for ‘two months’.

I was able to find out there. This woman She went to see Kyle.

“Princess? Are you okay?”

“Yes. It’s nothing.”

I was nervous. To the point where I unknowingly bit my lip.

I don’t even dare to think of it because I still have so much to do.

It seems that as soon as the 5th princess went on vacation, she left for John Nassen.

And she met Kyle there… Meet….

‘No. This really doesn’t work.’

I need some time. Until I became a grand duke.

In the current situation, I can’t beat the princess. I’m thirteen

How can you beat a woman who is the daughter of the imperial family and even a top 10 empire?

You cannot monopolize. I knew that from the beginning.

But the ‘first’ can be glaring. It’s something worth doing.

Even if I lose, I think Kyle will take good care of me because I put in the effort.

It doesn’t suit my temper at all to back down without arguing.

In order to fight once, I pushed my brother away and took this position.

But, in the moment of being careless, the lowly princess slams the seal at least?

“What is the schedule for next week?”

“First of all, there is a tour of the territory with the retainers. Next, with neighboring families….”

It’s difficult. These are important tasks.

I can’t put it off myself, not anyone else.

If the princess, who had just become the successor, did that, her reputation would be bad.

I can’t help it. It’s a no-brainer. If you just empty your mind….


“Huh?! Go, princess? Why?!”

“Yes? Ah… No. Forget what you just saw.”

Can you empty it? How could that be!

The opponent is neither Tisha nor the saintess. The princess is poor The 5th Princess!

He is the one who openly said in front of me, ‘I will become Kyle’s property.’

It’s obvious what such a person will do when he goes to Baron John Nassen’s territory!

Can Kyle really cope? It’s not that I don’t trust him.

But he is also a man after all. Did you even startle at my appearance?

The same goes for the princess. Strong yet beautiful Even for me as a woman, yes.

However, when I see Kyle as a man, I can’t help but be shaken.

If it doesn’t shake, is that a man? Just inanimate He said he couldn’t stand it forever.

‘I heard that Ian and Tisha followed.’

Ian doesn’t know. A man who turned people around at the beginning of the semester.

Then he was trained by Kyle and he was told that suddenly he became a man.

But he can’t do anything with it.

Tisha is… Yes. If it was Tisha, wouldn’t she cope a bit?

When the poor princess said that, Tisha was also with her.

She’s smart. You know very well who is the scariest enemy in the current situation.

Unlike Nana and Tisha, who try to concede a little and hold hands, the princess is not like that.

Only you and Kyle will be in your eyes. Leave everything else completely behind.

If Tisha finds out about that, she will definitely do something. Therefore….

‘… Still! It’s like I’m not there! Conversely, if the princess were to persuade Tisha… Rather, I am the one who becomes the most dangerous. I can’t help it!’

Even if it wasn’t so, the nervousness reached its peak, but I heard more news just a day later.

“… Did members of the Church use the moving magic circle?”

“Yes. That’s right. The destination was, first of all, the northern border.”

“So, those belonging to it. Which ones are gone?!”

“I don’t know exactly… It is certain that you have seen the Commander of the Knights of St. Elpleda. Judging from that, it seems that the saintess is in the middle.”

After the decline of the princess, even the saint went to Kyle?!

I immediately jumped out of my seat and stood up. And he was going to go to his father, to His Excellency the Grand Duke.

I’m going north right now, so please allow me. It’s really important, so please do it.

But, just at that moment, something else caught my ankle.

‘I barely became the heir. But here, I’m going to act on my own?’

The desire to become a grand duke, and the desire to never fall behind other women.

They collide and break apart, turning the insides upside down.

What the hell am I supposed to do? What should i do

Since I finally got what I wanted, should I be patient?

Or should I just follow the direction of my emotions, not my reason, just this once?

I don’t know how many days I thought about it. I couldn’t even sleep properly.

I couldn’t even focus on what I was supposed to do as a successor.

I was doing it with my body, but in my heart it felt like I had already left for the north.

I shouldn’t be like this. Kyle would be disappointed if this happened.

He said that he is the successor he helped somehow, so he is doing that.

“… Princess!!”

“Oh, yes?! Boo, did you call?”

“I called more than five times. You’ve been a bit strange lately.”

She was showing off to the people around her. It shouldn’t be like this.

“I think it’s because I’ve suddenly had a lot of work lately.”

“If your work is too much, how about taking a break?”

“I’m still fine. Thank you for your concern. Rather, why did you call?”

“His Excellency the Grand Duke gave a message a little while ago. If you can afford it, come visit me for a while.”

She straightened herself up at those words. To come when you can afford it means to come as soon as possible.

But these days, the work I have to take on is overloaded, so he was considerate.

I move quickly to the place where my father is.


“Come in.”

When I knock on the door of the office, he tells me to come in right away.

It seems that you already knew that I would come right away.

“I heard you found it.”

“I did. Now, take it.”

My father is pushing something forward.

A finely folded letter. My name was written on the outside.

“This is a letter from you.”

“Who sent the letter?”

“Who is it?”

My father’s expression is strange.

That’s right. In fact, he was vaguely aware of it.

I just thought it wasn’t because I was expecting to be disappointed alone.

I urgently accept the letter. And unfold it right away.

As expected, the sender’s name is written at the front.

‘Kyle John Nassen.’

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Quickly scroll down and read the contents.

If it’s just a simple hello letter, I’ll grab you by the collar as soon as the vacation is over.

Why didn’t a man with such good sense do that at such an important moment?

You said you were always there to help, but wasn’t there a time when you really needed help?

“What is written there?”

When I finally finished reading the letter from Kyle, my father asked.

I pretend not to, but I can see faint anticipation in his eyes.

I hope that the letter that has just arrived, the man who sent this letter, has the same thoughts as you.

“… Your Excellency the Grand Duke.”

And fortunately, I didn’t have to splash cold water on that expectation.

“I am fully aware that it is unacceptable to leave the family at the most important time.”

“Yes. You know well.”

“Nevertheless, the Baron John Nassen family has invited me like this.”

I didn’t use useless phrases.

He simply said that he wanted to invite me to his family.

The only thing written was that I wanted to introduce myself to my family.

However, those brief words felt more beautiful to me than any other words.

“At an early date, we want to go north.”

I have been invited by John Nassen. And formally, very politely.

At that, my father, the only three grand dukes in the Empire, smiled.

“John Nassen’s invitation. That’s extremely rare. Your job is important, but more than anything else outside your family. Get ready and go.”


… So, I came all the way here.

“Elga-sama. Go down further. Would you overload your lower body with that?”

Something is strange. Didn’t I come here for this?

The picture I was imagining was greeting Kyle’s parents and talking.

I was secretly going on dates with Kyle to keep track of his progress with other girls.

I didn’t come here to do an unimaginable intensity exercise like now!

“It goes up as it is. As soon as the upright posture is broken, it starts all over again.”

It is a voice that has such power that it cannot be disobeyed.

I wonder if the Kyle I used to know and the Kyle I see now match.

I wondered if I was the only one weird, so I hurriedly looked around.


A saintess who is swaying so much that I feel sorry for everyone who sees it.


As expected, Tisha is looking pretty tough.

“Whoop, whoop.”

Unlike the two of them, it’s not a tough look, but the princess is doing more exercise than that.

… Thank god. It seems I’m not the only one weird.

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