162 – Prince has already been decided?

“… Yes. Dismissal. It will. I will help this person, Elgar-sama.”

As Archduke Littorio leaned deeply in his chair, he pressed his temple.

“From the side, continue.”

Is that so? My son failed, and on the contrary, did my daughter succeed?

If you think about it, the situation was much better for Eugen.

If only he didn’t provoke Leah John Nassen and rather secured a good relationship.

As the next grand duke of Littorio, it was clear that he would have clear strengths.

On the contrary, Elgar approached John Nassen first, who hurt Littorio’s pride.

It wouldn’t have been easy, but he decided to take a step back after judging the future gains.

As a result, the judgment came back to the conclusion that it was the best choice.

‘The gap between Elgar and the southern islands has already widened considerably.’

Eugen invested a lot of energy in his relationship with the Western Kingdom Alliance.

But what came back was the back of the head. She was then defeated by the Empire, led by John Nassen.

In the end, it lost a significant number of supporters that had been secured to some extent.

On the contrary, Elgar has increased exchanges with the southern islands from before.

Everyone tilted their heads because they were not big compared to the Kingdom Alliance.

Some say that she deliberately chose that place to avoid bumping into her own brother.

‘I didn’t know that the southern islands would turn to the pro-empire all at once.’

At some point, Pardal Island, which was the center of the anti-imperial faction, fell flat against the Empire.

She even sent a personal letter to the imperial family saying that she was willing to submit if asked to submit.

It is not something that Elgar has accomplished. I can’t.

However, it is certain that we have focused our efforts on the South. The vassals know.

Thanks to that, many people who had doubts about Elgar’s judgment disappeared.

In the end, there are many who withdrew their support for the second and went to Elgar.


Is the time to decide soon? I was thinking of monitoring the situation a bit more.

But looking at the current situation, it doesn’t seem like there’s anything better to postpone.

It would be better for Elgar and Littorio to make a quick decision.

With my daughter-.

Duke Littorio lightly rang the bell on the table.

Then the butler who was waiting outside came into the room and bowed his head.

“Did you call, sir?”

“Spread the news. There will be a meeting in three days, so gather all the retainers from inside the castle as well as from outside. It’s a serious matter and you must attend.”

At the words of Archduke Littorio, the butler let out a sigh as if he had barely noticed.

Isn’t there only one reason for the Grand Duke to summon all his retainers in this situation?

“Hey. Did you hear me?”

“Yes. Okay. Your Excellency the Grand Duke. I will inform you immediately.”

The butler leaves the room immediately and disappears in quick steps.

Grand Duke Litto Rio, who had been listening to the sound, leaned back on his chair.

‘I’ll always be by your side and protect you.’

I am not a person who can say two things with one mouth. They are not like that.

Perhaps, holding hands with Kyle was greater than anything Elgar had invested in.

Suddenly, I have this thought. A man and a woman in their prime get drunk on each other and commit an accident.

The fruit of love comes quickly at an unexpected time.

If that really happens, there won’t be a big problem if we get married right away.

You will receive unfavorable attention from society. There will probably be a lot of gossip.

But if the man and woman were the daughters of the Grand Duchess and the men of John Nassen, she might be okay.

Above all, it’s not bad since it’s like making a good cause before competing with the imperial family.

‘… No Anyway, that’s not enough.’

Even though she was the owner of the grand duke’s family, she was inevitably the father of a daughter.

She didn’t even get married, and she started dating from the accident. Absolutely not.

After receiving permission from both families and receiving blessings in front of everyone.

It is right after the two officially started holding hands like that.

‘Elgar, she probably wouldn’t be thinking that way either. She’s a kid with pride. Whose daughter is she What family is she from? Cancer, by the way.’

Actually, it was the grand duke, whom she had never dreamed of, who got on her lap when her daughter entered her guest’s room.

“… Ha.”

Even though she is relieved, her pitiful sigh flows naturally.

She decided to be a cold-hearted father for the family, and for the only child to rise to this position.

If you become a person who has withered away, in the end it will be your children who will bleed, and all those who followed Littorio.

The best person is to become a grand duke. So you have to prove that you are the best.

That is the fate of those born into this family. If you don’t fight, you will be pushed away, and if you are pushed away, you will die.

‘It’s something I’ve been determined to do, but it’s frustrating trying to make a decision like this.’

It is Archduke Littorio who has been putting off deciding on his successor until now.

Why did such a person suddenly harden her heart now?

Because of Kyle? Because of John Nassen? Because Elgar’s skills are better than expected?

Neither one nor the other, and both were right.

To be precise, the single short report on the table was the biggest reason.

– Feeling uneasy in the east –

More details will be known only when more information is received.

But the Grand Duke had a rough idea of what was about to happen.

‘The West and the South have turned to the pro-empire. At a time like this, if a disturbing movement is seen in the east, the conclusion the imperial family will draw will eventually come down to one.’

And at the forefront of that conclusion, there might be John Nassen.

Duke Littorio thought so and stared blankly out the window.



I can hear the small moans of a woman’s anguish.

Heavy heat filled his breathing.

Of course it is at night, and also, of course, it is right next to the bedroom.

Could it really be an accident? Are you trying to cross the line?

“One more time. You can.”

“Mo, I can’t! Hey, how do you do this!!”

“If you have the power to speak, you can do it.”

Now she was doing moonlight gymnastics, no, moonlight pull-ups.

At the same time, it is not at all done on a firmly fixed bar.

Elgar whimpered, clutching Kyle’s arm instead of her wand.

“Come on! One more!!”

Kyle stretches out his arm and hangs Elgar on it.

She has a full grown woman on one of her arms no matter how light she is.

It is self-evident that ordinary people will collapse at once rather than endure.

If done wrong, she could damage her arm muscles or break her bones.

But Kyle was so calm.

She continued to take care of Elgar, who was clinging to her arm.

“I know I can do one more! Come on!”

“Oh, really!! This is not what I wanted!!”

She screamed, her hands shaking.

Elgar squeezed the strength she was sucking on and was able to put her chin on Kyle’s forearm.

“All, five! Gee, I really can’t! Five, five is a lot!”

“Mmm. That’s right. All right.”

As soon as the permission is given, go away! And Elgar collapsed on her floor.

She doesn’t even get enough of that, and she collapses on her sofa.

As a princess, as a woman, there are certain aspects that you want to protect.

But now I don’t even think about that. It’s just too hard.

I feel like I’m going to die because it’s hard. She looks like she’ll pass out if she doesn’t just stretch out somewhere.

‘I heard it was a bare-body workout!!’

It’s unfortunate. It’s really too embarrassing. She said it was a bare-body workout, so she got a little caught off guard.

She assumed that she would have a nice talk with Kyle while moving her body appropriately.

If you fix your posture there, you will inevitably get very close.

She wondered what could happen if she went a step further and touched her body.

“Is there really something to kill people….”

With one pull-up of hers, she knew something was wrong.

She was about to quit. She tried to buy her body, saying that this doesn’t sound like much.

If it wasn’t for Kyle’s words that Elgar could do more than one!

She finally did it with her two teeth gnashing her teeth. Will it be over now? She wanted to

“If you’ve done two, can’t you do three?”

She went over there and she made up to three because she really, really struggled.

It’s really impossible now. This is really too hard, and she tried to come down.

“Tisha can easily do four.”

She heard that, how could she stay still!

It could be said that it was a word of a miracle that even gave me strength that I hadn’t had before.

Even screaming, Elgar managed to do up to four.

She really thought it was over. She’s not better than Tisha, but she’s tied.

But Kyle had no mercy. She is a completely different person when working out.

She seemed to see her grandfather who passed away the moment she did five.

“You’ve worked hard, Mr. Elgar.”

“Noisy…. Really, Kyle, you….”

It’s not that she doesn’t care, and she doesn’t shy away from women.

On the contrary, he is a man who makes your heart flutter with an unexpected surprise.

Why on earth do only ruthless trainers remain when it comes to exercise?

“You have surpassed Tisha’s record with this.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. And, of course, the saintess’ record was also exceeded. He hasn’t done one yet.”

When the story of the saint comes out, I involuntarily listen.

Elgar, who quietly lifted her up from the sofa, removed her lips.

“… Then, are you saying that I am slightly ahead of the saintess?”

“Yes. The saintess should put more effort into her. Her pull-ups are the alpha and omega of bare-handed workouts. So, she’s a top-notch sport. Even in Jon Nassen, the straight posture battle continues.”

I beat the saintess. She got a little further ahead. When she hears that, she suddenly becomes energized.

You could hear her say that just because she worked a little harder?!

Looking at Kyle’s reaction, I think he’d pay more for working hard than getting the position of Archduke!?

I need to work harder in the future. Unconditionally, unconditionally.

It was Elgar who made that determination in his mind over and over again.

“Hey, Kyle. Then. How many do you have, Princess?”

“Okay. I’ve never seen her before, but wouldn’t she do fifty in a straight posture?”

“Eh? Ah… that, that’s right fifty. 50 Or so… You did.”

I thought it would be impossible to surpass the princess in terms of count no matter how hard I tried.

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