159 – The grand duke has already been decided?

As for Elgar’s mood when he sat in the banquet hall, I could say it was the best.

No one looked dissatisfied, as if they clearly knew the grand duke’s intentions.

I can’t help but be vigilant, but there were no rude people.

Duke Littorio, his father seemed to pay attention even to the menu of meals.

And Kyle even put on a look that seemed pleased with all of that.

‘Perfect. It couldn’t get any better than this.’

This invitation is not a reason to solidify your position.

Only to turn Kyle’s heart to himself a little more.

In order to bring the relationship closer to each other, who may have been somewhat distant due to impure reasons.

Kyle has already visited the imperial family and church more than once.

Whatever she went through there, whether it was comfortable or uncomfortable, is important.

So, this time it’s Littorio’s turn. It’s your turn

This time, I will definitely see the smile on Kyle’s lips towards himself.

A smile that does not have any other meaning, but is made out of pure joy.

Elgar thought as she clenched her fist with her hand that was hidden under her.

“Oh, and.”

Until Archduke Littorio suddenly opened his mouth.

“There is one more person to sit in here.”

The door opens and a young man approaches the empty seat.

Elgar, who identified her opponent, nearly kicked her seat and stood up.

‘Second older brother?!’

What happened? I didn’t hear any news that you got up after robbing your seat?!

Why did that human appear in the banquet hall instead of my room?!

From Leto, who doubles as a secretary, and from subordinates left behind in the family.

I haven’t heard anything about the second brother.

The only, and most embarrassing, static second brother broke her confinement.

Did Leto forget and not report? No, that’s not it

Letoya is doing her job properly as a secretary. It can’t be.

So, by any chance, did one of his subordinates deliberately leave out information?

‘… No. Not even that. Since my second brother imprisoned himself, many have turned to my side. Even if there was a traitor among them, someone else would have informed me.’

If information is to be blocked, few traitors will be able to do it.

Someone who is bigger than they think. A screen with a larger area….

‘… No way!’

Elgar looked at the Grand Duke and his father, who were sitting in the high table, with surprised eyes.

And I was able to gain confidence. It was he who blocked the information.

‘Father! Why?!’

While screaming inwardly, Elgar’s second brother and Littorio’s second Gongja.

‘Eugen Tetsu de Littorio’, who was the heir to the Grand Duke not too long ago, sits down.

The exact opposite of Elgar. And if you turn your head, you can see Kyle.

“It’s been a while, Elgar.”

“… Second older brother.”

“That is not a pleasant face. It seems like I haven’t seen you in a long time.”


“Yes. I feel like I’m the only one who’s happy.”

It was very different from the previous appearance with the second brother that I remembered.

Because I witnessed the academy anti-palace incident right in front of me, and received the momentum head-on.

I couldn’t even imagine being half-dead, trembling with fear.

You look so fine. It seems that there was no such thing in the first place.

I wish I could do that. This is impossible it should be impossible

‘Why is that human? Why, right now, in this place?’

All sorts of questions fill Elgar’s head.

The sudden appearance of the second brother. And my father, who is expressionless.

When he reached that point, the worst hypothesis came to Elgar’s head.

‘… He seemed to have abandoned it, but in the end he couldn’t.’

It is said that parents and children are heavenly principles. Parents, in particular, cannot abandon their children.

Even if you say it’s a mess on the outside, it’s a disappointment, it’s giving up.

Inside, it’s a parent’s heart to want to give them one more chance somehow.

Then the answer comes right away. This is what I want to check out here.

If you really intend to step out again as the heir, prove yourself.

Leave that fear and face what you caused.

Don’t be afraid to sit in front of Jon Nassen’s people and apologize.

Throw away your fears with it and gain the family’s support once again.

Get rid of your hand-made ties and find new relationships instead!

“Let’s talk about the rest. You have guests. Greetings. This is Eugen Tetsu de Littorio.”

“… This is Kyle John Nassen.”

Two young men casually introduce each other.

Elgar looked at the two, rolling her eyes to and fro.

“Okay then, let’s start eating.”

And then, sitting in the middle of it, with a nonchalant expression.

It was Grand Duke Littorio who announced the beginning of the meal.


What is this situation? It looks like something is twisted tight?

The other side has a nonchalant expression, and the other side has a completely unexpected expression.

And that person sitting across from me… Um, I’ll have to see more.

Pretending to watch the appetizer menu spread across the table.

Kyle glanced at her and checked Elgar’s expression, who was sitting next to her.

Well, that’s not good either. Elgar, who had a poker face, was like that.

‘I noticed that I was completely unaware of this picture.’

Pretending to eat the appetizer menu, Kyle looked at Eugen Littorio sitting across from him.

A young man similar to Elgar, but with a different impression.

Until a while ago, he was regarded as an influential person as the next grand duke.

That person is the one who provoked my sister. The culprit behind the academy anti-palace incident.

Originally, he was supposed to die at the hands of Leah, but he luckily survived.

But again, he seems like a coward who was so scared that he locked himself in his room and couldn’t come out.

‘I heard it was obviously in a mess. Was it misrepresented? Looking at it now, I’m fine?’

Kyle looked at Elgar again. Definitely don’t know

This time, I check on Archduke Littorio. There is something hidden in the expressionless expression.

Perhaps this current situation was all planned by that grand duke.

‘Elgar said it was an invitation in the pure sense of nothing.’

It was a visit from the prospective wife, she came thinking that way.

Even if it’s not as comfortable as at home, I thought I could at least smile.

However, what unfolds is an uncomfortable dining table.

I’m only scratching my teeth, and Elgar can’t even touch it.

It’s all because of that bastard who insulted my sister and insulted Jon Nassen.

‘I’m suddenly pissed off.’

It’s a change of plan. I was trying to stay calm.

If this is the case, shouldn’t we definitely inform our father-in-law?

Only Elgar can receive the position of Grand Duke of Littorio.

“The appetizer is really impressive. All of the ingredients are of the highest quality.”

“Is that so? It makes me very happy to hear you say that.”

“Thank you. Once the vegetable leaves are fresh as a whole….”


The fork in Kyle’s hand as he was fumbling through the salad broke in two.

It’s not like it was bent to a certain extent and then couldn’t hold on and it didn’t break.

Read at readwn.com

Just really, in the blink of an eye, Fork’s head was cut off.

“Ah. Sorry. It seems that the power is out of control. I’m really sorry, Your Excellency.”

The Grand Duke says it’s nothing and asks for a new fork.

But Eugen Littorio, who sat across from Kyle, couldn’t do that.


It was a very brief moment, but Kyle confirmed that his expression hardened.

That expression wasn’t one made out of displeasure or out of surprise.

Fear. Yes, that is a fear that can never be washed away.

No matter how hard you try to forget it, it is a fear that is imprinted in your soul and will never go away.

‘Then it is. There’s no way a guy like that could overcome his sister’s real anger.’

I have finished grasping the general situation.

It’s clear that he came here not voluntarily, but rather unintentionally.

And that will must be none other than the will of Archduke Littorio.

If you continue to live like a dead man, the Grand Duke’s place will belong to Elgar.

Don’t you know very well what happens to someone who is pushed out of the position of successor?

Because he said that, he must have clench his teeth and come to this place.

Perhaps he will try to prove it here.

It didn’t collapse. He is still the Young master of Littorio.

There are still followers, so you deserve it!

As a bonus, he personally apologizes for the controversy he caused and even improves his relationship with John Nassen?

Once again, you can take the advantage. It’s worth competing with Elgar.

‘Yes. It’s not even bullshit, is it?’

How dare you turn the happiness circuit.

The thing he traded was Elgar, who would ‘become the grand duke’.

She is not the kind of person to be the grand duke’s younger sister. It is the Grand Duke himself.

And the Archduke Littorio who said he was weak in front of John Nassen?

I can’t stand this. No matter how much you reflect on your past, you can’t help what you did.

If such a bastard becomes the Archduke, he will never be able to reconcile with John Nassen.

Lastly, see him? Didn’t you even exercise? Elgar worked hard.

Look at that body that looks like it didn’t make any effort.

As a future grand duke, it’s even worse. You cannot rise to the position of Grand Duke!

“Ah, come to think of it, Elga-sama. Did you say that earlier? Ask the Grand Duke to tell you about the previous events. The fight against the wave catchers of the southern island and the subjugation of the monsters in the west this time.”

“Yes… ?”

“Your Excellency the Grand Duke. Aren’t you curious? Of course, Your Excellency knows about it, but I think it would be more interesting to hear it yourself.”

“If there is something interesting to talk about at a dinner party, I’m welcome.”

Then I would have asked for consent. Shall we break it down in earnest?

“Well, first of all, a fight with the southern wavecatcher. Your name was Arcane, right? From that part.”

The gaze is precisely directed at Eugen Littorio. At the same time, it draws out the momentum of the body.

Let’s remember the moment we first encountered the Lloyders.

Those who dared to take strength as a drug without any effort.

Remembering that thought, John Nassen’s will, which had been asleep, flared up.

Comparison itself with anger is unacceptable. If anger is a flame, this is the scare of hell.

The target is the guy sitting across from you. He’s the guy who pretends to be okay.

Are you trying to forget? Yes. Let me remind you again. I’ll imprint it on your soul

What beings did you touch? Who did you say it in front of?

Although you knew that, did you have such a delusion that you would improve the relationship?

I’m sorry, but there’s someone who signed a contract here first, sweetheart.

Don’t feel bad. You had a chance, but you threw it away, didn’t you?

“Well, for now. The limbs snapped like breaking branches. And… uh. Did you fold it in half at the waist? Probably. Oh, not inside, but outside. Yes. It was.”

For reference, the waist has never been folded. Then it’s the 10th river, and it goes directly to Hwangcheon-gil.



But those sitting here couldn’t even think of that.

It’s a joke because the person who said that is John Nassen.

Because I believed it was possible enough, I got goosebumps and said, Oh So So.

“I didn’t mean to do that either. However, he dared to raise the taboo of a surprise attack.”


It was right after that that Eugen Littorio’s body began to tremble.


(Complete the story of the main character! )

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