154 – Sometimes these aren’t bad

“Really… Are you going to marry the princess?”

As expected. Because of that, it was low pressure from the start.

Father! How many people are going to make people feel weird by saying such nonsensical things!

If I hadn’t said that, this wouldn’t have happened!!

Kyle, scratching his cheeks, once led her saintess to her bench.

This is not a story to be told while standing. It’s going to take a while.

“You’ve been in a bad mood since a while ago because of that?”

“Yes? Oh no! Not at all!”

“Really? But why is the saintess asking such a question?”

“That, that’s it! That’s it… Ah! Goo, I’m curious! It’s because I’m curious!”

When Kyle asked back, ‘Really?’, Her saintess hurriedly nodded her head.

Anyone could tell it was a lie, but I deliberately pretended not to know it.

“Me and the princess are friends. You’re a friend therefore! That’s why I’m curious!”

“Okay. If so, since the saintess is the princess’s friend, how would the saintess feel if she said that the princess would marry me? Would you like it too?”

Contrary to Kyle’s expectations, the saintess shut her mouth.

I thought she would just spit out the words that hid her true feelings as usual.

She was silent, as if for some reason she couldn’t do it this time.


“… Yes. It should be. Originally, if the princess and brother Kyle were getting married, congratulations would be the right thing to do. Because the princess is my friend. By the way… To be honest. I do not know.”

Does she feel guilty even while she is talking?

Her saintess’s distorted face caught her eyes.

“No. To be more honest, I think she’s in a bad mood. Yes. Not good.”

“I see.”

“… Are you really planning to marry the princess?”

I feel more urgency than when I first asked the question.

If you ask for an answer or hesitate, you will get a strange reaction.

So Kyle looked at her saintess for a while and then shook her head.

“I have no intention of getting married. The princess is doing it alone. Even the saintess knows her, right? The princess keeps embarrassing me. Did I look happy at that time?”

“… Nope. He seemed very troubled.”

“That’s it. That is my answer.”

Then the saintess showed her visibly relieved appearance.

After receiving a confirmation from her party, it seems that the anxiety she harbored has disappeared.

“Well, by the way. Brother Kyle. Therefore….”

“Why my father. I wonder if Baron John Nassen seemed to view it positively. Are you curious about that?”

The saintess slowly nods her head with her new blushing face.

From now on, she seems to want to make sure that she doesn’t lose more on this occasion.

“That’s it. It’s not that I like the princess as my wife.”

“So what?”

“It’s obvious. Just because i’m strong Because she has a toned body. Not as my own father, but as one of John Nassen, judging others. It’s just a compliment. Really. I vouch for it.”

In other words, this time, it meant that the saintess alone had misunderstood.

After hearing that far, the saintess let out a sigh of relief and exclaimed, ‘Ah!’

“Well then….”

I misunderstood myself, pouted alone, and suffered heartache alone.

I was rude to Brother Kyle. Stupid! It’s nothing!


It was a saintess who shrank like the wind was blowing out of a balloon.

I’m shy. And I’m sorry. Her limbs shriveled up with emotions.

Nothing really happened. She couldn’t even have that meaning

She played drums and janggu while thinking all sorts of strange thoughts by herself.


She struggled in embarrassment for a long time before finally opening her mouth.

How embarrassing Kyle must have been because of my misunderstanding. How embarrassed she must have been.

When she recalled those parts, she was so sorry that she even had tears in her eyes.

“No! Fine. That’s really fine. Holy Maiden.”


“Rather. Hmmm. I don’t know if I should say this, but you were cute.”


I’m not lying. Of course she couldn’t help but be cute.

I didn’t know that she had this kind of side. She just thought she was acting as an advisor.

If she was not a supporting role, but a leading role, she would have been an absolute winner.

Why the hell did the writer limit this woman to her one advisory role?

“It was new. While the saintess was making a bad impression. She is offended and seems to be pouting. She was amazing really.”

“You don’t have to be surprised by that….”

Kyle deliberately laughed out loud at the saintess’ answer.

Then she slipped her hand out and took hold of her saintly hand.

The small white hand of the saintess trembling.

But soon the trembling goes away, and she takes Kyle’s hand.

The warmth transmitted is very warm. It’s a really soft hand.

It is incomparable to my rough and rough hands.

Thinking like that makes me wonder if it will hurt.

“I’m sorry, saintess. Are my hands a bit rough?”

“No! Absolutely not. It’s rather obvious, Brother Kyle. It’s strange when unmanned hands are as smooth as mine. I’m ashamed of myself….”

He hurriedly explains the coolness of the unmanned people with a whip.

She was just as cute as she was, trying hard to make sure she was shy.

“Did I tell you? I like the saintess.”


“The saintess answered that. I’m going to turn that into her crush on her opposite sex.”

“Did I say that? That’s not what I….”

“Even though the words are different, that is what we want to convey in the end, isn’t it? Wasn’t it?”

In response to that question, she was a saint who would shake her head without moving.

If you say yes here, it means that we should just stay with each other with respect.

“I don’t just simply respect the saintess.”

Let’s not hide it. There is no need to hide Because in the end, it’s all true.

She said she wasn’t purely interested in the opposite sex.

Now, it’s time to say that, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see it as the opposite sex.

“As a woman, she is attractive, beautiful, and very kind. How can you draw a line as a man? I like the saintess too. A lot.”


“However, as you know, the situation around me was a little, no, very twisted.”

“I think I know. There is also a princess… Also, there are Princess Elgar and Sister Tisha.”

Did you know? When I asked back, she smiled like a saintess.

When Elga and Tisha meet, the topic they share every day is about you, Brother Kyle.

How could I go over it without even noticing it?

“From Brother Kyle’s words, I feel like I still can’t choose one of the women next to me.”

“… You are correct.”

“Are you sorry? Or is it some other reason?”

“I’m sorry, and I keep seeing good parts… That’s right.”

Hmm, the saintess scratched her cheek with her other hand.

Seeing that, Kyle unknowingly put his head down.

“Because Brother Kyle is a good person. Seeing that even the princess likes it, it’s understandable that Princess Elgar and Sister Tisha do too. Of course I feel a little… It’s strange.”

“Sorry. If you are offended….”

“Doesn’t everyone else know? That they are each other’s rivals.”

“I think I have a rough idea.”

First of all, Elgar clearly regarded everyone as his rival.

The princess seemed to be keeping the saint in check without realizing it.

Tisha is… Well. Tisha just seemed to care about her relationship with herself.

“Then, Brother Kyle’s decision will matter in the end.”

“This puts more pressure on me and makes me even more unable to make decisions.”

“Yes? Why? As long as we can properly coordinate our opinions, it will be possible to resolve the issue peacefully.”

A peaceful solution is possible. I can’t understand what you mean.

Is there anything you need to do to understand each other?

Whether it’s a man or a woman, it’s natural for them to bite each other and fight over their rivals.

“In some cases, some have multiple wives.”

“… Yes?”

“As far as I know, high-ranking nobles do that… Seeing how the Empire treats Baron John Nassen, I think Brother Kyle can do the same.”

Wait a minute, what is it? Then. Are you saying the country allows harem?

Wasn’t this the worldview rofan? Can romance have polygamy?

Isn’t there a high chance that something will go wrong?

“Saint. Is that really… ?”

“Yes. Oh, of course it’s not common. Rather less. There will be friction between the women, and the woman’s family will continue to aim for the first wife’s position. While she was in the Order, she met several high-ranking nobles of the Empire, and it seemed that there were not only good things.”

Of course it will. Even simply imagining it now is already dark.

Daughter of the Imperial Family and Top 10 of the Empire, Julika. The only three Grand Dukes in the Empire, Elgar.

Tisha, a magical genius who has an absolute stake in a field different from magic.

Others say that it is difficult to handle even one person, to the point of waving their hands.

‘If the saintess also participates in the battle….’

Ugh. This is a bit different from the harem I imagined.

It is unlikely that only good things will happen. It seems to suffer quite a lot.

This is not just a premonition. Apparently so.

“Brother Kyle?”

“… Ah yes. Saintess. Please speak.”

“Isn’t this a rough solution?”


“The burden I had on my heart. The agony of having to choose only one. Didn’t I just erase all of that?”

In hindsight, yes. In other words, it informed us of the worldview setting here that we did not know about.

So when Kyle nodded her head, the saintess smiled softly.

Then, just a little bit more, he came closer to Kyle.

“Then, are you okay now? Even if I come a little closer.”


“And. Brother Kyle, please come to my side a little longer.”

He gently rested his head on the shoulder of the person sitting next to him.

She was a saint who gazing at the night sky and singing her gentle hum.

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