150 – When are you going to do it?

“May those who left first rest in peace.”

As the saintess prayed with her hands together, a group of lights flowed out from the end.

The lights moved like smoke and slowly disappeared into the black night sky.

Like a river flowing with the wishes of everyone gathered here.

No one in the world will understand how such a thing is possible.

A phenomenon that cannot be explained by magic, science, or anything else.

People in this world call it divine power, saying that it is the power bestowed by the gods.

‘Every time I see it, it’s amazing.’

She stands at a distance and watches the saint praying for her dead.

Others are preoccupied with watching the light slowly disappear into thin air.

However, Kyle had no interest in that light.

“Then, I just need to work harder than now.”

How did you think of saying that?

Even though it’s absurd, why is it that I’m looking forward to it?

If she does this, she’s hoping that the saintess won’t keep a little distance.

Conversely, only the saintess’ will to participate in the war was the result of burning stronger.

I honestly don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.

Even though I thought it was a good thing because I revealed my sincerity.

I wonder if it made the saintess rush more for no reason, so I think it’s a bad thing.

‘What are you doing worrying about? It’s already happened.’

I let out a sigh and looked at the saintess again.

The saintess finally finished her last schedule, the prayer meeting, and stood up from her seat.

Others even bowed their heads to offer their prayers.

Thanks to that, even though Kyle was at a considerable distance, his eyes met with the saintess.

‘This is what makes eye contact like this?’

I immediately feel that a romance is a romance.

What should I do? She ponders for a moment, then first raises her hand and shakes it slightly.

Then the saintess also smiled lightly and bowed her head.


“Goodbye, you bastards!!”

As soon as the prayer is over, the soldiers shout to see off those who have left.

Please rest in peace. To be happy there. If you are born again, live better than now.

Things that may be the wishes of the people themselves are delivered instead to those who sent them that way.

Kyle, who was looking at the scene, prayed for peace, just like the soldiers.

They are people you don’t even know their faces, but anyone who died in a war had enough reason to honor them.

Those who waged a battle with everything and perished in the fierceness.

Whoever it was, from a noble knight to a lowly soldier, everyone deserved it.


The cool morning air you inhaled fills your lungs.

It’s refreshing. Although it is not as cool as the north, it can be said to be refreshing.

After a light stretch, Kyle started jogging lightly.

That that that that that!-

Of course, only horses are jogging, but in the eyes of others, it is sprinting.

That crazy street that goes around the entire Legion camp!

“The youngest boy.”

I turn my head at the voice behind me and I see old Neil.

Even though he was well over seventy, he caught up with Kyle without difficulty.

Even breathing doesn’t seem to be shaken at all.

“Good morning, old man.”

“Okay. Oh I am leaving today.”


“Yes. Originally, I was going to leave yesterday, but the baron enjoyed it for a while.”

Teasing newbies is not something you should enjoy, old man.

It’s better to catch someone who likes sports and teach them.

“I plan to leave immediately after finishing my morning workout.”

“Did your father make that decision?”

“There is that, but the children are so angry about it.”


“You say you’re bored, but I’m worried that if I continue like this, I’ll fight with the knight.”

Kyle gasped at Neil’s words and burst into laughter.

A part that seems like half a joke, and the other half could be serious.

“What will Old Man Neil do?”

“About the old man who fought me?”

“Yes. It was also Director Priscilla’s request, and frankly, Neil seemed to want to see the article again. Am I wrong?”

“You looked right. Actually, I spoke to the baron yesterday because of that part.”

“What about the results?”

At that question, old Neil slowly slowed down.

As Kyle slows down to match, old Neil smiles.

“I told you to come if it doesn’t take long.”

“Good. At this point, old man Neil is also going on an excursion to the Empire.”

After jogging (?) At dawn like that, Kyle headed straight to Baron John Nassen’s barracks.

She already came at dawn when she quietly left the camp and did rock shoulder presses.

As if she wasn’t enough, she went into the barracks and she was doing handstand push-ups.

It’s a workout among workouts that other people wouldn’t even dare to imagine.

The baron was holding it up with one index finger on each of his hands.

I am truly amazed every time I see it.

“I heard from Old Man Neil. You are leaving today.”

“Yes. When the kids wake up, I plan to do some exercise and move right away.”

“Can I say hello?”

“Leaving quietly is the best greeting. There is no need to hold on to busy people.”

Yesterday, I caught the corps commander and gave a sermon for over three hours.

It seems that Baron John Nassen also had a conscience and decided to leave today.

I wouldn’t expect a grand send-off, nor would I want one.

“Still, why don’t you show your face to the saintess?”


“There is Old Man Neil and Captain Priscilla, as well as me and the saintess. I think this is reason enough.”

“… Let’s go.”

Baron John Nassen accepts Kyle’s proposal more coolly than he thought.

Rather than saying it was because of Kyle’s request, I felt quite strongly that it was a decision made in consideration of Old Man Neil and Priscilla.

“I’ll go and pick you up right away.”

“Come quickly. It’s time for the kids to wake up soon, and they’ll finish their workout soon.”

Leave Baron John Nassen’s words behind, and head to the place where the saintess is staying.

There, too, it seemed that he had already woken up earlier due to early morning prayers.

“Saint. Oh, and the captain was there too.”

After being guided by the paladins and entering the barracks, you can see the saintess and Priscilla.

After a light greeting, he explains why he has come since morning.

“Is that so? He said he was leaving in a while.”

“Yes, Captain. I think so.”

“Hey, I took care of everything, but you stayed for a long time. Me, but….”

Chief Priscilla slowly notices Kyle.

It is clear that he is contemplating whether he should say this or not.

“Don’t worry. Old Man Neil said he was going to the Empire with me for a while.”


“It won’t last long.”

“Enough. Thank you. Brother Kyle.”

“You can thank my father after a while. Rather, where did the saintess go? She said that she was right next to me just a moment ago….”

“Here, Brother Kyle.”

A saintess peeking out from behind her.

Seeing that she had put on her original outfit and cape, it seemed that as soon as she heard Kyle’s words, she immediately started preparing to see Jon Nassen off.

“Let’s go. Brother Kyle’s father and people from his hometown are on their way, so don’t be late! Hurry up!”

“Yes? Ah yes. Yeah! Me, by the way, saintess? She doesn’t have to be in too much of a hurry. The kids will try to exercise first, so I have a little time….”

“Brother Kyle, when you think of the speed at which he works out, I think it’s breathtaking?!”

… Well, I can’t think of anything to refute.

When Kyle is silent, the saintess says, ‘Look at that!’ And she hurries to get ready to go out.

Seeing that, Priscilla was smiling meaningfully.

“It’s done! Go quickly!”

Kyle is almost dragged by the saintess’ urging.

I wondered if she was going too fast, but she wasn’t.

When I went to the entrance of the corps camp, I saw the Jon Nassen children already gathered and ready to leave.

Seeing her like that, Kyle couldn’t help but exclaim once again, ‘As expected of a saint.’

“It’s late!! The youngest boy is late!!”

“If you’re late, do 100 push-ups and 100 burpees!”

Yes. How could the kids get away with that?

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Just being late is supposed to do sports that make ordinary people experience hell.

“Come on, kids. Is everyone ready to leave?”

“Yes! I ate a lot for breakfast!”

“I think we can just run like this!!”

Somewhere, I feel a deep sense of despair.

When I turned my head slightly, I saw knights and soldiers with tired expressions on their faces.

It’s not like John Nassen is within reach if something goes down.

Even if I ran my horse without rest here, it would have taken me four days.

They ran barefoot there, and the kids went there too.

“I am not a person.”

I even heard the illusion that their inner thoughts could be heard very thickly.

“So, youngest boy! Aren’t you going?!”

“… I should yes. Do it, do it Hey guys .. Hey guys!”

After telling the saintess and Priscilla to say hello first.

Kyle went straight down and performed a quick push-up.

To be honest, push ups are really easy. Buffy is… A bit annoying?

The saintess stood in front of Baron John Nassen, leaving behind Kyle, who was carrying out her own punishment.

A man with enough intimidation to crush a saint with one hand.

I feel a little bit afraid, but I easily shake off that feeling.

“Baron John Nassen. I heard he is leaving today.”

“It happened.”

“I wish you a peaceful journey. And….”

“Ah. Not that.”


“It would be nice if you told me to meet even strong monsters on the way.”

“… ??”

Who in the world would want to meet a monster while walking?

To beg someone else to do that as well.

“Would you like to do that?”

But Baron John Nassen was serious. And he was serious.

So the saintess said, ‘Yes, yes. I will,” she had no choice but to reply.

“Did you say hello?”

Clear 100 push-ups and burpees as punishment for being late.

Baron John Nassen, who was staring at Kyle like that, said a word.


“Was it slow? It’s strange. I did what I usually do.”

“That’s why your mother is worried.”

“Oh, please. Father. I want you to go and not say anything to your mother.”

The two rich men, naturally intimidated, bicker quite cutely.

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Just looking at it makes me smile.

Thinking of that, the saintess wants to say hello again….

“Oh, Kyle.”

“Yes. Father.”

“Is there any progress in the marriage talk with the 5th princess?”

“… Yeah?”

“I heard that the 5th princess came the other day and revealed her aspirations. I will definitely marry you.”

It took five seconds for the smile to disappear from the saintess’ lips.

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