143 – Bye Bye

“I really never imagined that my father would come in person.”

“I guess so. Originally, I hadn’t thought of this either. However, looking at the recent trend of the empire, I was a little curious. How the hell would I hear the news that children with a single spirit are asking for reinforcements? Since that kind of curiosity arose, I made up my mind to go on an outing for the first time in a while.”

“The fact that they brought their children there too.”

“Did old Neil not tell you the situation?”

“I heard. I heard that if there are children to take care of, the father….”

There is only one reason why Baron John Nassen came all the way west.

I came here because I was curious if there would be a game more interesting than in the north.

But if the children end up being involved, you have to take care of them, whether you like it or not.

A lot of monsters can be easily eliminated, but they’re ‘kids’ anyway.

As the person in charge of John Nassen, I have a duty to do so.

“Did you want to bring me? Please take me with you while the people from hometown go. Isn’t it a bit of a good experience for me to have? I really had no choice but to bring him because he asked for it so much.”

After hearing Baron John Nassen’s answer, Kyle nodded her head.

The hypothesis I had been thinking about before seems to be correct.

In fact, the hypothesis that Baron John Nassen came to represent the North was not simply because he was strong, but because he was the nicest among the people in the North.

Splitting time to exercise, managing the territory, making an agreement with the empire, and even taking the kids around like now.

Isn’t this enough to pick up a village head and just exercise comfortably?

“Kyle. What are you doing here Lear said he was still in school.”

“Ah. That’s it. I heard that your father is coming here. I was curious, and I wanted to know how interesting monsters are that my father would come in person. So I just missed it.”


Maybe another parent would go! May have shouted.

I had a hard time entering the Imperial Academy, but how could I commit the terrible thing of being absent?

The important thing here is that Kyle’s parents are by no means ordinary parents.

“I see.”

Baron John Nassen, who doesn’t take it seriously, and Kyle, who reacts knowingly.

“Well, by the way. Father.”

“What is it? Are you curious about news from home?”

“No. Not that. He-do I have to keep doing this?”

That wasn’t a point. Kyle now, she wasn’t feeling very well.

Baron John Nassen doing push-ups with one little finger.

It’s okay so far. There is nothing to say.

The problem was that, saying that this wasn’t enough, he immediately asked Kyle to sit on top.

Of course, she said she didn’t like Kyle and she tried to refuse.

No matter how important exercise is, sitting on top is a bit like that.

But Baron John Nassen’s will was stubborn. Come on, have a seat.

The weight is not enough, so if you sit down, you are helping this father.

I was told to sit down even if I didn’t like it, and the result of arguing about it for almost 5 minutes.

In the end, Kyle sat on the back and had to talk to his father in that state.

‘I’m not doing anything, but I feel like I’m committing filial piety.’

I’ve never done anything like a filial son with fire attributes.

Even though he wasn’t his real father, he considered him to be his real family and real father.

You can’t help but feel remorse if you ask someone to sit on your back.

“You are helping this father right now.”

“Still, this is a bit like me too.”

“Children are too light to be. You are just fine.”

While saying that, Baron John Nassen went downstairs once more.

With just one little finger, Kyle is handling this heavy body.

I didn’t feel any small shaking in my body.

Even breathing is not disturbed in the slightest.

It’s something I always think about, but this person really scares me every time I see him.

“Father. He, aren’t you going to the corps?”

“I wonder how the kids will react if I go.”

“… You will be scared.”

“That’s why I’m not going. Will the kids be surprised?”

Occasionally, I saw people treating the people of John Nassen as monsters.

Every time that happened, Kyle strongly denied that it was bullshit.

They are crazy about sports and crazy about fighting, but that doesn’t mean they’re not crazy.

They’re really pure people who wouldn’t normally kill a single insect.

So is Baron John Nassen, Kyle’s father.

I went to the library the other day and saw a book that described it as a monster with four arms.

In reality, he’s just a middle-aged man with an overly nice body.

“So wouldn’t it be better to go even more? Wouldn’t it be better to see it?”

“There is no need to clear up misunderstandings.”

“Yes, but it is better to see the real thing at least once than to see the unknown.”


Listening to Kyle’s words, Baron John Nassen was silent for a while.

He just did push-ups mechanically, awakening the muscles moderately.

‘It’s like he has no particular idea.’

There is only one way to do this. To give you some exciting news.

“Actually, I came with the 10th Empire.”


“He is a different person from the top 10 you’ve seen so far. I am Priscilla Franz, the leader of the Order, and the leader of the Knights of St. Elfleda. She is also the granddaughter of a powerful man who fought during the war with the Empire in the past. I hear you’re going to ask Old Man Neil for a lesson.”

Hmm, Baron John Nassen, who had been drooling, finally stood up from his seat.

On an interesting topic, a new top 10 that I have never seen before.

Watching others fight is as enjoyable as training.

Wasn’t it originally said that the most fun thing in the world is watching other people fight?

“Since you say so, I guess I can go and see it.”

“You won’t regret it. Captain Priscilla’s skills are quite good.”

“When you say that, it makes me look forward to it a little more. Perhaps….”


Baron John Nassen scratches his cheek at Kyle’s answer that he can’t.

“I haven’t spoken properly yet.”

“I know you want to compete with Captain Priscilla, Dad. Be patient.”

Priscilla is at a level where one or five people are barely able to stick together.

No, to be honest, five would not be enough.

“We focus on each other’s goals. Father is a monster. The leader is the saintess’s escort. Yes? Father.”

“Hippo with one hand. Shouldn’t this be okay?”

Ah, father. Please!


It is said that all creatures have an instinctive fear of beings that cannot be resisted.

It is similar to when a person faces a tiger and their body freezes instead of running away.

And now, the Legion’s personnel were literally experiencing ‘numbness in the hamstrings’.

“Nice to meet you. Baron John Nassen.”

“Ma, it’s an honor to meet you! This is Corps Commander Rakan Deckman!”

As a corps commander, you are treated almost like a count.

This means that there is no reason to take an extreme courtesy towards the baron.

Nevertheless, the commander of the corps bowed so much that his head almost fell to the ground.

‘This man is Baron John Nassen!’

I feel like I don’t want to see eye to eye even if I die.

I think I would suffocate if I saw those eyes. A strong feeling of foreboding arises.

The person himself is suppressing it as much as possible, but there is nothing he can do about the aura emitted from his body.

Even though the corps commander hangs his head, his lieutenants and officers do not flinch.

They were also in the process of accepting the commander’s actions as natural.

Even if you didn’t participate in the war in the north in the past, you can tell by looking at it.

If that baron even clears his throat in an uncomfortable way, he will all die that day.

“From what I hear, they say they are fighting monsters.”

“Yes, yes.”

“Sorry, but we want to deal with those monsters. Are you okay?”

Baron John Nassen said that with an expressionless face.

“Yes? Are you sorry?”

“Didn’t we say we would take care of the monsters? So sorry.”

At that, the corps commander had an expression that he couldn’t understand.

It is natural. If you can deal with the monsters instead, I’d really appreciate it.

Why do those who give grace suddenly say sorry?

Looking at the baron like that, Kyle smiled.

‘You must be very sorry. It’s because I’m saying I’m going to steal the monster in front of the people who came to catch it.’

What kind of apologetic expression is that, you might say.

But Kyle knows. That expressionless expression was because Baron John Nassen was really sorry.

From John Nassen’s point of view, this means that he will take all the exercise equipment and do it himself.

Of course I should say sorry, but the other person was just an ordinary person.

“Uh, uh uh! No. Say no. Rather, I am grateful!”

“Are you really okay?”

“Yes! It’s really fine! You may do as you wish, Baron John Nassen.”

“I will ask again. Are you really, really okay?”

This is like asking for a confirmation car, as they say to do it first after leaving the equipment.

When the corps commander told him to do it again, Baron John Nassen smiled.

“Thank you. Corps commander.”

“Ah, ah, no. That, of course….”

Does your expression loosen up a little when you see a smile on that expressionless face?

No. Rather more terrifying. Of course it’s scary when someone who doesn’t seem to laugh smiles.

“Well then, Baron John Nassen….”

“I am not. It’s a really special case for me to step out. The rest will be taken care of by those children.”

Says Baron John Nassen, pointing to a place.

There were children doing one-handed pull-ups at Neil’s command.

“Those kids… you mean?”

“Yes. Those kids will organize most of the things, so you just have to know that.”

The corps commander reflexively looked at Kyle.

This means that what Baron John Nassen is saying now is true.

At that, Kyle smiled and whispered in the corps commander’s ear.

“The group of monsters that came here a while ago. Those kids tore them all apart.”

“… Ah!”

It was the corps commander who got an opportunity to realize once again about John Nassen.

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