141 – Oh Monsters! A great evaluation tool!

If someone were to tell me the difference between humans and monsters.

Kyle would answer without thinking for a second.

“Can you kill comfortably or not?”

Even in sparring with Julika and Captain Priscilla, they said they were sincere.

Even in the battle with Mathieu Philibert and Arcane, it is said that he did his best.

There was never a ‘life’ in it. It was all about the desire to fight.

To be honest, yes. In the case of Arcane, I did a little diary.

Because he ran wildly, and most of all, he talked about the word ‘assassination’.

But I didn’t kill him. No, it would be right that I couldn’t.

Because as a human being, taking a human life is truly devastating.

But monsters are different. It is rude to make comparisons.

People feel guilty when hurting people, but that’s not the case.

Not even ordinary animals. Monster. Monster. People-eaters.

But if you tell them to feel guilty while killing these guys, you have to break the earthenware pot.

And today, I crushed the heads of all the monsters that were attacking the corps.

Starting from the left to the right. Everything that gets caught in both arms while running once.

‘Oh, fuck. Embarrassingly It all splattered.’

I seem to have lost my senses from fighting the strong these days.

I was supposed to swing it moderately, but I just blindly threw my fist.

It is impossible to compare monsters with their bodies, which are harder than steel.

It was a natural result since he swung it without considering it.

And as a result, the blood and brains of the monsters splashed all over the body.

It’s a gooey liquid with a disgusting smell, and it tastes like death.

My older brother and older sister didn’t say that. How the hell can’t you do this

‘If my sister saw this, she would nag me 100 percent. They say they bury things like this carelessly.’

It’s definitely Leah who wields the same fist as herself, but she doesn’t get hit by any fragments.

When I asked how, the answer was a bit absurd. Are you avoiding it because you can see it all?

The rear side was more unique. It was because the monster disappeared with just one swing.

It is said that this method is cleaner, and it is strongly recommended to do it this way.

I know it’s an easy thing to do with one swing of the fist.


The saintess grumbled and went inside… No, the corps commander came running.

A bit frivolous for a person in charge of an entire corps.

It doesn’t look like there are even officers behind them.

“Are you okay?”

“Not at all. It became like this because I couldn’t control my strength. Sorry. It’s ugly, isn’t it?”

“No. There is a simple shower room, so let’s go there. I will also give you clothes.”

“Thank you for doing so. Where is the simple shower room?”

“This way.”

Originally, he is the corps commander who is responsible for organizing the corps after death.

However, as Kyle swept through, the monsters were pulverized before the Legion could take any damage.

The soldiers faced were not vicious monsters with yellow teeth.

It was a young man who had smashed the heads of those monsters and shouted, ‘Whoa!’

“Commander. I guess that was true.”

“You said you defeated Mathieu Philibert of the Union… It seems to have stuck really well.”

“Isn’t that John Nassen? I think I understand why the crown prince sent it.”

Somehow, the crown prince sent John Nassen out of concern for the legionnaires.

I feel that way even more since John Nassen helped the corps and even cleaned up the monsters at once.

Thanks to this, the corps commanders and officers were able to swear allegiance to the imperial family once again.

As a saint of the Order and one of the top 10 knights, St. Elpleda, it’s something to be grateful for.

In addition, some kind of monster who goes out alone and kills monsters is put in there.

Isn’t this proof that the empire and the royal family really care about them?

In the eyes of the corps commander, Kyle was no longer just a young man.

The reinforcements sent by the crown prince. As a bonus, he received a request from the crown prince as a great powerhouse.

That’s why he was crawling with the word ‘nim’ behind him.

“I’ll see you in the command barracks in a minute. Kyle.”

Kyle thought as he looked at the corps commander who said that and disappeared.

I wondered if he was doing that because he was so moved that he helped the soldiers.


“Thank you very much, Kyle. Because of you, the damage was very small.”

Entering the barracks, the corps commander again expresses his thanks.

At that, Kyle laughed and waved his hand.

‘This corps commander is a very upright person. It’s good to care for the soldiers.’

In reality, it was courtesy judged by the prince’s personal connections, but what about it?

If the person receiving the thanks is in a good mood, isn’t that what it is?

“Even the Paladins of the Order. Thank you for your help.”

The saintess and her priests are still taking care of the wounded in the ward.

So, that thank you was received by Captain Priscilla instead.

“The situation seems to be worse than expected.”

“Shame on you, but that’s right, Captain. The level of the monsters is not even comparable to the usual.”

“A few of my subordinates fought monsters, and it certainly seems like that. Bears, bears, those who run. Even if my limbs are cut off, they will still fly and snatch the soldiers.”

Kyle nodded his head at the story of the corps commander and Priscilla.

‘I definitely got stronger. It’s like the overall strength and speed, and even the moment when the body is smashed. This is not the level of doping, but it is similar to taking drugs?’

A conclusion drawn from dealing with trolls and werewolves a while ago.

I think I know why the Corps struggles. They are never weak.

Allied bastards. Those drug addicts made other strange things besides doping.

The current situation was created by throwing it at the monsters.

The more you dig, the more unanswerable evil deeds come out.

Even this one is a booster or runaway, so it’s more serious than that.

At worst, it could have dire consequences for both the Alliance and the Empire.

“Strength and speed are a problem, but hostility is a bigger problem than ever before.”

“Even if they are monsters, they run away when they are judged to be out of luck. It’s a survival instinct in gnomes, from goblins to ogres. But they don’t see that.”

Does this mean that not only the body is fucked, but the mind is also fucked?

Coming to think of it, it makes sense. Coalition bastards caught it and forcibly remodeled it.

The hostility towards humans deserves to be renewed at the highest level.

‘In the end, those drug addicts in the alliance are the problem. Just how far did you grow your business?’

I can’t. When I go back, I’ll have to find those bastards in the underground prison and remodel them.

This time, 200 push-ups for 10 minutes of planks. If you can’t do it, let’s break the joint.

It was a tragedy for hardliners who love that they are finally free from Kyle’s clutches.

Deng Deng Deng!-

“Brigade Commander!”

“Are they guys again?”

“Yes. I will come again.”

At the officer’s answer, the corps commander let out a tired sigh.

Another reason Legion’s damage continues to accumulate.

Because of the guys who kept coming in, we didn’t even have time to rest, let alone take care of the wounded.

If the opponent was an enemy soldier, or at least a normal monster.

It would have been impossible to continue driving like this.

But now, after a while, the guys kept coming.

“How many replacement monsters did the coalition hardliners make?”

“We don’t know exactly. Leader. To the extent that he gave mana runaway pills to all the knights of the alliance, he must have done crazy things to monsters comparable to that. Right now, all we can do is hope that it will be the last.”

It may sound irresponsible, but there was nothing wrong with the corps commander’s words.

In the end, it will come to an end someday. Until then, you just have to endure and fight again.

The damage on this side is not easy, but the monsters will melt away as soon as they come.

Perhaps it’s not very unlikely that the ones flocking in now will be the last.

“If I was going to do this, I would have taken a shower.”

Kyle jumps up from his seat and lightly loosens his shoulders.

To be honest, it ended so blandly that I wondered if they wouldn’t come again.

Thank you for coming one more time.

“Captain Priscilla. Captain, since you have to protect the saintess’s side, it’s a little hard to move, right?”

“Originally, but the saintess told me to go out and help her soldiers fight.”

Now is the time for your sword to protect others rather than yourself.

I said that in a very firm voice and came out like this.

At Priscilla’s reply, Kyle smiled and said, ‘I’m sure she’s a saint.’

“Well then, shall we go?”

Kyle, who proudly said, had to put on a puzzled expression exactly 5 minutes later.

‘… A monster… Doesn’t exist?’

Even the scout who delivered the news was flustered.

He must have seen them coming and ran like the wind to inform them.

Whether the monsters rose to the sky or fell to the ground, they all disappeared.

“This can’t be like this. My team members and I definitely confirmed it! This is not a false report!”

A reconnaissance leader shouting urgently as if he was unfair.

After thinking for a moment, Kyle suddenly sat down on the spot.

Then he closed his eyes and began to focus on the sensations in his whole body.



The bewildered soldiers and Captain Priscilla who restrains them.

In the meantime, after finishing something, Kyle exclaimed, “Ha.”

“… You really came.”

After arriving, I looked around but didn’t notice anything.

So I thought he hadn’t arrived yet, but it seems he wasn’t.

It seems that he was beating the monsters from afar.

“Everyone. Let’s go back.”


“Brother Kyle?”

“Let’s go back. You’ll find out why if you go and wait a bit.”

At Kyle’s words, Captain Priscilla and the Imperial Legionnaires tilted their heads and stopped walking.

Because I know that he is not a person to say nonsense, I followed him without saying anything.

And it wasn’t long before they found out why Kyle wanted to go back.

“What, what. That. What.”

“Me, me! They are all kids!!”

What appeared in the direction the monsters were said to be was a group of chattering children.

The younger ones seemed to be in their early teens, and many seemed to be in their late teens.

Either way, it was clear that there were children who should never be allowed into a battlefield like this.

‘Yes. If it’s just normal, normal kids.’

I can feel it. From the kids coming over there. The horrors of the monsters who would have gone to scream in that hand.

And an aura higher than the northern ice mountains and greater than the ice seas approaching from behind them.

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