128 – We decided to call this a catastrophe

What the hell is going on?

Two strong men finally disappeared after destroying one side of the castle wall.

The last scene we saw was the rough-and-tumble wavecatcher Arcane.

And it was Kyle who laughed and ran towards the Arcane.

Kooung! Thud! Kwaaang!!-

Resonance that can be clearly felt even from a distance and momentum that seems to squeeze the heart.

Thanks to that, the lord of Pardal Island, who was just an ordinary person, had no choice but to wait.

Not only that, but everyone else in the castle just watched with bated breath.

No one dares to step out. The fights that are taking place here and there now do not belong to people.

It is a battle of those who have thrown off the standards of human beings.

Being in the middle is like a shrimp getting caught in a fight between whales.

“I, lord.”

I turned my head and saw some knights and soldiers.

They all had the same worry and fear hanging over their faces.

“I don’t know what happened all of a sudden. What will happen….”

“Don’t worry. Wavecatcher will win in the end. Everyone don’t have to be so nervous.”

“Ah… Yes. Okay. When the lord says that, I feel a little relieved.”

When the top shakes, the bottom naturally shakes as well. Stumbles even louder.

On the contrary, even in an emergency situation, if the top is firm, the bottom will not be shaken.

Knowing that, the lord of Pardal Island hid his anxiety and answered like that.

‘I said that, but….’

He is also insecure. More anxious than anyone on this island.

I don’t change much about how others win or lose.

But the lord himself is different. When Arcane falls to his knees, he loses the initiative.

People talk about power, wealth, and connections, but in the end, the world ends with power.

In front of the logic of power, power, wealth, and personal connections are of no use.

If, by any chance, the wave catcher is defeated, it will be tied up by the logic of its power.

‘Wave Catcher, it is so terrible that Arcane is defeated. Please don’t do that. But really, if I lose, what will I and this island do?’

Those at the top must prepare for the worst.

Even if the odds of that happening are so small, even if it should never happen.

That was both the duty and the curse of those like himself.

‘Kyle from the Empire. Kyle John Nassen. All he wanted was one thing.’

Members of hardliners who fled from the coalition. And what they brought with them.

I pretended not to know until a while ago, but I won’t be able to do that until the end.

I didn’t even mention the other parts. Of course I thought I’d mention that.

The most sensitive issue is the ‘subjugation to the Empire’ part of Pardal Island.

‘I really couldn’t have come this far alone. Is there an empire nearby? It may have been that the emperor himself came by order. Yes, it will. There is also work in the west, but it would be impossible for the emperor of the empire to let go of such a person.’

Actually, even the emperor didn’t have the confidence to control it, so he didn’t even think about catching it.

Because of the case of the ancestors, it only reflected the lord’s intention to be overly wary of the empire.

Kyle’s, the goal of the empire is always the hardliners of the coalition.

For the rest of the book, there is no mention of Pardal Island or the southern seas.

The lord of Pardal Island, who continued to ponder, exclaimed, ‘Ah!’

‘Is that so? Is the Empire testing us right now?!’

The next question that comes to mind. What test? Why are you testing?

Parts about him also began to appear in the head of the lord before long.

‘… Having subdued the west, have you now turned your eyes to the east? Yes, they are pushing the nomadic tribes. I’ve heard that they come in every year to loot, and the empire is in trouble. I want to subjugate it, but I can’t imagine it with a reasonable amount of troops, and I would not have been able to do that because I was concerned about the Union and the South. .’

Now the situation has completely changed.

The empire broke its silence and rose, and in the process the coalition was shattered in an instant.

You should have gained confidence. He must have thought it would be okay to run to the east as it is.

In the process, what the South will do is important….

‘You are asking me, us. An empire, an emperor! The union has also collapsed on its own, and now it is trying to turn its eyes elsewhere. Did you just know how to act wisely? Or maybe they were pushed ahead of the nomadic tribes!’

If the emperor had heard this, he would have burst into laughter.

I didn’t have the slightest thought of that, but if you think about it, I’m very grateful.

However, the lord of Pardal Island firmly believes that his prediction is correct.

Isn’t the one who came from the Empire right now fighting with his best sword?


“Your lord. It seems to be over.”

“It’s over?”

“Yes. The echo seemed to have died down a little while ago, but it became completely quiet just now.”

So, so who wins?! That’s the most important thing.

If the waves swallowed the strongest of the Empire, the Empire would also reject its thoughts.

If you sent someone you thought was a promising player and lost, your reputation will rise.

It was clear that they would naturally try to appease the South rather than pressure it.

Conversely, if the wave catcher is defeated. If Kyle Jon Nassen had won….

‘At that time, I’ll have to figure out a way to live on my own.’

The lord, with his eyes wide open, confirmed the approaching man from far away.

It’s too far away, and it’s hard to see because of the dust rising from all sides.

This makes me even more nervous. More anxious My heart is beating like crazy.

Finally, it became a distance where you could see who the opponent was with the naked eye.

“… Oh Ah….”

Lord Pardal slams his ass behind him.

The owner of this huge island, and also the leader of the anti-imperial faction.

Even though he fell down, no one around him took care of him.

He must have been right that he didn’t get it.

To take care of someone, the sight in my eyes was too great.


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Jiik, Jiik-.

“You’re really filthy weak. What and how much do you faint? Mathieu-sama also endured this much.”

This is why people who live in warm and livable neighborhoods are no good.

If you treat me a little harshly, I’ll die with crab foam! You’re sleepy.

It’s a very normal thing in other places that they will die.

It was Kyle who was dragging the wave catcher and mumbling about what he was so dissatisfied with.

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Just as I told the lord, his arms and legs were already broken.

The part Kyle was grabbing was none other than Arcane’s hair.

Looking at it, it wasn’t hair loss. So it won’t matter if you say “Songdeng” And get selected.

It would be better if it was hair loss. Because I’m so weak I want to shave my head.

I felt sorry for the Empire, who was evaluated as a top 10 person.

‘Oh, really. It feels cheap.’

Good words and good thoughts, but only bad words and bad thoughts come to mind.

I thought there would be something bigger after the waves, but that was the end.

My pulse goes numb. Power goes out And the heat kicks in.

“Kyle John Nassen.”

I glanced ahead and saw the lord of Pardal Island standing there.

One thing that has changed from before is the face the lord is making.

‘Oh. Our lord I’m going to cry at this point.’

Where are all the dignified expressions he was wearing as the lord of the island?

All that was left was a face filled with nervousness and fear.

It seems that Kyle was particularly shocked when he dragged Arcane by his hair.

“Looks like we’ve won.”

“You talked casually earlier. Are you suddenly respectful? Why are you like that? Just do what you do.”

“Oh, no. When I think about it, I think it was very rude.”

It may seem servile, but if you look at it again, that’s right.

Now that you know the power gap, it’s time to surrender.

Even in that situation, if you hold on tight, your neck will fly away.

“Arcanes are….”

“Thank you to His Majesty the Emperor. Lord.”


“I told you earlier. At the mercy of His Majesty the Emperor, I would lay down his life. Only his limbs were broken. Everything else is fine, so nothing to worry about.”


If anyone hears it, they will know that breaking your limbs is nothing.

Those thoughts entered the lord’s head, but he didn’t bother to say them.

“Okay then.”

After biting her tongue out and roughly throwing the fainting Arcane to the floor.

Kyle approached the lord and opened her mouth, loosening her bones.

“Shall we talk again? Do you remember the conversation earlier? Lord.”

“I don’t remember. Cancer, no way. I don’t remember.”

“If so, would the answer to that be different?”

It has changed. Cancer, don’t change! Isn’t it nagging to say two words!

The lord of Pardal Island called Kyle with a beckoning gesture.

Then he spoke in a small voice to Kyle, who had come to his side.

“Actually, it is. Those castaways, it seemed, were from the Confederacy. It was suspicious, so I collected it in one place and thoroughly examined it.”

“This is strange. I think you said you didn’t know a while ago.”

“Didn’t I tell you? I was looking suspiciously. If they show off, they might notice and run away, so they acted to keep the news from reaching them.”

It is truly a tearful performance. It is a sight that cannot be seen without tears.

I was going to be a bit grumpy, but if you think about it, this place is innocent.

If there are, they must be the damn Loiders who got away without being captured.

“I see. Lord. Then where are they?”

“There is a small port that is not in use now. I was relieved by telling them to stay there for the time being. Let’s go. After a while, you will notice something strange!”

Were you not anti-imperialist? Are you too cooperative for that?

Anyway, this guy or that guy, in the end, you have to raise your fist to become good.

It is not wrong to say that historically, the hawk was the medicine.


“Captain. This is Pardal Island.”

A regular passerby, the running sheep has arrived at Pardal Island.

The captain was going to ask about the young swimmer he saw yesterday.

There was someone who did such a ridiculous thing, did he arrive safely?

“… What. What’s the mood like?”

The harbor is noisy. Very noisy.

What’s going on? Was it an accident? When I inquired, this came out.

“No, well. Yesterday, a young man whom I had never seen before loaded a small fishing boat with people tied up tightly, grabbed the boat’s anchor line, and swam and dragged them away?! You won’t believe it? This person! That’s because I saw it! Did I see it?!”

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