112 – Not enough effort! It’s not enough!!

I never dreamed that a day like this would come my whole life.

I never thought I would set foot in the imperial palace of the empire as the three leaders of the alliance.

Not even by coercion, but by one’s own will.

‘If it had been in the past, I wouldn’t have been able to accept this situation itself.’

But now it’s different. Now accepted No, you have to accept it. Imperial supremacy.

In addition, he knew what course the coalition had to take in order to survive.

The Empire has many enemies. It’s huge and strong, so even more so.

To the west is his home country, the Kingdom Confederation.

In the south, there are dozens of islands and dozens of independent lords that are not easily affected by the Empire.

Lastly, in the east, there are nomadic tribes that visit as an annual event.

The number of strong people is far greater in the empire than in each region.

But at the same time, because they are so huge, many of them are divided into different regions.

Because of

, I try to press it completely when the opportunity arises, even though I don’t definitely dominate any one place.

And since I succeeded in suppressing the coalition this time, I will never miss it.

‘I can’t wait to see what the empire will look like. They will doubt us.’

Although he has never been involved in politics, he is not blind at all.

As you get stronger and climb higher and higher, you can barely see the world.

In Mathieu’s eyes, he was certain of the action he had to take.

“Your Majesty. The three united forces, Sir Mathieu Philibert, have arrived.”

“Let me in.”

Shut down. The emperor must have doubts about the union.

Even if you don’t doubt it, it doesn’t matter. It’s enough to catch one pod.

Even the breakwater called Samgeol has already collapsed.

If the empire puts its mind to it, it should be able to create a mighty wave at any time.

The Empire won’t try to do anything about the union right away anyway.

You probably know that you can get sick if you catch and eat them.

“Welcome, Sir Mathieu Philibert. Welcome to the Empire.”

Going inside, the image of the emperor sitting on a splendid throne caught my eye.

A powerful country that commands the continent. As befits the owner of the place, the emperor was solemn and fierce.

“Mathieu Philibert of Union. I see Your Majesty the Emperor.”

“This is the first time I’ve seen Samgeol in person. Aren’t they strong enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with the top 10 of our empire?”

There is no feeling of being ridiculed in either the expression or the voice.

He is a fighting emperor who is genuinely interested in meeting the other person.

But Mathieu felt a faint sense of humiliation right there.

To admire that innocently is more miserable than any other ridicule.

The title ‘Three Girls’ has already completely collapsed. Two of the three girls became obsolete.

It is said that you can become strong again if you put in effort, but is that easier said than done?

All the results achieved through sweat and blood have disappeared. Totally smashed.

It is said that it is a price paid, but originally, human beings are beings who despair when their hard work turns out to be in vain.

However, the strong men who were in the top 10 have now become less than a single knight.

How can I live, speak, and be active?

“Guests should raise their heads.”

Only when the emperor’s order fell, Mathieu was able to raise his head.

Looking into the real world and ministers of each department of the empire located under the seat of power.

The Empire’s loyal servants and the Emperor’s loyal dogs.

They were the core forces that actually ran the empire along with the emperor.

Suddenly, Mathieu saw a completely unexpected figure standing there.

‘… Uh?’

I didn’t see it wrong. Obviously, obviously, that young man is right.

I don’t know why that person is here, but that’s for sure.

‘Kyle John Nassen?’

I didn’t see it wrong. Undoubtedly. The young man standing over there was definitely Kyle.

I heard that he was a descendant of the John Nassen family. It has nothing to do with the imperial family.

There was also an investigation result that said that it seemed that it was just briefly mobilized for a war against the outside world.

But, why is that young man sitting in the imperial palace?

It’s the most secret and solemn seat where only the emperor and his aides can sit.

How come the son of a noble family exists as it was originally!


Unbeknownst to me, it was Mathieu who had dry saliva.

I had forgotten about it, but I tried to erase it because I unconsciously wanted to forget it.

The moment I see Kyle’s face, the defeat of that day and the nightmare of that moment come to mind again.

Even though he did his best, all he did was give him a few cuts.

Even the top 10 empires are the opponents who destroyed the number of my trumps to be wary of by stepping aside once.

His older brother and sister even crushed his colleagues who used boosters and runaway drugs.

The feeling of being filled with wonder and fear at the same time in front of that overwhelming power clearly remains.

When John Nassen is right in front of you, sweat begins to flow like rain from the tension.

“I have urgent news to tell you. So I made a visit here. I heard you.”

The emperor is not oblivious to Mathieu’s changes.

If you shake your mind, you can take away your composure, and if you take your composure, you can gain an advantage more easily.

With that, I will grasp the current situation in detail and thoroughly use what I can use.

“… Yes, Your Majesty. That’s right.”

“Tell me. What is the urgent news?”

Either wait, or at least the coalition’s position is guaranteed.

At least it was Mathieu who tried to start that way.

What I’m going to say from now on is absolutely not good for the Union.

However, from the moment the emperor released Kyle, all initiative was taken away.

No, let alone taking the initiative, even saying a word is burdensome.

It was at that time that the situation was a situation, and it was said that it passed because there was no circumstance.

If I lost to Kyle again, I would be in a similar situation to the other two.


After thinking about it for a while, Mathieu eventually gave up everything he was thinking about.


The ministers are startled by what happened next.

That Mathieu Philibert, who is said to be a member of the Union, is even compared to the top 10.

He bows his head before the Emperor of the Empire himself on his knees.

That man is not a servant of the emperor. He came as an envoy representing another country.

If there is no request from the emperor, he is a person who does not need to kneel.

Moreover, his pride in himself must be enormous due to his strength.

When a man like that looks like that, he can’t help but be surprised.

“First of all, I want to say sorry. Your Majesty the Emperor.”

“What the hell is going on that makes me kneel down like an envoy?”

“… The arrest of the hardliners promised earlier, and the retrieval of the malicious object. All of that was disrupted.”

“Is there a setback?”

The corners of the emperor’s eyes slightly go up.

I can’t quite tell whether it’s surprised or interesting.

“Yes. In fact, traitors emerged from within the coalition and helped the hardliners escape. In the process, those influential people fled with the research data and results.”


I ran away with research materials and results.

At those words, Kyle secretly looked at Mathieu.

Hey, Mathieu? If so, the promise is different.

“That is strange.”

The emperor, who has not yet noticed Kyle’s change, opens his mouth again.

“There is a traitor inside. It’s not very embarrassing. But even they wouldn’t have been able to stop you if you had made up your mind. Besides, aren’t there knights under his command? Your words about missing them sound pretty odd to me.”

Isn’t it possible that you intentionally released it, and didn’t you consider it as a member of the same alliance?

It was a very reasonable question from the emperor’s point of view.

In response, Mathieu shook his head and explained why the alliance had to be like that.

“Actually, coalition hardliners conducted another study.”

“Another study?”

“Yes. That….”

Mathieu hesitates, unable to speak right away.

From now on, what I am going to say is something that the empire could find very unpleasant and even threatening.

If you make a mistake, it could create a justification for the empire to attack the alliance.

“Speak. Ambassador of the Union.”

But he has already entered the Great War of the Empire. He came before the Emperor.

Even if you hide it, it may be better to reveal it first and ask for help.

“… In fact, they’ve developed something that transforms the mana runaway system, making the monsters ferocious. And before escaping, I released them and made the monsters in the area rampage.”

“You made the monsters rampage? Is that within its own territory?”

“Exactly near the border between the Federation and the Empire.”

The moment he heard Mathieu’s words, the emperor’s impression was distorted.

All the ministers are nervous at that appearance and only look at the emperor.

It’s not normal for an emperor to frown.

Even the news I heard was very unpleasant, so I’m even more afraid.

Has something happened between the borders of the Empire and the Confederation? What does this mean?

In addition to the mana runaway system, the hardliners tried to use monsters with the intention of attacking the empire.

It’s twisted, and now it’s just being used to keep the moderates in the country in check.

“It sounds like you heard something very worrying. Isn’t it?”

Looking at the Minister of War and the Minister of Special Affairs, the emperor said so.

It would not be a simple misunderstanding to feel the question, ‘Should I just wipe out the coalition by raising the army again?’

“Sir Mathieu Philibert. Is it really? That you were trying to use the monster.”

“There is such a thing as morality. It’s a law that has a minimum degree! No matter how uncomfortable the alliance with the empire is, to think of using those terrible things!!”

Even a long time ago there was an attempt to use monsters for war.

But soon they all disappeared. Because the expected results were so cruel.

Monsters indiscriminately slaughter without distinguishing between friends and family.

It doesn’t mean killing only enemy troops and leaving civilians untouched.

Doesn’t even listen to orders. It is only to repeat the slaughter until the end of life.

So no country implicitly used monsters.

Because of moral reasons, and if anyone crosses the line, everyone will.

Because if that happens, literally ‘hell’ will unfold.

“If that had happened, I should have sent the news to my country first, Sir Philibert!”

“Didn’t you try to hide it in case it harmed the Alliance?!”

The emperor’s uncomfortable expression is transmitted, and the ministers erect blood vessels around their necks.

If you don’t jump on the bandwagon soon, you may find yourself in trouble.

For that reason, around the time when Daejeon became noisy with the voices of those criticizing the coalition.


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John Nassen, who had been watching the situation quietly until now, opens his mouth.

“Are you saying we couldn’t catch them all after all? Those damn drug addicts?”

Someone is criticizing the use of monsters.

I don’t know about that, but Kyle was only angry about not catching Lloyder.

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