106 – Good Changes, Bad Changes

“Girlfriend… Any thoughts?”

At Tisha’s question, Kyle turned her head to look at her.

Yes? Do not ask If you didn’t hear me properly, I won’t ask you to say it again.

Or, stupidly, ‘Well? I never thought about it.’ I didn’t even reply.

“There are lessons to be learned even from idiots. The lesson is that I shouldn’t be like that.”

If you forget that lesson and answer like that, you’re the same fool.

She’s decided to fuck with the flow of the original story, so she has nothing to worry about.

Why are you asking such a question? Please don’t do any mental eunuchs.

I secretly look at Tisha’s eyes. She pretends not to, but her nervousness is evident.

She asks herself a question, and she is terrified that the answer she wants will come out.

She seems to clearly feel her regret outside, wondering if she didn’t ask for nothing.

“My girlfriend.”

“Yes, yes. Kyle. So I mean….”

“I want to date you. Girl friend.”


“If possible, I would like to date you. I heard that there are many students like that during my academy life. Did you say that dating a member of the opposite sex during school days is more affectionate and more memorable than in society? Especially since she only held a barbell instead of a woman’s hand.”

I would like to date you if possible. At those words, Tisha’s expression changed several times.

I want to date you, he brightened up, and then he seemed embarrassed at ‘If possible.’

It was natural since I couldn’t be sure whether the answer was negative or positive.

“If there is only one problem, it is that I am in a very awkward situation right now. Because someone keeps trying to come to the side. Even if you tell me not to come closer, you’re being reckless.”

“Ah, ah!”

The moment he heard Kyle’s words, a woman came to Tisha’s mind.

5Th Princess, 10th Empire, Julika Sebastian Lovisa de Lothringen.

Her I’m probably referring to her. No, that’s for sure. The person Kyle is talking about is the princess.

The princess I met at her cafe openly revealed her feelings for Kyle.

No, was she a little strange to call her heart? I don’t think there was any sympathy whatsoever.

In the first place, it was strange that she said that she would become someone’s property.

‘Kyle doesn’t seem to have feelings for the princess either.’

She thinks of Kyle’s expression that she saw not too long ago.

I got the feeling that since she’s the princess, she’ll hang out with me, and since she made a promise, I’ll listen to her.

She felt it not only herself, but also Elgar and her saintess.

However, only the princess continued to cling to Kyle and tried to get her way.

Nevertheless, the opponent is the princess. She is the emperor’s daughter-in-law. And she is an empire 10 strong.

Nine times out of ten, if she pushes harder, she will eventually follow through.

Even if you exclude the fact that Kyle’s personality is not angular, isn’t she a ‘princess’?

Being a member of the imperial family is a great privilege and a great gift.

Even Tisha, who is just a commoner, knows that for sure.

Glory that will never come again, luck that will never come, and all sorts of other rhetorical phrases are not enough.

Belonging to the imperial family as a nobleman is more difficult than becoming a nobleman for a commoner.

‘Perhaps Kyle… Is she struggling with becoming a member of the imperial family?’

As soon as the thought reaches that point, a part of her heart suddenly ache.

Perhaps, really, I wonder if I could make a choice other than being the princess.

I thought that if I worked harder, Kyle would look after someone other than the princess.

It would be difficult, but unlikely, but I didn’t consider it impossible at all.

So these days, I’ve been focusing on witchcraft more and more, and I’ve been paying attention to the people around me.

I’ve never been so bothered by the sound of ‘witch’, but these days even that is burdensome.

I couldn’t help it when I thought that one small part could affect Kyle’s decision.

It was for this reason that she sneakily showed up at a party wearing such ridiculous clothes right away.

‘Even so, it can’t be helped. After all, as a commoner….’

Kyle hasn’t given a definite answer yet, but the feeling of being pushed back is clear.

The fact that she was worried like that meant that the princess’s plan had already partially succeeded.

With a bitter sigh, Tisha had just picked up a book.

“Who will make my girlfriend feel anxious? That bothers me That’s why I’m thinking about it.”

Kyle’s answer is Tisha? I looked back at him unconsciously.

So his answer was that the other person was a princess, so it wasn’t that he was worried.

If the princess kept clinging to her, she might feel burdened by her girlfriend, she said.

It meant that I was more for and thinking of the ‘girlfriend’ rather than the ‘princess’.

‘It wasn’t because of the princess, but because I was worried about my girlfriend….’

The sadness that filled my heart a while ago suddenly disappears.

Anxiety and nervousness are gone, and in the meantime? There is a sense of anticipation.

“Then… What would you do if your girlfriend reassured you that she wasn’t insecure?”

“You must worry a little. You’d be a little worried. But I think we will date eventually.”

A reddish blush appears on Tisha’s face after hearing that.

I never expected to hear the answer I was secretly expecting.

Kyle must have known why she was asking this question.

Isn’t it quite positive that you are giving such an answer!


After fixing her shoes that came off and tidying up her disheveled clothes.

Kneel on the floor and call out the name of the person across from you.

“Someone who will be your girlfriend is going to get over it. She will make it through.”

“How can you be so sure? It must be very difficult.”

“Are you the boyfriend worth it?”

Kyle laughs once at Tisha’s answer and replies.

“I’m not that great of a person.”

“Awesome. Only you don’t know.”

It’s really not great because it’s ‘great’.

Sometimes it’s trivial, and there are times when it’s nothing big.

The heart that comes from a small place, the warmth felt in the smallest parts.

Originally, isn’t a person’s heart swept over by that small thing?

“Am I great? No matter what I do, it’s all about being a little better looking than others and having a little better body.”

Geez Kyle throws her joke and Tisha takes it easy this time.

“Is Kyle handsome? And if she says she’s a little nice, what do other men do?”

“I have to work harder. If you try hard, everything will work. The body doesn’t lie.”

Kyle shows off his talent again as he tries to fall in love with the exercise.

Tisha, who quickly stopped him before that, slowly rose from her seat.

“Think about it, Kyle. Dating a girlfriend Some ‘someone’ keeps answering you for a very long, long time. I will keep waiting.”

After that, Tisha says she’ll be gone, and she turns around, holding on to some books.

She is usually the one who would say let’s go together, but she says she will go first today.

Perhaps for the sake of some ‘someone’, it means to think more about your girlfriend.


Towards that person, Kyle deliberately asks questions without knowing anything.

“I was just curious. Why would someone want to be my girlfriend? Someone else is nice enough. That’s great enough. So I could be anyone’s girlfriend.”

Tisha smiles at Kyle’s question.

She then responds without a second’s hesitation or worry, as if she were asking something obvious.

“Is it Kyle?”

Suddenly, the thought that the blush on Tisha’s face is very pretty comes to Kyle’s mind.

Looking at it this way, that black dress and high-heeled shoes look very good.

It’s nice to see the strange harmony with the purple hair.

“So, think about it. Kyle. Your girlfriend.”


Even the moment she broke up with Kyle, Tisha’s gait was relaxed. She was also graceful.

But as she leaves the fifth floor and begins to descend the stairs, she walks faster and faster.

In the end, she hurries down the stairs to the point where the hem of her dress flutters.


Tisha, who reached the first floor in an instant, did not slow her down.

Her feet hurt from her shoes, which she wasn’t used to yet, but she didn’t care.

Because there was something much more important and much more nerve-wracking just before that!

“Think about it, Kyle. Dating a girlfriend Some ‘someone’ keeps answering you for a very long, long time. I will keep waiting.”

Crazy! You did it after all, Tisha?! You really do say that!!

Kyle is no fool. She’s not even a blind man.

She knows who the ‘someone’ she is talking about is. You already know who will be waiting for you!

Even so, what kind of courage did you come up with, and did you forget all the shame?

She was the one who poured out all the words she had been holding in her heart with worry.

“Ha ha ha….”

Tisha came into my room in an instant and threw herself onto her bed.

Originally, I would have sat down in front of my desk, opened a magic book, and studied a new magic.

But right now, I don’t think I’ll see any interesting spells at all.

‘I told you. Certainly, I did. And….’

And I got an answer. Not the negative answer I was worried about.

A very normal and positive answer that he also wants to have a girlfriend.

‘It’s not that the princess keeps pushing me into conflict. Will my girlfriend feel uncomfortable because of the princess? It’s because I’m worried about that.’

I understand Kyle’s troubles. Then there is only one thing left.

A girlfriend doesn’t even think about such inconvenience. He said he could stand it well enough.

She gave that confidence to her boyfriend, Kyle.


Tisha suddenly got up from her seat, probably thinking of something.

After that, she busily jotted down something on her notepad.

– Kyle has a girlfriend too. –

– Giving assurance. Important (star marked) –

– No high-heeled shoes, revealing or baggy dresses. –


After thinking for a moment, Tisha drew a line at the very end of her body.

Thinking of Kyle, who said she looked good on her and said she was pretty, she wrote it down again.

– Wear your usual clothes, but sometimes you can decorate them beautifully! –

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