“You know, Bae, we may be going through the darkest moments of the entire NBA.”

Coach Rick Carlisle was sitting next to Pei Yun at this time, patted him on the shoulder, and said to him with a slight smile.

The scene was already extremely embarrassing, with the Mavericks’ main players having 1 or 2 fouls, and now it’s only the beginning of the second quarter.

People are like this, and when you are powerless, you may be relaxed and accept the consequences.

Carlisle was clearly aware of this at this time.

No matter how many tactics he has, no matter how many methods.

In the face of this hellish level of targeting by the referee team, he will not have any way.

Of course, Pei Yun couldn’t help it, no matter how powerful the skills he learned from the system were.

But in the face of the referee’s targeting, he was completely unable to help the team to contribute.

Originally, he was young and frivolous, he thought that as long as his strength was strong enough, the whole world would be his, but now, he gradually began to understand something.


What Cuban feared soon happened, in the high-rise conference room of the American Airlines Center.

Watching everything happening on the big screen, executives were overwhelmed.

“Bastard, the league is all bastards, they play like this again, I simply sold the team!”

Cuban was angry, extremely angry.

This is gas talk.

Of course he doesn’t sell teams, the Mavericks are one of his favorites in all the industry, and his interest is there.

He could even operate at a loss for the sake of the Mavericks.

Of course, the premise is that the team has results.

After several years of operation, finally this season, Cuban welcomed the strongest Mavericks team in history.

However, he and the Mavericks encountered an open target at this time!

Cuban knows that he chose to go off the beaten path and develop international players, of course, at a price.

So, he didn’t say much when the Mavericks were treated unfairly in ’06.

Because in a sense, his team had already been successful that year, and their founding philosophy worked!

Even if they don’t win the title in ’06, they will remain a strong contender for the title in the following years.

Cuban has this self-confidence!

But now his team’s treatment in the Western Conference Finals is perhaps the biggest scale in NBA history!

“Mark, Mr. David Stern’s phone still can’t get through, it shows that it is turned off!”


Cuban slammed his fist on the table.

He scolded: “This damn alliance, they are covering up!” This is corruption, it is corruption! ”


On the far other side of the ocean, it was another sunny weekend morning.

However, at this moment, the people of the Dragon Kingdom were full of anger.

“This referee is also too much of a NM dog, can he still blow like this?”

“I didn’t expect that Pei Yun, who was in the limelight at the Olympics, was planted in the hands of the referee.”

“Spicy chicken referee, must not die well.”

“Don’t watch it, don’t watch it, what else is there to see in this game, this is obviously to protect the Lakers championship.”


The crowd was angry, and some fans angrily slammed the remote control and chose to end watching this unpleasant game.


“Mark, Mark! Mr. David Stern is here! ”

One person broke into the high-rise conference room of the American Airlines Center, panting, but his face was full of dawn.

“What! David is coming? ”

Hearing this, Cuban immediately bounced up from his chair.

“Yes, that’s right, right away!”

He thought left and right, straightened his clothes, and immediately ordered everyone: “Prepare for the welcome, David must be here to help us!” ”

After a while, the elderly Stern entered the conference room, still looking energetic and looking like he could continue to work as president for another two years.

“I’m here to address the NBA’s injustice.”

Stern was straight to the point and explained his intentions.

Mark Cuban guessed correctly, and he immediately smiled: “David, you are really a gift in the snow!” Have a seat. ”

Stern waved his hand: “Time is urgent, so I won’t sit, Mark, help me find a VIP room on the court, it must be absolutely private, no problem, right?” ”

“No problem, just use my private room, please here, David!”

Cuban personally took Stern to the private room on the top floor.

Looking at what was happening on the field, Stern shook his head: “Let your players hold on until the end of the first half, this situation will end at half-time and everything will be fair.” ”

With this guarantee, Cuban smiled excitedly and immediately called his deputy to inform: “Tell Coach Rick, hold the first half, don’t fall too far behind, just say what I said!” ”


“Mark, do you know that since you bought the Mavericks, I have been very optimistic about you, and you are probably the most professional owner in the entire NBA.” With his hands on the stage, Stern looked down, where he could see the entire arena.

For this praise, Cuban smiled: “Don’t dare to be a dare to be, I just like to play basketball, so I bought the team, if I had grown taller, maybe I could also play the NBA.” ”

“Mark, your contribution to the NBA in recent years is obvious to all, and you share my philosophy of wanting to bring our league to the world.”

“But not everyone thinks that, most people in this league are actually very conservative, they think that the league should be homegrown, and they don’t want outsiders to come in and take a piece of the local players.”

“There are only four or five hundred players who can play in the league, and every year a lot of players are eliminated, and a lot of players enter the league.”

“For a large number of local players, our league is a golden rice bowl, and if we bring in an international player, they will lose a golden rice bowl.”

“You know what, they have secretly formed some leagues to defend the interests of local players and vigorously oppose foreign players.”

“Although I am the president of the NBA, the high-level meetings are all voted on, and there, the support for the local is overwhelming.”

“They are a rat eye, and only if we promote the league to the world and make more fans like the sport, then the sport will continue to develop for a longer time.”

“There are a lot of commercial sports leagues around the world, football leagues are far more popular than us, and esports is booming now, look, in ten years, esports will be the most popular sport, if we don’t seize this decade, by that time, the whole league will be out of work!”


Stern’s words were in the heart of the Cuban Army.

“That’s right, David, I share your point of view!”

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