The Mavericks lost G1 at home, and for a while, the entire media called the incident a “cold hit”.

Aside from those Lakers diehards, few would think the Lakers can win at the home court of the Mavericks.

You know, the Mavericks have only lost two games at home this past season, and both games were lost at the end of the season when the team rotated a large number of key players.

In other words, the Mavericks haven’t lost at home in a season when they are fully staffed.

And tonight, Bryant and his Lakers did it.

Throughout the game, Kobe Bryant still scored 63 points under the strict defense of the Mavericks.

The name of “God of War” was pushed to the top overnight.

People preached and preached the myth of Kobe’s height on this night.

“War God Kobe, one person against the Starship Battleship Maverick!”

“Three big outbreaks in a row, Kobe Bryant may be a god this season!”

“Lake Bull War, Kobe Bryant may be the only bargaining chip on the left and right scales!”


Headlines like this advocating Kobe’s report are endless, and of course, there are many headlines to taunt Peiyun.

“MVP night, suffer a loss? Can Pei Yun afford this award? ”

“This season, maybe Kobe is the more worthy MVP!”

“The Mavericks may roll over, can the new MVP step up?”

“73 victory over the Mavericks, meet the strong team to overturn?”

“Nowitzki’s soft-egg attributes affected the entire Mavericks? Or is this the attribute of the Mavericks themselves? ”


Most fans tend to be hindsight, they mostly judge everything by the result, and when the Mavericks lose, they say “soft eggs”, “paper tigers” and “regular season teams”.

And the media is the most understanding of the fan base, so their reporting is all like this.


Not only the media and fans, but most of the Mavericks players were also depressed on the night of the loss, and the celebrations that Cuban had prepared had to be temporarily canceled.

The next day, the Mavericks had an emergency training camp, and G2 would start the evening after a day, and they had to sum up and find a way to beat the Lakers.

Otherwise, if you lose two games in a row at home, the rest of the series will be very difficult.

Since the Lakers upgraded the intensity of the game, the Mavericks overall shooting percentage was not good in G1, and today, the team stepped up shooting practice!

But for Carlisle, in reality, shooting percentage isn’t an issue at all.

The key to the Mavericks’ G1 loss is that they can’t prevent Kobe.

Everyone has moments when they can’t shoot accurately, but the Mavericks can’t expect to wait for Kobe Bryant to win when he can’t shoot.

If he loses four games in the series, he is out, and Kobe Bryant has already approved three games, and there is no guarantee that he will be inaccurate in the following games.

Pei Yun practiced shooting for a while, and his shooting percentage today was great.

Looking at his teammates who were depressed because of the loss of G1, Pei Yun smiled slightly, and checked the system while resting and drinking water on the side.

Due to the smooth wind in the second half of the regular season and the first two rounds of playoffs, Pei Yun has not pointed out new skills in the skill tree, and by this time, skill points have accumulated to 20 points, and the system points have reached 30,000+

He briefly estimated that if these skill points were all added to a branch of a certain department, it would be just enough to point out an ultimate skill!

The reason why there was no point before was because Pei Yun had some difficulty in choosing, and there were two or three ultimate skills in each department, and each of them was of course very attractive.

For example, in the offensive department: [ZONE form], [No Kill], [No Ball Killer]

There are also defensive departments: [Super Iron Gate], [Deadly Trap], [Forbidden Area Heavenly God]

and the general department: [Steel Bone], [Super Leader], [Mr. Key]

Each of these ultimate skills is very powerful.

In the end, which department to go and which ultimate skill to point out first, Pei Yun hesitated for a long time.

In fact, in the face of the current difficulties, Pei Yun can not only point out the ultimate skills of the offensive department to attack the Lakers and Kobe, but also point out the defensive skills to limit Kobe.

However, in the face of the awakened Kobe, Pei Yun is of course more willing to solve the problem one-on-one.

Bryant ended his winning streak with the Mavericks, and now he’s going to put an end to Bryant’s upward momentum.

Point out the ultimate skill of the offensive department, Kobe Bryant does not necessarily come to defend him, the two are at most fighting each other.

But pointing out the ultimate skill of the defensive department, Pei Yun can take the initiative to find Kobe!

Thinking of this, Pei Yun no longer hesitated, and spent more than 20 points at one time to point out the ultimate skill of the defense department [Super Iron Gate]!

【Super Iron Gate】(Ultimate Skill)

Skill proficiency: 1 (the ultimate skill has no level, there is proficiency, the higher the proficiency, the stronger)

Effect: Get unparalleled solo defense skills and greatly improve your defensive anticipation ability!

The effect of this ultimate skill is simple, and Pei Yun’s one-on-one defensive skills have been greatly improved.

Of course, to point out the ultimate skill, you must point out some pre-skills, most of which are related to the ultimate skill attribute.

For example, in order to point out the ultimate skill of [Super Iron Gate], the pre-skills pointed out by Pei Yun are all to increase the ability of single-player defense.

Now, Pei Yun really wanted to try the effect of this ultimate skill.

He returned to the training ground, came to Nowitzki’s side, and said: “Dirk, I will defend you, you can give your all!” ”

Novitsky, who was a little depressed, listened to him say this, but became interested: “Pei, are you serious?” ”

“Just let the horses come!” Pei Yun put aside his defensive posture and stood in front of Nowitzki.

Nowitzki smiled, took the ball, and began to single Pei Yun with his back.

213 singles 203, Nowitzki has a height advantage of 10 cm, which is completely misplaced big and small.

Such a move immediately attracted Dayao and others to watch the battle.

Carlisle, who was drawing tactics, also stood up to see what they were going to do?

It is impossible for Pei Yun to prevent Novitsky’s back singles, everyone thinks so.

“Pei, this is the trick you taught me, I’m coming!”

Nowitzki said, leaning back and preparing to make a golden rooster independence.

At this point, Pei Yun can clearly determine where Novitsky’s korffusion point is, even if his center of gravity cannot be provoked to cause effective blocking and interference because he moved back after confrontation with Nowitzki.

But Nowitzki’s independent technology is not entirely invulnerable.

Pei Yun’s only chance is to find his korfball position and make a lightning cut!


Fast! Permit! Vicious!

Pei Yun instantly cut off Novitsky’s ball.

The teammates watching from the sidelines were amazed!

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