Rick Carlisle spends a lot of time every day watching videos and studying tactics.

He studies his current opponents, and he studies the past.

His tactical book is as thick as a thousand pages.

For the Mavericks after Dayao joined, he had countless configurations and use schemes, but either way, he felt that it was not perfect.

Until one day, the team’s leading point guard Pei Yun came to him and told him a simple and practical configuration, that Carlisle suddenly became cheerful.

As the top center in the league, Dayao’s deterrent power under the basket is unquestionable.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he does not assist in defense, then Dayao plays one under the basket, and no one in the league today can prevent him.

Pei Yun’s suggestion was to let Dayao stand at the basket, and the Mavericks equipped with four shooters to stand outside the three-point line.

Once Dayao is caught in the bag, the Mavericks have a point that will be empty.

If you don’t wrap it, then Dayao can do whatever he wants under the basket.

In general, that’s just playing baskets and three-pointers, and giving up mid-range and long-range shooting.

This theory was later called the “Magic Ball Theory”.

The prerequisite for supporting this theory is that neither the percentage of shooting from the basket nor the percentage of three-point shooting is lower than that of shooting from mid-range.

Regardless of the era, shooting percentages from the basket are clearly the highest, and some of the league’s top interior linemen can shoot 60 percent or even 70 percent from the basket.

And some strong breakouts on the outside can also achieve a breakthrough layup percentage of more than 50%.

The mid-range shooting rate, normally more than 40%, especially strong players can go up to 50%.

The three-point shooting rate, as long as it is above 35%, is already particularly high.

If calculated in terms of scoring efficiency, the scoring efficiency of 30% three-point shooting rate is equivalent to a two-point shot with 45% shooting rate.

And under the basket, obviously the scoring efficiency will be higher.

In other words, once the three-point shooting percentage is high enough, then the “magic ball theory” will be more efficient than the current method of scoring from mid-range.

The simple and easy-to-understand theory instantly impressed Carlisle.

That night, Carlisle slapped his fist excitedly, grabbed Pei Yun’s hand and said: “Such a simple theory, why doesn’t anyone use it!” ”

In fact, Carlisle’s referrer Nelson Sr. has noticed this and started experimenting, but it is only beginning to take shape and does not comprehend the core.

The focus of the run-and-bomb advocated by Nelson Sr. is to speed up the pace and drag the opponent down with physical strength.

The configuration of multiple three-offs on the outside line is just to add to the cake and open up space.

And Pei Yun gave Carlisle this set, but pressed down to slowly fight positional battles, which is in line with the characteristics of the Mavericks’ “four big with one small” lineup.

To apply this theory, only one factor needs to be completed.

That is to constantly train three-pointers and improve the team’s three-point shooting percentage.

Since that night, the Mavericks have spent almost every training day practicing on three-pointers.

The whole team from the inside to the outside, except for Dayao, who has the privilege of not practicing three-pointers, everyone else must practice.


On the field, the Broaders began to feel the power of the Starship Mavericks.

Greg Audon was a Wizard, and when he faced Dayao, who was 13 centimeters taller than him, he instantly lost his dominance under the basket.

Under the basket, even Ao Fat, whose strength is still at the peak, has suffered a lot under Dayao.

After eating a few deflated, Auden did not dare to hit Dayao again, but pulled out to shoot.

It’s just that his shooting is not very good, and he does not hit it from time to time.

After Brandon Roy scored two goals, the defender also changed from Green to the UAE.

Alliance’s ability to move, his height and arms, and his excellent confrontation made Roy very uncomfortable, and his shooting began to slide.

Aldridge also gradually became restrained when facing the league’s top superpower forward Novitsky.

Look at the Mavericks, on the other hand.

Dayao is still unstoppable on the inside, and Auden is not tall enough to act as a barrier to Dayao.

Although his bounce is very good, because he often eats Dayao’s feints, he no longer dares to jump after paying a few fouls.

And the trailblazers once Aldridge went to help defend Dayao.

Then there will be an empty space on Novitsky’s side immediately, and Dayao can easily give the ball to Nowitzki at this time.

What’s more, on the other side, there are Pei Yun and the two points of the UAE, which also make the Blazers’ defense uncomfortable.

As Pei Yun brought a wave of three-point rain again, the trailblazer’s defense line instantly began to rumble.

Perhaps because of the away game, the bench led by Kidd and Terry was a little uncomfortable, not in good shape, and was chased by the Blazers for some points.

But when the main team returned, the Blazers players found that they still couldn’t stop the Mavericks from scoring.

At the end of the first half, the Mavericks had a 15-point lead on the road 73:58.

In the second half, even though the Mavericks’ outside hand declined, the Trail Blazers still didn’t take advantage of the opportunity.

At most, the score was just seven points away, but the in-form Nowitzki broke out again and beat the young Aldridge to a loss with his new weapon, the Golden Rooster Independence.

In the end, the Mavericks won the game 136-121 on the road.

Pei Yun played 33 minutes and scored 21 points, 4 rebounds and 14 assists, Dayao scored 19 points, 11 rebounds and 4 blocks, UAE United 13 points and 6 rebounds, and Nowitzki scored a game-high 44 points.

On the Blazers’ side, last week’s Western Conference Player of the Week Auden was completely muted, and under Dayao’s defense, he only scored 13 points and 11 rebounds.

Brandon Roy played reasonably well, scoring 36 points.

Aldridge also scored 17 points.

Although the Big Three of the Blazers combined to score 66 points, there was still a huge gap compared with the 84 points of the Mavericks.

After the game, fans of other teams across the league finally desperate.

The seemingly powerful pioneers quickly revealed their prototype like a “paper tiger” in front of the starship warship calf.

Throughout the game, the Blazers eliminated Roy, and almost all of them were suppressed by the Mavericks.

And the competition between the coaches of the two sides in the formation of the formation, it is clear that the Mavericks’ Carlisle is superior.

The Mavericks won the game with little trouble.

Without the Blazers, fans who don’t want the Mavericks to win the championship are left with the “last straw.”

That’s right, the Los Angeles Lakers.

This Western Conference powerhouse with Kobe Bryant has lost to the Spurs and also to the Nuggets.

Even lost to the Blazers by a big margin.

But as long as this team has Kobe Bryant for one day, fans will believe that they are still full of possibilities.

Because Kobe Bryant is a player who can do miracles.

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