Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 285: Reverse invitation, if you can't learn it, you are not allowed to leave!

A brutal pegboard hat, before the commentators started to blow, was interrupted by a riot of troops under the basket.

Because Gai's force was too great, Zuo Li flew out of the sideline and lost control of the ball.

The ball that fell from the backboard immediately caused a riot, the Knicks, the Bulls, and everyone near the hurdles got involved, but eventually, the feeling of being slapped on the backboard and the basketball rebellion came up, shouting: I don't do the ball !

So he bounced from the crowd to the right sideline of nobody, not fast, but very firm!

While everyone was waiting for the ball to go out of bounds and watching the video playback, Zuo Li, who regained his balance from the baseline, shocked everyone with a diving dive to save the ball!

I saw Zuo Li stepped into the field from the bottom line outside the court, and then strode forward, but the distance was too far and the ball speed was too fast, Zuo Li would definitely not be able to get the ball, only Zuo Li jumped up and flew in the air Hold the ball with your right hand, then retrieve it in the air, and throw the ball behind your back into the court without looking at anyone!

The basketball accurately flew into the hands of Chandler under the basket. Chandler received the ball and subconsciously made a layup to score the ball!

But he didn't react until the referee blew the whistle that the goal was valid, how did the ball come back! ?

It was the fans at the scene who were the first to exclaim, because they were the closest, and they could see the whole process of Zuo Li's jumping. The whole process was so **** that they couldn't help but want to applaud!

"Zuo Li's position is not good. He has to avoid the post and his teammate Chandler on the bottom line. This position has been released by others, but Zuo Li has proved with practical actions that his fighting spirit is not just about playing easy balls. !" Barkley praised Zuoli for this ball well, no matter when, this kind of save that does not give up is worthy of praise.

Smith also nodded in agreement: "This ball Zuoli shows a real leadership style, the stadium is like this, if you have a little chance, you have to fight, if you do it, you may create miracles, obviously Zuoli's success Not without reason."

The Bulls fans at the scene also applauded Zuo Li's save. No matter in terms of brilliance or hard work, this ball is not inferior to Rodman's flying save.

Zuo Li, who fished the ball back, didn't turn around and jumped in order not to get injured, but followed the inertia and rushed into a strong man in the front row of VIPs.

Zuo Li, who had slowed down, took a closer look, isn't this Rodman!

Da Zong directly caught Zuo Li, but the two of them collided due to inertia, but this is Da Zong, and it would never be easier to change someone at this time. Not just anyone can handle it.

"OMG~! You are so strong." The big bug who helped Zuo Li up did nothing, but patted Zuo Li on the shoulder with great interest, and shouted happily, "Are you paying homage to me? Boy! Oh hoo, well done!"

Zuo Li rubbed the painful ribs that were hit. He could only say that people who came from the 1980s and 1990s were indeed monsters, and he was indeed a Madonna man who could catch him alive at this age.

"Forget it, buddy, you're always making people excited when you sit here. Real men are supposed to jump in! I hope they won't blame you for losing." Zuo Li responded with a hand spread out.

Rodman laughed and gave a thumbs up: "I like you kid, you're the funniest newcomer I've ever seen in this era."

"It's my honor." Zuo Li returned to the court after high-fives with Big Worm. He didn't expect such a dramatic interaction with Rodman.

But it also saves the embarrassment of forcing a conversation after the game.

Zuo Li used to be not a particularly outgoing person. When he crossed over and encountered a goat, it was the goat who made the first move, but now, the bombed system forced him to take the initiative.

All I can say is, the system, you gave me back my youth!

Oh, the system is gone, that's fine.

Zuo Li, who returned to the court, was replaced, because D'Antoni was afraid of falling there just now, so he called the team doctor to the bench to perform a simple examination on Zuo Li.

After confirming that it was all right, D'Antoni also let Zuo Li rest for a few minutes. Zuo Li should not have played so quickly, but the Bulls were in good shape tonight, and the fierce offensive disrupted D'Antoni's deployment.

However, Zuo Li quickly reversed the situation after he came on the court, not only scoring and blocking, but also Zuo Li's attitude of diving and saving the ball drove the Knicks players.

Everyone in the Knicks is like a chicken blood. Randolph, who came on the left standing on the bench, is a dunk while carrying Noah. This was never seen in the past, because Randolph, an old fritter, is definitely on the floor. loyal supporter.

And then, Novak, who came on as a substitute for Chandler, actually made a fake pass from beyond the three-point line, and flew into the inside after Luol Deng. Facing Thomas, who was on the defense, he made a tough shot!

After the basketball hit the board and bounced into the basket, Thomas fouled!

"Hoo~!" Novak roared up to the sky.

The Knicks bench was also swaying. Little Ewing shook the air as if he was drunk, and Zuo Li also waved the towel excitedly.

Novak is awesome, who said he can only shoot three-pointers, and occasional strength can have unexpected effects!

The penalty was added, and the Knicks played an anti-wave 8-0.

The consecutive points allowed the Knicks to regain the lead, and when they returned to the court after 3 and a half minutes, the Knicks had already led by 7 points.

And the contribution turned out to be five people on the Knicks field, Randolph, David Lee, Ke Liu, Novak and Dragic all scored, which is really rare in the Knicks.

And the credit was also put on Zuo Li's first round of blocking and diving to save the ball. This ball has really improved morale too After that, things will come naturally, although the Bulls double in the backcourt The gun was in good shape tonight, Ben Gordon scored 26 points, Rose scored 24 points, 10 assists and 3 steals.

But the Knicks blossomed more, with 7 players scoring in double figures, 2 scoring 20, Randolph 24 points and 8 rebounds, David Lee 14 points, K6 14 points, Novak 11 points, Larry Hughes 11 points, Dragic 10 points and 7 assists.

Zuo Li's 20 points, 12 rebounds and 3 blocks seemed a bit unremarkable.

Finally beat the Bulls away with a high score of 123-115!

After the game, Zuo Li still became the best of the game, and all the changes started from that wonderful diving save.

After the game, Rose also came to say hello to Zuo Li, and said with admiration: "That ball is very handsome. I think I should learn a lot from you."

"Where are you, you're welcome." Zuo Li smiled and hugged Ross' shoulders, so that the taciturn Ross could say so, then the ball must be very explosive. At the same time, Zuo Li also wanted to communicate with Ross on the court. topic of.

As a result, while the two of them were talking, a man in strange clothes appeared in front of them.

"Hey, Zuo Li! You did a good job tonight! I heard that you are learning skills on the court with others. Coincidentally, look at me! I am the king of rebounding many times! How about it, do you want to learn it! "

Zuo Li looked at Rodman's face in confusion, good guy, reverse invitation, isn't it, this is not the same as his plan!

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