Chapter 129: Future Action! Ace of trump cards!.

“Futian, I now officially invite you to return to Lingnan.”

“Please give the coach a chance to change.”

Shigeichi Taoka’s sincerity gave Fukuda a great impact in his heart. People with high self-esteem are also sensitive and temperamental.

Coach Taoka undoubtedly gave him the greatest respect.

From the moment he apologized, Fukuda’s heart had begun to waver. Until this sentence gave the coach a chance to change, Fukuda’s heart was completely attacked. The coach is so, it’s worth it.

And returning to Lingnan is also his idea all along, and another point is Bai Ze. Yes, because of him again.

Fukuda, like Rukawa Kaede at that time, wanted to defeat this person! Lingnan is the fastest way to fight Bai Ze.

Not qualified? Now the qualification comes!

Fukuda got up and respectfully served Shigeichi Taoka a cup of hot tea.

“Coach, I’m sorry.”

In this way, under the timely repentance of Shigeichi Taoka, Fukuda Yoshi returned to Lingnan. Let Lingnan’s book strength be improved again.

With three musketeers in one hand, Shigeru Taoka is confident about the upcoming Final Four! It was 670 the day before the semifinals began.

Shirasawa and Sanae met with several guests. At this time, several people sat opposite each other.

On one side are Sanae Shirasawa and Kaede Rukawa. On the other side is Mike Okita and…

“Kaede Rukawa!! I didn’t expect to meet you here! I watched your semifinals, you’re pretty strong, hey… It’s a pity, it’s a pity, if it weren’t for Bai Ze, maybe you would be the best newcomer this year. ”

“But I’m lucky to say so, if I play in the same year as the two of you, I guess I won’t have any limelight.”

“Ah, no, no, next year Mike should also play, still have to overwhelm me, hey… It’s not a good time. Katsumiichiro fully brushes his sense of presence. ”

From the moment I entered the house, I basically never heard anyone else’s voice. Until the unbearable Ruchuan Feng made a move to get him.

A plastic bag was inhumanely attached to his mouth… Bai Ze and Mike Okita couldn’t help but applaud.

Mike Okita couldn’t help but smack his lips,

“Bai Ze, you really have a good life, this sister is even more beautiful than the one last time.”

“Can you let me know this time.”

With that, Mike Okita stood up politely and stretched out a hand. However, Bai Ze blocked him back again.



“Let’s get down to business.”


Mike Okita sat down with regret. Sanae glanced at Bai Ze with deep meaning, and this glance was a shocking glance in Mike Okita’s eyes: The thoroughness of beauty. Bai Ze smiled awkwardly.

However, the next moment the smile froze on his face.

Just under the table, Sanae’s big beautiful leg rubbed him intentionally or unintentionally. That touch, silky at the moment…

“Okay, let’s get down to business.”

Prodding Bai Ze, Sanae seemed to be satisfied, and changed into a serious face and cut to the point.

This meeting was naturally to communicate with Mike Okita about the brokerage company.

As for the agent side, Mike Okita, who has been living abroad, knows a lot. And interested in it.

It’s just that he doesn’t have a game to play this year and doesn’t know what development he can have. I don’t know why Bai Ze chose him, an unknown player from Kanagawa. Because in his perception, the broker is mainly responsible for business planning.

But he has no commercial value at all now.

So Sanae said their next steps.

This point was also told to Rukawa Feng before, but the time was not ripe enough at that time.

Now it seems that it is ready to get started. For this reason, Rukawa Kaede also came on purpose, first, he is one of the signed players and a participant in future planning.

Second, he wants to see for himself whether the new player is a nobody.

Before the two sat down, Kaede Rukawa fought a head-to-head fight with Mike Okita. This single single Bai Ze did not participate, nor did he watch it, it can be regarded as saving face for both of them. In Bai Ze’s heart, their current level is almost fifty-five.

But from the point of view of winning heart, the high probability of winning is Rukawa Kaede. The final result Bai Ze didn’t ask, and they didn’t say. Anyway, I can sit happily together…

Regarding the next step of the brokerage company’s planning, Sanae said.

Let Mike Okita exhale. First of all, Sanae, the agent, will continue to sign players, and clearly expressed to Mike Okita that he will not sign the unknown. That is, the final team of players will be the best of the best.

This point is actually similar to the planning of Green Wind, but the pattern is different. Those lonely powerhouses of Green Wind are rabble here in Shirasawa and Sanae.

This alone made Mike Okita jump, and Katsumiichiro next to him was also staring and jumping with excitement, but his mouth was sticky, and he couldn’t hear what he was saying.

Next, before the team is assembled, Sanae will enlist some sponsors to hold a prefecture-wide and even nationwide tour tournament. Including 1v1, 3v3, 5v5, etc., depending on the situation of the contracted player.

The opponent is naturally the elite who invites everywhere.

Not to mention that in the future, with the popularity of Bai Ze and Rukawa Kaede now, there are many players who will want to beat them. Popularity of playing the factory card through challenges.

So as to attract more stars.

At the same time, the commercial effect can also be imagined.

After the team of players is formed, the third step of planning begins. This step was also the first time that Liuchuan Feng heard it.

Soon, he couldn’t help but join the surprise and anticipation of Mike Okita and Katsumiichiro.

“Sign! Must sign! Thank you for finding me, I will definitely do my best. ”

Mike Okita said excitedly.

Sanae smiled slightly,

“You don’t have a way to make a price yet, but I’ll find a way to help you arrange it, just get ready, Sanae handed over the signed contract.”

Mike Okita hurriedly looked at the pen and signed. Sanae, on the other hand, stopped him.

“Forgot to say a little.”

“After signing the contract, you will leave Green Wind High School, where you will always be a nobody, I think the level of Green Wind should be clear in your heart.”

“As your agent, I will arrange a new place for you to go, at least to stay in a competitive team.”

Mike Okita hesitated for a moment, revealing a smile.

Then the contract was signed.

“Listen to your arrangement, I’ll explain it myself over there.”

Mike Okita said firmly.

At this point, Shirasawa signed the third player with Sanae’s agency, the strongest hybrid, Mike Okita. These three are all strength and appearance.

The commercial value is immeasurable.

“Hmm! Hmmmm!! ”


Bai Ze slapped his brain,

“Let’s forget about this…”

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