Basketball Commander

Chapter 564: 2 lightning

In the first half of the second quarter between the Heat and the 76ers, everyone's eyes were on Wade and Han Miao.


   For nothing else, these two people are really conspicuous!


   From the moment the two confronted each other, they all started to fight for speed. Wade was nicknamed "The Flash", which was recognized by the entire league in terms of speed.


  Although Wade’s injury problem was more troublesome this year, Wade did manage to maintain his body in the final match. So today, Wade is really good at speed.


   However, Han Miao not only does not lose in speed, but has a feeling of overwhelming Wade!


   Because Wade never left Han Miao even once!


   "Dwyane seems to be in trouble, he can't get rid of Han?"


   Kenny Smith and Reggie Miller are both surprised. It's not that Wade has not played against Han Miao, but in their impression, it seems that Wade is still faster in speed!


   Could it be said that this year's injury really caused Wade to lose speed?


   Of course, this is not the case. Wade himself knows best. From a physical point of view, he is currently recovering almost the same, and his speed should not drop much. Now he can’t get rid of Han Miao. The only explanation is that the opponent has become faster.


   Isn't it? Anyway, Han Miao is also the owner of the Hall of Fame-level speed badge. If he can't keep up with Wade, it would be really shameful.


   "Is this the only Flash speed? Dwyane, don't you tell me you are old?"


   Not only did Han Miao not suffer in speed, but he never stopped the stealing action and the trash talking in his mouth. That is to say, Wade was more powerful. If Han Miao did not succeed in stealing, he might be in bad luck.


   "Dwyane passes the ball!"


   There is no way, Wade couldn't find a chance to shoot himself, so he could only pass the ball, but when he passed the ball to James, he found that James did not shoot, but immediately passed the ball to Bosh!


   Why, there is no time! LeBron’s projection is not very stable, and there is not enough time to break. What else can he do now without passing the ball?




   The moment Bosh received the ball was extremely depressed. What is it? Pass the ball to me at this time. I don't even have a chance to aim!


   shot hurriedly before the end of 24 seconds, the action was completely deformed, the ball couldn't be scored at a glance!




   As expected, the ball hit the basket and bounced out!


   "Rebound! Rebound!"


   In an instant, everyone was ready to grab the rebound, but at this time a dark figure suddenly rushed out of the outside line. He rushed in and took the rebound first, and then volleyed and dunked!


  James! The person who rushed in was James!


   Look, this operation not only increased his data by two points and one rebound, but also made Bosh miss a shot!


   "LeBron rushed to grab the rebounds to make up for dunks. This is very good. Chris's shooting selection just now is really a bit..."


   "Don't talk about it, the offense is offensive in almost 24 seconds. It would be nice to be able to shoot."


   "Yes, LeBron is good..."


   Although it is the home of the 76ers, there are still a lot of Heat fans gathered in one corner. After they saw James help the team stabilize the situation, they also praised him.


  This conversation is of course unfair. After all, Bosh's shot was suddenly received by James when the offensive time was approaching. He can't be blamed for not making this shot. Strictly speaking, this is James's pot!


   Han Miao takes the ball, he and Wade face to face one to one.


   Pour the ball continuously, turn around and accelerate.


   Han Miao didn't talk nonsense with Wade, he wants to try now, can he beat Wade in the purest speed match!


   Then, the audience seemed to see two lightning bolts on the court! Wade bet on his nickname and entangled Han Miao abruptly!


  The loss is because Wade is a strong man. For someone with a poor body, there is really no way to maintain this speed even under such severe physical confrontation.


   At this moment, the two seem to have forgotten the existence of their teammates, and only each other is left in their eyes!


   "Dwyane, you are really strong. If you are not injured, I really may not be able to beat you in speed."


   After consecutive unsuccessful passes, Han Miao suddenly took the initiative to retreat, opened the space, and then dropped the ball on the spot.


   Wade can also take a breath first. During this period of time, he and Han Miao are so pure and fast, which is actually very tiring work.


   "You are very good. In two years, I might not be able to catch up with you."


   Wade has to admit that Han Miao has made rapid progress. Now if it weren't for his possession of the ball, he might have lost his speed.


   "Thank you for the compliment, but... wait another two years? No, no, no need."


   After hearing Wade’s words, Han Miao first expressed his gratitude, and then corrected Wade’s mistakes shamelessly.


   "Oh? Do you think two years are too slow?"


   Wade was a little surprised at first, and then a little bit self-deprecating. It seems that the decline in his state has been seen by young people, and he thought he should be pretty good for the next two years.


   "Dwyane, I mean, in terms of speed, I have surpassed you, and the overall strength should not be much worse."


   Han Miao did not say that he surpassed Wade in honor and status, but only told him that in speed and reality, I have surpassed you.


   "Hehe, although I know you are making rapid progress, you have to respect your seniors too!"


   Wade is a little angry, what happened to this guy today? How many dishes are drunk like this? Even if you are one-on-one now, you're going to explode with me at most, right?


   "Hey, look at Dwyane, I never speak big words!"


  Han Miao ended this conversation, and he didn't have much time to attack, and he needed to score quickly.


   Wade took a step closer, he was going to see what else this guy could do.




   The basketball hit the ground, but the next moment the goose, Han Miao, who was still standing in front of Wade, was no longer visible!


"how is this possible?"


   Wade turned around and backed intuitively, but hit Yao Ming who had come up for the pick-and-roll, while Han Miao's figure appeared on the other side. He was completing a mid-range emergency stop jumper! The shot was finished just before the 24-second whistle sounded! And the buzzer hit!


too fast! What happened at this moment?


   The commentary is because they can't believe it.


   Actually, when Yao Ming came up for the pick-and-roll, Wade heard the sound, and even slightly turned his eyes to predict the position.


   But who would have thought that Yao Ming was just a support? At that moment, Han Miao moved his body in the other direction, passed and shot, and the action was done in one go!


   Mainly, he burst out too fast at that moment! It's really like a yellow lightning!


   At this time, Han Miao can be equipped with special effects. His eyes are leaking electricity again!


   Exclusive mode experience version, remaining times: 26


   Yes, Han Miao just opened up brazenly! Relying on the hooks bought can still be used, openly cheating!


   But, don’t you tell, I don’t tell, who knows he really cheated...

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